Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 161 Since then, the wind has blown his heart and let him have a few floors of the bright moo

Xie Yuci was silent for a moment, then shook his head and smiled as if laughing at himself.

"Perhaps, it is precisely because Xie once loved someone sincerely and did many stupid and stupid things that touched him, so he understands better that the so-called love is actually just a burden in his heart.

The so-called admiration is just a fool's trouble, and it may be just a burden to others.

It's better to seal your heart and let the wind blow your face from now on, and let him have several buildings under the bright moon.This is also considered carefree. "

His eyes fixed on Zhuo Qingtan's pair of eyebrows that made him feel both familiar and unfamiliar.

Xie Yuci only paused for a moment, then quickly turned his head away as if he was stung by something.His sight was scattered on a screen in front of the window, and then he said softly:
"You are just a 21-year-old, a proud girl who has not been baptized by the world of mortals. Zhuo Qingtan, you are too young.

Even if you say that you have moved your heart, but you don't understand, how can there be so many two hearts in this world who agree to each other and stick to one end?It is the normal state of love to be in fear of not being able to love. "

Zhuo Qingtan's eyebrows twitched suddenly.

She felt a tug in her heart, and was suddenly overwhelmed by the complicated and painful look in Xie Yuci's eyes at this time, as if being hit hard by a hammer in the center of the room.

She reached out suddenly, and grabbed Xie Yuci's slender hand under her forearm with her backhand.

Then, under Xie Yuci's dazed gaze, Zhuo Qingtan paused word by word and said very seriously:

"The 21-year-old 'Zhuo Qingtan' may be too young, but she will use time to prove herself.

There is love in my heart, mountains and seas can be filled.If the heart belongs to one person, it will not be burdened by each other. "

Xie Yuci stared blankly and silently at her very serious eyes at this moment.

In fact, he has been in a daze recently, and he has never figured out why Zhuo Qingtan has a good impression of him from the beginning to the end?
Or even bluntly said that because of him, Fan's heart was moved?
Although the matter of interceding has been difficult to explain clearly since ancient times, he did not know why in the past, but just because of a glimpse of the East China Sea, he felt inexplicably fond of Taiyin Youying.

However, if this happened to others, even if it happened to himself, he wouldn't feel strange.

But if it happened to Zhuo Qingtan, a calm, rational, thoughtful, calm and self-possessed model of the immortal sect, he always felt that it was very disobedient.

However, if it is said that Zhuo Qingtan deliberately teased him, or had other schemes against him, tricked him to play with his feelings... let alone whether she is not such a person at all, even if she took a step back, there is really no reason for that and reason.

Could it be because Zhuo Qingtan was used to seeing upright and respectful disciples from a hundred families of the immortal sect since he was a child, and suddenly met him, a man who is indifferent, frivolous in speech, and behaves like a fool, so he became curious?

Then, out of curiosity, he wanted to get to know him better, so he misunderstood that this kind of relationship is the goodwill and love between men and women?

Xie Yuci subconsciously frowned slightly.

No. Zhuo Qingtan's intelligence and wisdom are well-known among the hundreds of mortal sects in the world.

Even if she had never experienced the relationship between a man and a woman in the first 20 years, she was not so confused that she couldn't tell the nature of the relationship.

Zhuo Qingtan has been watching him silently, and she can also see the doubt and disbelief in his eyes at this moment.

In fact, this is very normal. If someone confesses that she loves her after only a month of acquaintance, she must also think about the other person's purpose and sincerity, or feel that the other party only judges people by appearance and is not sincere.

But Zhuo Qingtan didn't say anything more.

He misunderstood her as a whim, or misunderstood her as confused and ignorant of emotions.She will use her life as a guarantee in this life, and bestow on him eternal peace and tranquility.

Even if Zhuo Qingtan enters Jiuyou again in this life, he will never hurt Xie Yuci at all.

Xie Yuci only felt that the cold palm on the back of his hand seemed to have a scorching power that penetrated into his flesh and blood, and penetrated into his blood.

He looked down at the slender and white hand on the back of his hand.

That hand actually didn't have much strength, even though she exerted so much force that the veins on the back of his hand burst out clearly, but he could still break free very easily.

His index finger retracted very lightly.

There seemed to be a fragile treasure that he loved and hated resting on the back of his hand.

What should he do?
What should he do?

Xie Yuci's rationality told him that at this moment he should mercilessly push her hand away - he has clearly made some mistakes once, so he should learn from them and not make them again.

At this time, she is just a mortal who has forgotten all her past, and her words, actions, feelings, and promises are all untrue!
...It doesn't represent that real Taiyin Youying.

But his sensibility dragged his thoughts into the abyss of irrationality, making him so greedy for the tenderness and enthusiasm she gave at this moment.

He even wondered in a daze, what if?
What if she was a mortal in this life, until the end of the first life, she never thought of the past life because of any special opportunity, and remembered who he was?
What if the day of death and exit of the heaven and earth illuminated by the sun of the Holy God Emperor is far away, and she will never see her in this life?
What if they were really lucky enough to live in seclusion without being disturbed by the Nine Heavens or the mortal world.Can we join hands in this life and spend these short decades of mortals together?
If it is really possible to live a stable life with her like this, then what does it matter about the evil gods and supernatural powers?
What about the body of the god bone?
He just gave up everything, so what the hell!
The quarter of the divine power sealed in the secret realm of Juntian Cliff has helped him to cultivate this temporary mortal body that can use divine power spells;

And a quarter of the divine power sealed in the secret realm of Sufeng Valley can also help him to have the power to protect Zhuo Qingtan's whole life in the future, and not be harmed by evil spirits or people from the fairy gate.

These are enough!
Is it because you are afraid of well ropes for ten years after being bitten by a snake once, do you want to reject this once-in-a-lifetime relationship?
He thought silently: The Taiyin Youying of the past never really accepted the words of thanks as a fierce god; and the past emperor of the past never really accepted the farewell to the young priest who was taught by her.

However, mortal Zhuo Qingtan said
"But, what if I give birth to a mortal heart?"

"Xie Yuci, what I said today was definitely not on a whim, nor was it to amuse you.

You have repeatedly asked me why I retired with you, and I have said it several times.

But at this moment, it doesn't matter if I say it again.Just listen carefully—"

"I see that all living beings are grass and trees, but I only see you as a green mountain. I am happy with you, and I can't be fake at all.

I moved my heart, not today, nor at this moment, but from the first time I saw you. "

"Thank you, you trust me."

She said that she was pleasing to him, and she couldn't be fake at all.

Even if this joy is only at this moment, it is only at this moment, and it cannot represent the future.

But there is this sentence, even if one day in the future, Zhuo Qingtan realizes that his feelings for him are just a momentary curiosity or arousal, so he leaves him again; even if he is let down again, so what?

At least, they were actually together once, didn't they?

Is he crazy?

Bewildered by this kind of short-term warmth where you can't see the future, can't see the way ahead, and are lost and thorny, do you even ignore the very likely situation of doomsday in the future?

But he...he really wanted to have her.

It's not the gentleman's friendship between Taiyin Youying and Xie Yuci, it's not the master-student friendship between Xiang Shengdijun and Junbie, but——

A man and a woman.

Xie Yuci and Zhuo Qingtan.

I don't know how long it has passed, Xie Yuci's clear face suddenly relaxed with that extremely serious expression.

He seemed to have finally figured something out and made a final decision.

So, he quietly raised his head, and looked very seriously at Zhuo Qingtan's eyebrows and eyes, which are like a landscape painting, for a long time.

Forget it, maybe this is his fate, his catastrophe, his unbreakable... Road after thousands of years.

After a while, Xie Yuci finally nodded slowly, and said softly:
"it is good."

Zhuo Qingtan was startled when she heard the words, she looked at him quietly.

".what do you mean--"

Xie Yuci met the eyes of the person in front of him, and after only a moment, he suddenly smiled.

"I mean love is only what you want, and you have no regrets. We met in this life, only thank you for meeting."

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him blankly.

He said softly:

"I promise."

"Zhuo Qingtan, Xie is willing to live in seclusion with you, and never ask about... future and stuff."

No matter how short this period of time is.

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