Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 159 The 6-year-old her

Although it was agreed that the five of them would climb the mountain together to enjoy the scenery, Ling Rong and the others walked fast, and she couldn't slow down, so she dragged Wan Qing along and walked to the front of the gate unconsciously.

An Luofu originally wanted to accompany Zhuo Qingtan to walk behind, but Zhuo Qingtan smiled and waved him away, letting him go to the front to play with Wanqing Lingrong without restraint.

Although An Luofu was unwilling, he could see that his senior sister sent him away on purpose, so she probably had something to say to Xie Yu.

So, he was silent for a moment, and obediently walked forward to catch up with Wan Qing and Ling Rong.

In this way, the five of them finally turned into Wan Qing, Ling Rong, and An Luofu who walked in front, while Xie Yuci accompanied Zhuo Qingtan to walk slowly behind.

In fact, both Xie Yuci and Zhuo Qingtan have been to Nanshanwu before.

It's just that at that time, one of them was called "Junbie" and the other was called "Yu Lan".

Nearly [-] years have passed, and although the mountain body of Nanshan Wu has not undergone any major changes in general, the landform and scenery have undergone earth-shaking changes in the meantime.

Some individual vegetation in the mountains back then has now disappeared, but some new vegetation species have been re-transplanted by the nearby people for thousands of years.

As the years go by, some things are gradually replaced, but some things are timeless and always exist.

Although Xie Yuci revisited his old place, the traces of what he had seen and walked in those years have long been erased by the years, and there is no trace to be found anymore.

He looked around, and saw that among the mountains and mountains, there was heavy mist and clouds of smoke, and everything seemed so strange.

Xie Yuci suddenly felt lost and said, "Actually, I have been to this mountain range before."

Zhuo Qingtan was silent for a moment, then replied lightly: "Changchun City is the place with the best scenery in the three northern states. It is not surprising that you have been here, and I have also been here before."

Xie Yuci turned to look at her in surprise: "Oh? When did you come here?"

Zhuo Qingtan smiled lightly, she recalled it thoughtfully, and then replied: "My teacher often retreats, and also likes to travel in all directions, so as to gain enlightenment.

Five years ago, Uncle An Shi was rejoicing in the year when he knew his destiny, and it happened that it was difficult to find the traces of his family and teachers traveling abroad, so I came to Jiusheng Mountain on behalf of Duanxu Palace to attend Uncle An Shi's [-]th birthday banquet.

After the banquet, on the way back to Yunzhou, I heard that there are mountain spirits haunting this place and disturbing the people, so I came to this mountain to investigate.However, it is not the mountain ghost that disturbs the people, but a mischievous white fairy who has not yet transformed. "

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Baixian? What Baixian?"

The next moment, he suddenly nodded: "A hedgehog spirit?"

Zhuo Qingtan nodded with a light smile, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

"It's a very small little hedgehog, it looks like it has just cultivated a little bit of Taoism.

She heard from an old demon living in seclusion in the mountains that if she finds someone with predestined relationship and wins the title successfully, she can attain the Tao as soon as possible and become a human being.So, ignorant, Riri went to the mountains to look for mortals who were alone, and asked them whether he looked like a human. "

She smiled and shook her head: "However, where is her morality so far? She doesn't look like a human at all, so how can mortals think she looks like a human? Naturally, every time she asks for the title, she won't succeed every time."

Xie Yuci nodded thoughtfully.

"So, did she play tricks on these mortals? Then what happened afterwards? You accepted her? I heard that there is a demon-locking tower in the Zhangjie Hall of Duanxu Palace, where many evil spirits are imprisoned."

Zhuo Qingtan shook his head lightly, said with a light smile, "I let her go."

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows: "Why is that? Isn't Zhuo Zhanggong always jealous of evil?"

"But she is not a demon."

Zhuo Qingtan turned his head and smiled, his eyes were cold, but there was a hint of warmth in them.

She explained in a low voice: "The Demon Locking Tower only locks evil demons and never harms innocent people. That little hedgehog just likes to stop ordinary people who are alone to seek seals. Even if they fail to obtain seals, she has never hurt the lives of villagers.

She was just ignorant and ignorant, she didn't know that she would frighten mortals, but she didn't do evil intentionally.Now that I have found out the reason, I will naturally not hurt her. "

Xie Yuci said indifferently: "Then what if she continues to look for people everywhere in the future?"

Zhuo Qingtan smiled: "She won't, I have solemnly warned her that she shouldn't put her energy on the shortcuts of beggars, and I have also explained the reason to her, and she will definitely not continue to do so in the future. "

She sighed softly: "If monsters of the monster race want to become immortals, there is no other shortcut other than concentrating on cultivating and doing good. The little hedgehog is pure and kind. I think she will have a chance to attain the Tao sooner or later."

Xie Yuci didn't speak when he heard the words, but nodded slightly in silence.

She hasn't changed at all.

The same is true for Taiyin Youying in the past, with clear rewards and punishments, even among the monster clan, she has given her kindness widely.

The past fame of the Holy Emperor is even more powerful and famous than the Sun Candle of the Holy God Emperor who rarely visits the lower world in Jiuchongtian.

Xie Yuci subconsciously looked at the fair and thin face of the person beside him.

She said she had been here five years ago.
Five years ago. At that time, she must have been 16 years old, right?
Maybe it's because of her body's injuries, Xie Yuci's face has always been this unhealthy pale from the first time she saw her in this life, and there is a faint sense of ominousness in that paleness The color of ashes.

So, what will she look like at the age of 16?

Speaking of which, they had known each other for tens of thousands of years, but he had never seen her when she was young.

Presumably, at the age of 16, she was in her cardamom years, and she should have a face as white as jade.

Maybe it is very energetic, maybe there is a trace of girlish blood on the cheeks.

At that time, would she have baby fat on her cheeks?

Will she be more lively and active than she is now?

But come to think of it, probably not
Although in her last life, he had never seen Taiyin Youying when she was young, and he didn't know what Taiyin Youying looked like when she was young.

However, with Zhuo Qingtan's personality and Duanxu Palace's rigid and strict rules, she grew up under the strict rules and regulations. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, she should have the same temperament as she does now.

When she was in Wuxia Town, Wanzhou Prefecture a few days ago, she heard that she had already been entrusted as the head of Duanxu Palace when she was 15 years old.

Presumably at that time, she must also be a calm and decent person with extreme self-denial and courtesy, right?

That's why her master, Palace Master Duanxu, was so satisfied that he even handed over the sect token representing Palace Master Duanxu to her early in advance.

Xie Yuci smiled suddenly, and said sadly and lightly: "Actually, when I came here to travel and practice, I was about the same age as you when I came here."

At that time, "he" was still called "Jun Farewell". He was really innocent and unaware of sorrow.

Now that I think about it carefully, "Jun Farewell"'s short life was probably the most carefree in his life.

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