Xie Yuci didn't seem to be aware of Wan Qing's "careful intentions", he slowly raised one hand, and gently pressed the back of his hand against the corner of his lips, and then there was a faint smile on one side of his lips.

There was also a trace of nostalgia on his face.

"When you were young, you lived happily and freely. In fact, your temperament is no different from Ling Rong's, and there are no rules. It's just later"

Having said this, Xie Yuci suddenly fell silent, and the smile on his lips gradually disappeared.

It was only later that she encountered a great change, and all the past was overthrown and rebuilt.

Those years of being carefree and loved by others came to an abrupt end when she was in her 200s, and it was never the same as before.

Although Xie Yuci didn't say the whole thing, Wan Qing already understood what he meant.

But at this moment, Zhuo Qingtan, who was fiddling with the teacup in his hand, showed no superfluous expression on his face, as if he didn't know what they were talking about, and he seemed not interested in the riddle between them.

However, her other right hand, which was hidden under the cloud sleeve of the wide immortal Taoist uniform, was subconsciously clenched tightly, and her nails even dug out a few deep marks on her palm with such force.

The tip of her tongue pressed against her own teeth silently, maintaining a calm and self-possessed expression on her face.

Wan Qing was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked sadly and relievedly at Ling Rong who was frowning at them with a bewildered expression, and then said softly:

"Yeah, looking at it this way, Lingrong is actually very lucky. A person's life doesn't need to be spectacular, earth-shattering, and soul-stirring. If you can live this life calmly, mediocrely, and ordinary, it might be another kind of life. luck."

After Lingrong heard this, she immediately became unhappy.

She seemed to be a little angry, and immediately forgot the lesson of sealing her throat with the previous technique, and stood up again, with raised brows, and looked at Wan Qing displeasedly with her mouth pouted.

"Grandma? What are you talking about? Who is mediocre? Who is boring? I have always been famous among the goblins in our Tibetan Xiushan area and Yanzhou Prefecture, okay?

The monster races in the two places here, whoever mentions me, can't praise me, although my origin is not obvious, and my original shape is just a jade rabbit, but I have changed my fate against the sky, and my Taoism is far better than many big monsters with powerful backgrounds? "

Xie Yuci and Wan Qinggu were taken aback.

Their sorrowful thoughts were interrupted by Lingrong's remarks, completely disturbing and breaking up.

Xie Yuci was silent for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing. He nodded solemnly and agreed, and then said with a light smile:
"That's true. Looking at the three realms and nine states, Ling Rong can definitely be regarded as the most powerful rabbit spirit in cultivation."

Hearing this, Wan Qing couldn't help smiling, even Zhuo Qingtan, who had always been expressionless and indifferent before, looked at him with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Ling Rong immediately nodded vigorously, and said loudly: "Of course! If I, Ling Rong, are ranked second among the rabbit spirits, who would dare to be the first?"

She moved the stool and walked towards Xie Yuci and Wan Qing in a few "bass, babble" steps, winking and continuing to brag loudly.

"Let me tell you, it's not just that! I can often hear rumors from the rabbit spirits, saying that I not only gave our rabbit spirits a big limelight, but also brought a lot of credit to many small spirits who were originally weak!
Let's just say that the cultivation of the monster race is mostly limited by the power of the original form. How many small spirits can have the same cultivation base as I do now? "

Wan Qing gave her a helpless smile and shook her head lightly: "Look at you, you say you are fat and you are still out of breath, I really can't help boasting.

You girl is most afraid of suffering, and you are also used to stealing and cheating when you are practicing exercises, and you don’t want to work hard when you are idle, and you have never had any long-term skills in doing things, if it weren’t for the many magic weapons I used to store in the storage.”

She reacted and swallowed the subconsciously blurted words that reached her lips.

Then he paused for a while, and continued to speak: ".There are many collections. I accidentally found a magical medicine in the mortal world, which made you take a shortcut in your studies. Where did you come from to be as good as you are today?"

When she was young, she lived in Xianshan Daiyu for more than two hundred years, and was also taught by the former emperor Taiyin Youying.

At that time, there was no Zhuozhi Immortal Palace of the Western Pole in Xianshan Daiyu, only the houses and towers built by Xie Yuci himself with bricks, tiles and wood.

There is one thing to say, in the past years, the emperor Taiyin Youying never hesitated to spend magic treasures and medicines on her.

Back then, in the storehouse of Zhuozhi Immortal Palace in the Nine Heavens, all the panaceas that were beneficial to the practice of immortals and beasts entered her stomach in all likelihood.

So much so that after she opened her spiritual consciousness and cultivated human form, many emperors still brought Dai Yu's heavenly magic elixir and elixir.

These things can't be eaten up and used up, and the Holy Emperor later bestowed all these things to her, leaving them for her to use in the future.

Later, her fairy spirit was shattered, and she was knocked down to the mortal world and turned into a snake, no longer a fairy beast.

But the treasure bag that stored many magic tools and immortal medicines was still worn on her body, and she went through the most difficult time of re-cultivation in the funeral mountain with her.

Thanks to the gift of the Holy Emperor, she was able to achieve Taoism and become a fairy at the fastest speed, becoming a fairy beast;
Thanks to the gift of the Holy Emperor, her fairy spirit was broken and turned into a demon, and she lived in the chaos of the mortal world for hundreds of years;

It was also given by the Holy Emperor, and she used the magic weapon and the elixir given by the Holy Emperor back then to cultivate the human form as quickly as possible, regain the Tao, and become the world's great demon who has been roaming the world for more than 9000 years.

Even later, Lingrong also benefited from these magic tools, elixir and elixir of the Nine Heavens, and also benefited a lot.

Lingrong was able to cultivate from a ignorant, industrious, and mediocrely gifted little jade rabbit spirit to a great demon with outstanding Taoism, thanks to the magic tools and immortal medicines in these treasure bags.

Wan Qing suddenly felt a little funny.

Back then, Ling Rong was dissatisfied with the past emperor because she had been indifferent and unkind to "Jun Farewell" by Taiyin Youying. , Quite critical.

If she knew one day that she was able to cultivate into a famous monster in the world with the body of a jade rabbit, it was all because of the afterglow after the death of the Holy Emperor, Taiyin Youying, and she still didn't know how to jump and feel aggrieved.

And if she knew again, Zhuo Qingtan, a mortal woman whom she liked very much even though she didn't say it out loud, was the former emperor Taiyin Youying who caused Xie Yuci to be sealed for more than [-] years. Her reaction might be... It's even more unpredictable.

Ling Rong curled her lips and muttered in a low voice: "What! I know that Grandma has great supernatural powers. Over the years, I have made great strides in cultivation and progressed so fast, thanks to Grandma's treasure elixir.

However, I am also very powerful and talented!It makes me so sad that you think of me like that! "

Wan Qing helplessly shook her head.

Xie Yuci gave a low laugh, groaned softly while holding his forehead, tilted his head with some headaches and said to Wan Qing: "Wan Qing, you too, why hire her if you have nothing to do?"

Only then did Wan Qing smile and wave her hands, gently pushed Ling Rong who was pouting and was very unhappy, and softly coaxed her: "Okay, grandma is wrong, okay? Don't be angry, we Ling Rong He is very powerful and very talented, and even the goblins beside him can't compare to flattery."

Ling Rong snorted and rolled her eyes.


She angrily picked up the teapot on the table, regardless of whether the tea was hot or not, she directly drank it from the spout, still not very happy.

Wan Qing was at a loss for words for a moment, he let out a long sigh, and shook his head helplessly at her.

Zhuo Qingtan, who had been silent before, suddenly smiled and spoke.

She persuaded softly: "Actually, the strength of Taoism and Dharma practice is something outside of the body. The most rare thing in a person's life is to be able to live transparently and freely. In this regard, Miss Lingrong is far superior to others, even if I am inferior. Unable to catch up, I am filled with admiration and envy."

Xie Yuci paused, then tilted his head and glanced at her calmly.

Ling Rong raised her eyebrows, immediately pricked up her ears, and put down the teapot in her hand with a "bang".

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