In my memory, the girl approached slowly, bent down and gently wiped away the wet tears on his sister's face, then smiled warmly and said to them:

"Don't cry, can my sister take you to another place to play?"

An Luofu and his younger sister Yu Nong stared at her blankly, subconsciously nodded.

They have never seen such a beautiful girl, even more beautiful than the "mother" in their memory.

It's only because they were too young at that time, and the words in their minds were too scarce. Apart from "beautiful", they couldn't think of other more accurate descriptions at that time.

Later, the girl took him with one hand and hugged his sister in the other, and said goodbye to their father.

That year, he and Yu Nong were only eight years old.

And that girl was just a 14-year-old girl.

I don't know how she persuaded their father at that time, and I don't know why their father, who was always cold and unruly, was persuaded by such a young girl.

In short, since then, they no longer have to hurt and quarrel with their father, and they no longer have to be punished frequently or locked up in the ancestral temple to think about their mistakes.

She actually took them away.

Take them to an extremely beautiful fairy sect with picturesque mountain views and a fairyland.

——Duanxu Palace.

Their brothers and sisters also worshiped under the lord of the Duanxu Palace.

And that girl, who was as beautiful as a fairy who helped the world, became their senior sister ever since.

Although the master is always busy with many things, it seems that apart from their senior sisters, other things can hardly cause the slightest fluctuation of the master, and the old man rarely has time to teach them Taoism and swordsmanship in person.

However, the siblings never felt alone.

Because the senior sisters teach on behalf of the teachers, and teach them carefully every day.

Their senior sister, Zhuo Qingtan, used her seemingly thin bones to prop up a body of immortal demeanor and morality, and also supported the entire childhood and youth of the two brothers and sisters.

Although their mother died young and their father was strict, they have never lacked love since then.

Now, he and Yu Nong are 15 years old. They have grown up and can finally protect their senior sister.

The senior sister always taught them that their father had difficulties and that their father loved them deeply.

Therefore, they don't want to let her down, they are also very obedient, keep the etiquette, and do their duty as children.

During the holidays or going out to practice, they will prepare rituals to honor the father who is already a little stranger and who is thousands of miles away.

But today, they are no longer the two children who would often cry when they left their mother.

Some things, which were not obtained at the time, may not be wanted anymore after the passage of time.

——For example, the attention and love of the father.

An Pinhan was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled lightly at Zhuo Qingtan and said, "Did you see that? Niece Xian, you said that their character is like mine, they are righteous and kind-hearted.

But in fact. Their paranoia, bad temper and hostility are more like me.

But fortunately, Brother Mei and you are pure and kind people, you carefully teach them and guide them to be kind, otherwise they would not be so arrogant and indulgent today. "

An Luofu smiled coldly in his heart.

See, in their father's heart, he and Yu Nong have always been stubborn people who cannot be taught.

He always looked at them with such disgust, and then scolded them for not being like their mother at all.

But he didn't want to argue with his father any more at this time.

One is that this is meaningless, and the other is that the senior sister is right in front of him, and he doesn't want to embarrass his senior sister.

Zhuo Qingtan frowned slightly when he heard An Pinhan say about An Luofu and An Yunong, and said in a deep voice:

"Uncle An Shi, this statement is wrong. You have always been kind to us juniors, and you have always tolerated our mistakes. But for Luo Fu and Yu Nong, please be more fair."

An Luofu was startled suddenly when he heard the words.

He raised his head suddenly and looked at the extremely thin figure standing in front of him.

Immediately, he smiled lightly, lowered his head and said nothing.

How can there be two perfect laws in the world, and everything that is lost must be gained.

The resentment in his heart before was completely dissipated at this time.

His senior sister was right in front of her, so how could she watch him being wronged.Even in the face of his father, his senior sister will always protect them.

An Pinhan also paused slightly when he heard the words, he raised a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes, looked at her lightly, and said slowly:

"Niece Xian, because you have a preference in your heart, it's good to see them anywhere. It's like a wife. This is spoiling, and it's not good."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled, and said: "Uncle Shi, although this junior thinks he is somewhat defensive, he is never a fool, so please listen to me.

Luo Fu has always been a man of integrity and courtesy, talented and intelligent, and has a good reputation among the younger generation of Xianmen Baijia, and he has never acted arrogantly.

As for Yu Nong, although he seldom leaves Chong'a Mountain, he behaves decently, is simple and kind, and is loved by many fellow disciples in the intermittent palace.

They are all rare and good children, and it is by no means that I have misjudged them because of preference.

Uncle Shi, the younger generation understands your good intentions of "Jade can't be cut into a tool", and Qingtan is a younger generation, so it shouldn't be said that you and Luo Fuyu have a close relationship with each other.

But to teach children, if you have done something wrong, you should be punished, and if you have merit, you should be praised.People's hearts are inherently fragile, and they can't help but grind repeatedly. "

An Pinhan frowned deeply when he heard this, he was silent for a long time without speaking.

At this moment, suddenly a bright and clear youthful voice resounded beside them, Xie Yuci flashed in front of them with a smile and cast a spell, and said with a half-smile and a hint:
"—Yo? Guys, what are you talking about, it's so lively?"

An Pinhan was taken aback, quickly sealed and saluted, and said respectfully: "Xianjun."

An Luofu also saluted, and he subconsciously called out, "Thank you, Young Master."

However, An Pinhan's eyes turned cold immediately, and he turned his head and scolded: "Presumptuous! You should respect your majesty as an 'Xianjun'! Why are you so ignorant of etiquette? Fortunately, Zhuo Zhanggong was still praising you for being polite."

In fact, An Pinhan always called Zhuo Qingtan "Zhuo Zhang Gong" in formal occasions.

Even when she is a little more relaxed, she is called "Qingtan".

Especially in front of outsiders, he would never show off his seniority to Zhuo Qingtan and call her "niece" in front of the other immortals.

The palm palace of Duanxu Palace, the future palace master of Duanxu Palace, the head of the world's immortal sect, must not lose face in front of others.

This is also the reason why he wanted to speak for Zhuo Qingtan even if he would annoy Peng Guanhai just now.

Seeing this, Xie Yuci smiled, and he waved his hand lightly.

"Master An doesn't have to be so strict, it doesn't matter what you call Xie. Your son once helped me in Wuxia Town and helped me. He and I can be regarded as old, but there is no need to be so different."

An Pinhan immediately said respectfully: "Yes, the fairy is merciful, don't care about it, it is a blessing for children."

Xie Yu said with a smile that was not a smile: "However, Xie happened to hear Zhuo Xian's high-level remarks just now. She said that the human heart is fragile, so I can't bear to grind it over and over again." I think this is true. opposite pole.

Come to think of it, Immortal Zhuo is sympathetic to all sentient beings, so he will definitely not do such evil things that torture people's hearts. "

Zhuo Qingtan glanced at him indifferently, before he had time to speak.

An Luofu frowned, and said very unhappy:

"That's natural, Mr. Xie, what are you talking about? My senior sister has a noble character and is upright. She definitely won't play tricks on people's hearts."

"Nizi! Shut up!"

An Pinhan scolded.

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