Tens of thousands of years ago, the little snake that was about to die among the shattered snake eggs had to meet Xie Yu at the foot of the funeral mountain. Could it be considered a destiny?
Wan Qing had to meet Xie Yuci, so she was rescued by him and saved her life.

It was precisely because Xie Yuci picked her back that she had the opportunity to meet her, the eminent Nine Heavens Emperor Taiyin Youying who had crowned the Three Realms ten thousand years ago.

Therefore, he also got the chance to be recorded under the name of Taiyin Youying, becoming a well-known fairy beast in the Nine Heavens Beast Division, and becoming a registered disciple of the West Pole Zhuoyi Immortal Palace.

It's just that a matter of fate, one drink and one peck, is destiny.

But the way of heaven is tossed and turned, and it has always been impermanent.

She was once listed in the class of immortals and awarded immortality because of her blessings.

It was also because of her mistake that the celestial spirit was shattered and reduced to the demon way.

Looking at it now, it is really hard to tell whether Wan Qing met the two of them by chance or bad fate.

An Luofu was silent for a moment, but still frowned, and said in a deep voice, "If that's all, then that's all! But they."

He seemed ashamed to speak, and after deliberating several times, he continued:
"However, they are still flirting with Xie Xianjun, getting involved endlessly, and even frequently entering and leaving Xie Xianjun's guest room in the middle of the night. These witches really don't know how to behave!"

Zhuo Qingtan sighed.

"Luo Fu, they are demons, and their deeds are open and unrestrained. Naturally, they don't pay attention to the etiquette of men and women's defense like mortal women. But you can't ruin your daughter's family's reputation by relying on such pretentious things."

She quietly glanced at An Luofu, and said: "If you want to say this, then Xie Yuci also often comes and goes in and out of my guest room, don't you also think that the relationship between me and him is not very clean?"

"Of course not!"

An Luofu immediately said loudly: "How can they be compared with the senior sister? The senior sister has lived a life of righteousness, helping the world, saving the people, eliminating demons and defending the Tao.

Zhuo Qingtan interrupted him coldly: "What are they just? Are you trying to say, are they just demons?"

An Luofu paused for a moment, he was silent for a moment, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Senior sister, I'm sorry, I let you down, but you know me, I just feel angry for a while, and I don't mean to humiliate them.

If they are in danger one day, as long as they are good monsters who are dedicated to good and have never done evil.Then I will stand up and draw my sword to help, but but"

He frowned slightly distressed, as if he didn't know how to express it clearly.

Zhuo Qingtan spoke softly for him.

"I know what you mean. You are pure-hearted and have justice in your heart. As long as their hearts are good, you will stand up and protect them no matter they are humans or demons.

However, because of their identities, you can't easily let go of your guard and have an equal relationship with them, can you? "

An Luofu was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly.


Zhuo Qingtan smiled lightly and sighed.

That's right, the disciples of the Immortal Sect have been taught since childhood to eliminate demons, defend the Tao, and protect the common people.An Luofu would have such concerns, but she actually understood.

Just like Xie Yuci, the fierce god back then.

Obviously he is just a free and unrestrained young man, because he was born as a fierce god, he will be despised by all the gods in the sky, and he will also be guarded by monsters and beasts.

He has no family, no friends, not even his own kind.

If he looks like a god but not a god, if he looks fierce but not fierce, no one will really regard him as his own.

Xie Yuci seems to be always alone, and always uses his coquettish aloofness to cover up the infinite loneliness bestowed upon him by the injustice of heaven and earth.

But what was wrong with him?
What is wrong should not be a person's origin, but a person's words and deeds.

Those monsters who were born to be monsters and were born to be fierce, what's wrong with them?
Zhuo Qingtan suddenly smiled very lightly, then shook his head lightly.

In fact, she was wrong.

Back then, the Holy Emperor had power all over the sky, with boundless divine power, strict control over his body, and generosity in helping others.

At that time, the holy emperor of the past, admiring all beings in the world, took the three realms as his duty everywhere.

——Anyone should sigh, she is the most merciful and merciful emperor in Jiuchongtian, who bestows grace on the world.

However, the Holy Emperor was born noble, and she was the most noble holy god in the world when she was born.

All her compassion, all kindness, and all fraternity are all because she was born with a godhead, and she was born a god.

Therefore, no matter how kind and merciful the Holy Emperor is in the Three Realms, no matter how compassionate she is, she is always limited by her innate identity.

——Because, she never thought of reversing the order of the three realms, so that gods, immortals, demons, villains, and humans would no longer be frozen, bound, and fateful for a lifetime because of their innate backgrounds.

From the beginning to the end, she looked at the common people from the perspective of God.

It's ridiculous to say that being born is the most holy, and the oracle is the glory that others flock to and can't dream of.

However, back then, the Holy Emperor who was born to sit on the supreme throne of the Three Realms, had thought about such a question.
——If she is not a god, what can she do?

And who is she?
Taiyin Youying is just the original name of her divine power of Yin and Yang, and Qushengdijun is just the honor and immortal title bestowed on her by the emperor of the Holy God and the immortals of the Nine Heavens.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, she was a person without a name.

The natural godhead endowed Taiyin Youying with infinite divinity and compassion, but it also made her only a god forever.

She can do things fairly and justly, so that the Three Realms can appeal for grievances, and the appeals will be rewarded.

But she never thought about why she was born a god?Why is she born to dominate the common people?

Until that day, more than [-] years ago, on the coast of the East China Sea, Xianshan Daiyu.
She leaned against the arms of the Holy God Emperor's sun candle, endured the severe pain that made her tremble, and looked blankly at the sunset in the sky.

The sky was getting late, and the dim orange-red sunlight was just like the light of the fallen gods at that time.

When her godhead was completely destroyed and her spirit disappeared, she seemed to suddenly understand.

What God?
What fairy?
What evil?
What evil?
What mortal?
It turned out that she was actually just her.

She who wanted to protect the common people in vain, but also wished to guard the fairy mountain alone, to protect a young man named Junbie from any worries in this life, and to grow old smoothly.

It turned out that the most pure and pure emperor of the past, Taiyin Youying, would one day be "delivered" by a fierce god.

From a god without sorrow or joy, she was finally "transformed" into a secular "ordinary person" with flesh and blood, who understands sorrow and joy, and is well-informed.

However, even if this feeling is for a moment, he will not regret it even if he dies.

There is no such thing as the best of both worlds.

Great love and little love, running in opposite directions, dying and disappearing, love is tireless.

So, at the last moment, she did not hesitate to shatter the bones of her whole body inch by inch, and then pulled them out piece by piece!

Using the divine bones of Taiyin Youying, the god of Yuanshi Shangshen, Liangyi and Zhiyin, to create this magic circle of heaven, which is enough to reborn the fierce god and wash away the turbidity of the whole body.

It's a pity that she understood it too late, when she was too late, she was unable to change the order of the heaven and the three realms, let alone the barriers and classes between different races.

It seemed that she could only protect that one person when it was late.

And at that moment, whether he understands her or doesn't understand her, these are actually no longer important.

Whether he hates her or not, she "can't" care anymore.

If she hesitates, she will lose everything.

The magic circle has been completed, and more than 9000 years have passed, success or failure is only a matter of one action, and she can only succeed.

Thank you, I'm sorry.

I know that you have resentment and hatred in your heart, so it is good that you have always been as you are now.

You don't know anything, and you never need to know anything.

Since you want to hate, then hate thoroughly, openly, and without hesitation.

Only if you can persevere to the end, can I be ruthless and persevere.

Stick to it and lie to you to the end.

To deceive you. Never again will you be entangled and tormented by the fierce power and majestic purple energy born in the beginning of chaos.

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