Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 110 It's a pity for her

Xie Yuci suddenly turned his head away, as if he didn't want to look at An Luofu any more.

He tilted his head and answered him lightly: "Naturally, I want to take her to find a warmer place to rest. The evening wind is cold and hard, and she is still sick, so it is not easy for her to stay in a high place for a long time."

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked around with a half-smile.Most of the disciples of the immortal sect around them were confused because of the unusual divine power vision just now, and some of them were still like frightened birds.

He shook his head, sneered, and said: "After all, when all the strong disciples of the immortal sect are in danger, only this fool is willing to repay kindness and risk death to save them. However, she is afraid that she will not be able to compete with you any more. Ripped off."

After saying that, Xie Yuci turned his head and gave Lian Weiming a cold look again, and said slowly and coldly:
"You should really feel lucky. If she hadn't blocked that blow for you just now, you would have been out of your wits right now, and you wouldn't even have the chance to be reincarnated."

Lian Weiming moved his lips up and down a few times.

He seemed to want to explain something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The faces of many immortal disciples around were also bluish and red, and even Fang Peng, who had seen Xie Yuci before, was silent at this time.

An Luofu didn't care about Xie Yuci's ridicule and hostility towards the disciples of Xianmen at this time, he just asked anxiously:
"Young Master Xie, what happened to my senior sister? We need to rush to Jiusheng Mountain as soon as possible, so that my father can heal my senior sister's pulse."

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said impatiently: "What do you say? Your character is not bad, but why is your mind not very bright?
What is the pulse at this time?Her spirit veins have been sealed by some palace lord of your Duanxu Palace, so what can you find out just by detecting her veins?Unless it is to inject spiritual power into her body to detect the pulse.

However, she had a high fever for several days before, and her body was exhausted. I'm afraid she couldn't help using her spiritual power to visit her veins arbitrarily. "

An Luofu stopped talking when he heard the words, but the worried expression on his face became more serious.

After a while, he suddenly said softly: "Young master Xie, take my senior sister away first, and I will cut off the queen for you. But if you have settled my senior sister, please send me a message."

Xie Yuci was really surprised this time.

He let out a soft "huh", and then looked at him calmly.

Xie Yuci originally thought that most of the disciples of the Immortal Sect were pedantic and only knew how to abide by the rules and etiquette, and they valued the rules and regulations of the Immortal Sect more than anything else.

Unexpectedly, in the heart of this fairy disciple named An Luofu, his senior sister's life and death are far more important than others.

This really surprised him.

Xie Yuci glanced at him silently, then nodded lightly without any hesitation - he was not worried about the safety of Zhuo Qingtan's junior brother at all.

I heard that this is the young master of Jiusheng Mountain.

Presumably even if An Luofu was captured because of them, no one would dare to embarrass him in the territory of Yanzhou Prefecture.

So, Xie Yuci reached out and put Zhuo Qingtan's windproof cap on the back of Zhuo Qingtan's head, and turned around to cast a spell and leave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a white-haired figure landed on the roof immediately!
Accompanied by a particularly old voice: "——Xianjun! Please stay!"


Are you calling him?

Xie Yuci paused for a moment, and turned his head to look impatiently, only to see that the person who came was wearing a blue Taoist uniform of the elder Wu Wanghai, with white hair and beard, but he had a bit of fairy air .

When Zhao Qi and Lian Weiming saw the person coming, they seemed to see a savior immediately, and they saluted respectfully and loudly in surprise:

"—Uncle Peng!"

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows slightly.

So this is the savior they have been waiting for?

——Peng Guanhai, the elder of Wuwanghai.

He only glanced at it, then shook his head slightly and sneered.

These arrogant mortals, just relying on this old man, even if Zhuo Qingtan hadn't let Wan Qing and Ling Rong go, even with his Taoism, he couldn't move Wan Qing and Ling Rong in the slightest.

But judging from Zhuo Qingtan's face at that time, it seems that this old man is carrying a strange treasure, hiding some top-grade magic weapon that can be used against the big demon.

Peng Guanhai ignored the two disciples who were overjoyed. He looked at him with excitement and thanked Yuci for a moment, then he didn't hesitate anymore.

Peng Guanhai lifted the hem of his clothes and kneeled solemnly on the ground.

——The audience was shocked.

Not only Wuwanghai's disciples turned pale with shock, but even the surrounding disciples of Pingjinge and Jiusheng Mountain's immortal sect also stared in amazement.

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at him with a puzzled and impatient expression.

What is this old man doing?
I'm afraid this person is probably sick.

But Peng Guanhai didn't care about other people's eyes, he was kneeling on the roof eaves, solemnly kowtowed - yes, it's still a great gift of worshiping God three times and nine times!
Zhao Qi stared blankly at Elder Peng's movements, and murmured in confusion, "Master Peng? This is you."

Could it be that Uncle Peng has some kind of hysteria?
Why did you give such a big gift to this boy?

Or, this mortal boy with strange powers is also a terrifying monster who shakes the world?Unexpectedly, even Master Peng was bewitched by him?
Just as the young disciples of the Immortal Sect at the scene were wondering, they heard that Peng Guanhai had already performed three kneelings and nine knockings.

He lowered his brows and eyes humbly, didn't even dare to get up, but still knelt on the ground, bowed respectfully and bowed his head to thank Xie Yu:
"Immortal Monarch! The old man just saw the dazzling light here in the city, and saw many immortal power stars falling from the sky all over the sky, which can only be seen when the immortal monarchs of the nine layers of heaven are performing immortal arts, so they knew that there must be immortal kings from the heavens. Yanzhou Prefecture.

In such a mortal festival, the people of this city can see the immortal power scattered by the immortal king, which is really the greatest blessing in this life. "

He kowtowed respectfully again and said: "The young disciples don't know the importance, and they don't know the true immortal. However, when I was an old man, I was lucky enough to see an earth immortal blessing a local five-blessed old man.

——Of course, the celestial power and stars of that Earth Immortal are far less dazzling than the celestial power that the Immortal Lord used just now. "

Xie Yuci paused for a moment, then glanced at him calmly.

It turned out to be the case.

This old man is not dizzy and sick, but saw the magic technique he used with divine power just now, so he misunderstood him as an immortal from the Nine Heavens?

It's just that Peng Guanhai is still a mortal after all, and he has little chance to meet real gods in his life.

Therefore, he didn't know that although the weak immortal power of the earth immortal, the immortal power of the ordinary little immortal, and the vigorous immortal power of the upper immortal seem similar from a distance, they are actually very different from each other.

And what Xie Yuci used just now was not the power of the Nine Heavens, but the innate power of a person born with divine bones.

Xie Yuci was slightly silent, if the sun candle was still alive today, then he and he should be the only ones in the world who can use innate divine power.

The Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao is born with a godhead and a godly bone, and is a well-deserved god.And although Xie Yuci has a godly bone, he has no godhead, and he can barely be considered a demigod.

He subconsciously looked down at the person in his arms.

It's a pity for her.

The dignified chaos was born to be holy, the heaven and the earth are pure and pure, but in the end, it ended up with all the godheads, all the souls, and the bones of the gods.

Even if he manages to gather a trace of spirit and reincarnate again, he will no longer be the body of the inborn holy god.

There is no half-divided power.

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