Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 16 Strange Boy

Chapter 16 Strange Boy
Xie Yuci always had a youthful vigor on his face, and he always had a smile on his face, the bright and unruly smile of a young man.

Seeing Zhuo Qingtan at this time seemed a little displeased, he let out an "Aiya", he didn't know which muscle was wrong, he dared to stretch out his hand to grab Zhuo Qingtan's sleeve, and then said with a smile:

"Miss Zhuo, look, you are good in everything, but you are a little angry."

Zhuo Qingtan almost laughed angrily at him.For the first time in her life, someone said she was angry.

With a little force, she frowned and pulled out the sleeve.

Xie Yuci continued to flatter and said, "Xie knows of course that all of this is my own fault.

It was Xie who fell into Qian'er himself and insisted on running back to pick some poppies, so he was sucked into the secret realm.

Since it was the cause and effect planted by Xie himself, then life and death are fateful, and you will suffer on your own, so how can you blame Miss Zhuo. "

Zhuo Qingtan really laughed angrily this time, she said lightly: "I see that you understand everything, but you insist on committing suicide. Are you really a young man who is fearless and fearless?"

This time she didn't even call "Young Master", and even said "death" impolitely, it can be seen that she was really angry.

Xie Yuci was not angry either, he took out a piece of cooking cake from his bosom with a smile on his face, handed it to Zhuo Qingtan, and flattered him:
"Miss Zhuo, are you hungry? Even if you want to get angry with me, it takes strength. Why don't you scold while you eat?"

Zhuo Qingtan paused, she turned her head slowly, looked at him quite speechlessly for taking out the skirt of the pancake, and then frowned:

"You actually put the cooking cake and the talisman together."

She remembered that the two high-grade talismans handed over to the young man at the entrance of the inn were placed in his chest by him.

Immortal disciples use spiritual power to activate the magic talisman, but if ordinary people use the magic talisman, they need to burn fire to activate it.

The talisman should not be contaminated with oil or water, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

Xie Yuci was at a loss for words for a while, and he asked in a daze:
"What, what's wrong? This... But what did Xie do wrong?"

Zhuo Qingtan paused slightly, took a deep breath for a few moments, then turned her head: "It's okay."

Anyway, Xie Yuci has already entered the secret realm of Sufeng Valley with her now, so there is no need for these two talismans.

The young man stretched out his hand again happily: "Then eat it! This is the last piece of cake on my body, and I will give it to Miss Zhuo."

Zhuo Qingtan shook his head, and said lightly: "No need. There is innate energy in the enchantment of the secret realm, and we won't feel hungry when we enter it, and we don't need to eat. Young Master Xie, keep it for yourself."

"No wonder."

Xie Yuci nodded suddenly, seeing that Zhuo Qingtan really didn't want it, he withdrew his hand and took a bite of the cooking cake.

He smiled: "In that case, then there is no need to keep this pancake, I will eat it right away, and it will save space."

Zhuo Qingtan sighed softly, and she cast a seal with one hand, covering Xie Yuci's body firmly with a silver-white halo of spiritual power.

Xie Yuci stopped chewing, and he looked suspiciously at the white halo of spiritual power surrounding him, frowned and asked, "Miss Zhuo, what do you mean?"

Zhuo Qingtan said softly: "Young Master Xie, time does not wait for me, there is no delay, I have to leave now.

The young master is waiting here, if I can come back alive, I will take you back safely.

If I encounter misfortune, it can only be regarded as my incompetence in Taoism and my son's bad luck. "

Xie Yuci swallowed the biscuit in his mouth with some difficulty, and then silently threw the remaining half of the biscuit on the ground aside.

He sighed and said slowly: "Miss Zhuo, since the two of us are destined to live and die together today, what's the point of you keeping me here for a while longer.

If you die, the enchantment you cast to protect me will dissipate naturally. If the enchantment protecting me is not there, I will not be alive as a first-order mortal.

That being the case, the girl might as well bring me along, even if the crisis really comes, at least she can let me know how I died, right? "

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him with a frown, and then said lightly: "Young Master Xie, didn't you say that you believed me before, but now you seem to think that we must die this time."

Xie Yuci laughed at the scoundrel, he shrugged his shoulders: "If Miss Zhuo takes me with you, I will trust you deeply, even if I die, I will not regret it.

But if you leave me here alone, I'm afraid I won't even know how I died, and I'm a fool, but I don't want to do it. "

Zhuo Qingtan was silent for a moment. In fact, it was extremely rare for her to be persuaded, but what Xie Yuci said had some truth.

If she is unfortunately killed, she will die right away, and Xie Yuci will only live for a while even if she does not move here.

Seeing her hesitation, Xie Yuci felt that there was something for her, so he immediately struck while the iron was hot: "Miss Zhuo, Immortal Zhuo, please do me a favor and take me with you.

I am very timid, if you leave me here alone, it would be strange to be afraid of people. "

Zhuo Qingtan glanced at him silently, then raised his hand suddenly, and the barrier on Xie Yuci's body dissipated.

Xie Yuci immediately smiled, his brows and eyes curved, he took a step forward, and said in a very doggy way:
"I knew Miss Zhuo was a very reasonable person, so let's go!"

This young man is really not afraid of her at all, Zhuo Qingtan has nothing to do with him.

She shook her head slightly, without further hesitation, she raised her eyes to observe the movement of the aura in the secret realm, and finally found a direction to the center of the formation eye, and continued to move forward.

They were walking, and after an unknown amount of time, the scenery and weather around the secret realm gradually changed.

Xie Yuci raised his hand to pick up a piece of falling snowflakes, and said with some surprise: "It's snowing? It turns out that it's snowing in the secret place of Wind Valley?"

Zhuo Qingtan also raised his head and quietly watched the heavy snowflakes flying all over the sky, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

She caught a few snowflakes, looked at the white and crystal-clear edelweiss in her palm, and smiled slightly.

She said softly: "In the secret realm of Sufeng Valley, I have been unable to contact my fellow disciples with Langya jade, and I have always been uneasy.

But seeing this snow now, the hanging heart can be slightly relieved. "

Xie Yuci's brows and eyes fluttered, he didn't know what he thought of, and asked her with a light smile:

"But because there is no snow in that secret realm in Duanxu Palace, Miss Zhuo is sure that the two secret realms are really different?"

Zhuo Qingtan smiled slightly, she nodded slightly: "Exactly, we worship the Taixu Mystery of Duanxu Palace in Ashan, during which the four seasons are like spring, there is no cold snow, and there is no harsh westerly wind.

It can be seen that the enchantment of the four great secret realms is really different.That being the case, it is very possible that Langya Jade will be temporarily invalidated by the formation in Sufeng Valley. "

She raised one hand and flicked a wintersweet tree passing by with her long cloud sleeves.

The plum branches on the tree, which were on the verge of death due to the branch breaking, were actually nourished by the aura of the fairy art, and quickly re-grew together, regaining their vitality.

The silver moon is in the sky, the cold plums are proud of the snow, and the silver-white spiritual power flows in it, which is bright and beautiful.

Xie Yuci made fun of her, saying, "Miss Zhuo, since your available spiritual power is limited at this time, it's better not to waste your spiritual power and be a 'cherisher of flowers'."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled lightly, and replied: "Efforts with a little effort can't waste much spiritual power."

At this time and this scene in the secret realm, the scenery is unexpectedly different and vast.

It's just that the two of them were walking on the snow in the secret plum forest, but after a while, they found that the snow in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, and it was almost impossible to see the way ahead.

One must know that it is summer in the mortal world outside Sufeng Valley, so they actually wore very thin clothes when they entered the secret realm.

Xie Yuci complained while walking: "Isn't it? Why is it getting colder and colder in this secret realm? The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

Although we will not be hungry, we will still be cold!Miss Zhuo, we won't be frozen to death, will we? "

Xu was tired, Zhuo Qingtan's voice sounded very light and low, she replied softly:
"It should be because we are already close to the heart of the secret realm."

Sufeng Valley Secret Realm is in the state of winter among the four seasons, so the closer you get to the center of the secret realm, the lower the temperature will be, and the snow will naturally fall harder.

Walking here through the wind and snow, Zhuo Qingtan has already broken through more than ten small barriers in the secret realm along the way.

Xie Yuci sighed, and he murmured, "It's too cold, it's not fun at all."

He didn't hear Zhuo Qingtan's response, so he turned his head to look at the wind and snow that hurt his eyes.

However, although Zhuo Qingtan's pace has not slowed down by half, his footsteps are getting heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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