However, Xie Yuci was not stupid, knowing that Zhuo Qingtan was just making use of the topic, so he sneered and said:
"Even if you say that, it's useless, don't think I'll feel guilty.

Not to mention that you are not really blind because you are only affected by the magic weapon, even if you are really blind, you still have to eat what you should eat. "

Zhuo Qingtan let out a long sigh, and slowly lay back on the bed again.

She leaned on the pillow, raised one hand and pressed it on her forehead, frowned and said softly:

"My head hurts so much, I think I haven't completely sobered up yet. I'll sleep for a while, 'Xie Xianjun' please do what you want."

Xie Yuci raised her eyebrows when she heard the words. When did she get up and learn this kind of tricks?
He originally wanted to grab her to have a meal, but seeing that the tiredness in her brows at this moment did not seem fake, he was silent for a moment, so he had no choice but to give up.

Forget it, she seldom drank alcohol, and drank almost half of the jug of wine by herself in the afternoon, she felt very uncomfortable, and it was a real headache, not an excuse.

But for some reason, Xie Yuci knew that he should turn off the fire and go back to his room at this time, but he still sat there and did not move, so the room became quiet again.

In the silent night, the hot spring villa is warm and quiet, only the faint laughter of Wanqing and Lingrong in the courtyard can be heard from time to time.

I don't know how long this silence has passed, Zhuo Qingtan suddenly woke up again.

She slowly opened her eyes, but she didn't make a sound or move, she just opened her eyes quietly, looking at the gauze bed curtain above her head motionlessly.

Xie Yuci, who was reading quietly by the tea table, could hear the subtle difference in her breathing.

He turned his head to look at her calmly, fixed his eyes on her for a moment, frowned and asked in a low voice:
"It's almost midnight, why are you awake at this time? Headache?"

Zhuo Qingtan shook her head lightly when she heard the words, and she turned her face to look at him seriously for a moment.

At that moment, Xie Yuci couldn't even express the emotion in her eyes.

She smiled softly and replied, "It's okay."

Xie Yuci obviously didn't want to be perfunctory, he said lightly:

"What's the matter? You won't wake up from hunger, will you?"

She looked at him again in silence for a while, until she saw that he frowned slightly in doubt, then she suddenly said: "I just had a nightmare."

She didn't expect that she actually dreamed of the past.

In fact, ever since Zhuo Qingtan regained her memories in the King's Illusion Realm, the secret realm of Sufeng Valley, she has been restraining herself, trying not to think of the past.

I don't know if it's the effect of psychological hints, but for a long time before, she never once dreamed about the things in her previous life.

Until today, until just now.

She actually dreamed of the Nantian Gate back then.

I dreamed that Xie Yuci's clear face was full of unbelievable pain and anger, dreamed of his phoenix eyes full of puzzlement and a hint of hatred, dreamed of him until she and the Holy God Emperor joined forces... Before returning to his original shape, he still stared at her firmly, without turning his gaze for a moment.

She dreamed of all the scenes that happened at that time, without any deviation.

It turned out that after so many years, she still remembered every question and every expression of Xie Yuci back then.

She dreamed that Xie Yuci asked her seriously word by word:

"—Taiyin Youying, I know that your heart is for the common people, but I said that I can do it in the past tens of thousands of years, and I will definitely try my best to suppress my body in the future, and I will never overthrow the common people. You, can you believe it? I?"

She dreamed of the unconcealable anger and pain in Xie Yuci's phoenix eyes, and dreamed that he questioned her so angrily.

"——Taiyin Youying, you once told me that as long as I never do evil, your blade will never be directed towards me. Even if the Holy God Emperor is ordered, you will not follow.

It has only been more than 200 years now, and the words are still in my ears. I have never forgotten a single word, but have you completely forgotten it? "

She dreamed that he didn't even realize that he was crying, but said to her intermittently in a hoarse voice:
"Don't say that you want to beat me back to my original shape, Taiyin Youying, even if you want to take my life, I will not hesitate to give it to you.

But you can't believe me! "

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly woke up from the dream, and her heart, which had been severely injured in Yanzhou Mansion before, seemed to be eager to try again, attacking her entire atrium heavily and fiercely.

She woke up for a long time, feeling her heart beating like a drum.

No matter how carefully she suppressed it, her breathing unknowingly became rapid.

——She couldn't forget the sad eyes of "Xie Yuci" in her dream, not even for a moment.

Until Xie Yuci's voice completely awakened her from this abyss-like emotion.

She turned her head and met his eyebrows that looked a little impatient, but there was no resentment, and even a hint of concern.

Immediately, she smiled faintly at him and answered his question.

Xie Yuci frowned slightly.

"Since it is a dream, it is a false and vain thing, what do you think about it?"

Zhuo Qingtan smiled helplessly.

But everything in her dream is not false, but something that really happened in the past.

And the injuries he suffered were real.

At this time, if he wants to come to these painful past events, he can still remember them vividly, right?
It's just that he mistakenly thought that she hadn't recovered her memory, so he could face her so calmly.

And at this moment, Zhuo Qingtan felt an emotion called "fear" that he hadn't felt for a long time.

This is an emotion she has never felt in two lifetimes.

Even when she was ordered to repair Cangxiong and was in danger, she never had the slightest fear.

But at this moment, when she faced Xie Yuci's phoenix eyes that had no hatred but only warmth, she unexpectedly felt infinite fear for no reason.

I don't know if she was contaminated by the world's emotions, six desires, six delusions and eight sufferings after being reincarnated, which made her weak; or the influence of being drunk in the afternoon has not subsided.

She would actually be. Feeling apprehensive.

She... was scared.

I am afraid that one day Xie Yuci will know that she has memories of her previous life from beginning to end during this period, and even more afraid that after he knows everything, they will no longer be able to get along peacefully as they are now.

She was even more afraid that Xie Yuci would be dazzled by hatred and forcibly take back the divine power that was sealed in the secret realm of Hades Ditch and Taixu Secret Realm, causing him to fall into a situation beyond redemption.

Facing her who has forgotten all the past, Xie Yuci may be able to temporarily let go of her hatred, calmly hold her own, and treat her as normal.

However, how could he remain calm when facing her who remembered all the past and sealed him up for more than nine thousand years?

He used to be a person who liked the mortal world so much. Now, because he was imprisoned by the mortal world for nearly ten thousand years, he said that he hated the mortal world and loathed the mortal world.

Zhuo Qingtan's heart twitched, what on earth did she do to him?
Xie Yuci's voice suddenly broke her meditation.

"What's the matter? What are you thinking?"

Zhuo Qingtan came back to her senses, and she sat up slowly.

A long loose black hair instantly fell over her back as she got up, and some of it hung down on her chest.

She was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled in a low voice, then turned her head to look at Xie Yuci.

"Xie Yuci, do you remember what I asked you on the island in the middle of the lake? Are you willing?"

Xie Yuci was slightly taken aback. Of course he never forgot.

At that time, although she was half drunk and half awake, she looked at him very seriously and asked:

"——Xie Yuci, if I am like this forever, it will never be better... Are you willing to accompany me to find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and no human habitation, and end your life like this?"

He hesitated because of confusion and shock, and did not answer in time.

As a result, it was only half a moment, and before he had time to answer, Zhuo Qingtan was completely drunk and fell asleep, and he didn't know anything about his personnel.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she actually asked this question again.

Is she actually

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