Chapter 19

After the light faded away, they opened their eyes again but were immediately stunned.

In this fantasy enchantment actually
Zhuo Qingtan and Xie Yuci stared blankly at the fairy island in front of them, speechless for a moment.

I saw the misty mist on the fairy mountain island, the fairy mist, the strange flowers and grass everywhere, the ancient immortal beasts and spirit beasts that have long been invisible, running wantonly in the jungle mountains on the fairy mountain island, very happy.

The birds and beasts in the mountains are nearly white, and they look like jade.

In the distance, there are layers of fairy mist, and the majestic and magnificent palaces are faintly visible in the center. From a distance, the palaces are all made of gold, jade and glass.

Xie Yuci's pupils shrank suddenly, and a very bright light flashed across his eyes.

Then suddenly he let out a sudden, unintelligible chuckle.

Zhuo Qingtan frowned.

She looked around at the magnificent and wonderful scenery, and saw all kinds of fairy beasts with white bodies jumping in the forests of the islands and mountains, and couldn't help talking to herself in a daze.

"'Haike talks about Yingzhou, the misty waves are so vast that it's hard to find a letter', the illusion here is similar to the rumored fairy mountains."

Xie Yuci's expression was dim, and he answered with a light smile, "This is Daiyu, Xianshan Daiyu."

Zhuo Qingtan gave him a slightly surprised look.

Xie Yuci noticed her gaze, and immediately raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction: "What? Although Xie is a mortal, he is a very educated mortal. On weekdays, I like to read ancient rumors and listen to teahouse book reviews and myths. The story is told.

The fairy mountain here is filled with immortal energy, and it does not look like a mortal world at first glance. I know that this place is the Five Immortal Mountains overseas. Is this strange? "

Zhuo Qingtan smiled lightly and turned his head away, shook his head slightly, ignoring his noise.

Unexpectedly, this person is still excited: "Hey? Why don't you keep asking?"

"Ask what?" Zhuo Qingtan looked around casually and replied indifferently.

"Why don't you ask me, why do you know that this is the Daiyu Immortal Mountain among the Five Great Immortal Mountains?" He asked with a smile.

Zhuo Qingtan shook his head, pointing to a jade tree with a trunk as clear as ice crystals beside him:

"Master Xie, although I am half blind, I am not completely blind. This tree is Zhugan."

"Huh?" Xie Yuci looked at her in surprise: "You also know this kind of ancient legend about going down the river and lake?"

Zhuo Qingtan smiled helplessly.

Legend has it that the Zhugan tree has a trunk like white jade, full of branches, and a fruit shaped like a red ruby. It is called "Zhugan Fruit".

According to records in ancient books, this tree was said to have been born in Daiyu, Xianshan.

But at this time, in front of the two of them, there were a few shimmering white jade trees standing quietly, with jewel-like red fairy fruits hanging on them, which were very beautiful.

Zhuo Qingtan tilted his head slightly, and his long hair, which was blown slightly messy by the blizzard before in the imaginary realm, cascaded down like a clear spring waterfall, with an elegant and self-satisfied smile.

"This is strange, Mr. Xie, as a mortal, has heard some ancient legends.

As a disciple of the Immortal Sect, I have seen only a few words about the Zhugan Tree in the classics, so why is it so strange? "

Xie Yuci laughed "haha" and said, "That's true! Miss Zhuo's knowledge is naturally higher than mine, but I didn't expect to dabble in this kind of nonsense."

Zhuo Qingtan was leaning slightly at this time, looking closely at the fairy grass on the ground, and said with a faint smile:
"This is an ancient secret record, not an unfounded nonsense or strange theory."

Xie Yuci shrugged: "What the hell?"

He looked around, rubbed his chin and murmured: "It's just, why did we appear in Daiyu. Since this is an illusion, everything in front of us is fake, right?"

Zhuo Qingtan closed his eyes to feel the sea of ​​air flowing around him, and nodded when he heard the words:

"There is no trace of immortal energy here, and it is not the real Xianshan Daiyu, but it cannot be said to be completely fake.

According to legend, the second of the five immortal mountains has long since disappeared.Now there are only three fairy mountains left: Yingzhou, Penglai and Fangzhang.

Since Daiyu has sunk long ago, the Daiyu in front of us at this time should be a fantasy reappearing the scene thousands of years ago. "

Xie Yuci murmured softly: "Then what is this? Memories?"

Zhuo Qingtan looked at the forest in the distance, and saw a few lively fairy deer running away carefree. She said thoughtfully:

"I didn't expect that the formation king in Sufenggu's secret realm actually used a sealed ancient memory as the formation.

I just don't know, this is the memory fragment of the expert He Fang.

Presumably, we can find a way to resolve the formation king only after we have read all of this illusion. "

Xie Yuci frowned slightly, but calmed down very rarely.

Suddenly, the two of them were attracted by a mysterious force, and they were directly transported to the most towering glazed white jade palace in the center of Daiyu Island.

Outside the White Jade Palace, Immortal Eunuch held up her skirts and held all kinds of flowers and spirits in a dignified manner. She walked past them gracefully, but she couldn't see the two of them at all, let alone hear their words.

Likewise, they cannot touch anyone in the illusion, nor can they control the past in the illusion.

Zhuo Qingtan looked around very seriously, trying to make himself remember every detail, so that he would need to break the formation later.

It was Xie Yuci who was beside her. As soon as the servant arrived here, he subconsciously passed her, and couldn't help but walked a few steps up the towering and tall steps.

After a while, he seemed to wake up suddenly, raised his head and silently looked at the hall not far away, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this moment, two immortal soldiers suddenly appeared not far away. They dragged a demon-locking pouch and came from a distance.

There was no one knowing what kind of monster was contained in the demon-locking pouch, and it was so powerful that it pushed the demon-locking pouch to bulge a big bulge.

A Xian'e leader who was on duty at the gate of the palace saw her. She frowned and stepped forward, asking softly:

"I don't know where the two immortals come from? Xianliao, please speak softly, the emperor is taking a nap, and he doesn't like to be disturbed at this time."

One of the immortal soldiers bowed his hands repeatedly to apologize, but his face was still covered with bloodstains from being scratched by animals, his skin was torn apart, and he looked seriously injured.

His face was very perplexed, and Shi Li replied in a low voice:
"Forgive me, God, we are the Heavenly Soldiers guarding the East China Sea. While patrolling the East China Sea today, we suddenly heard a fierce aura rising in a mountain range on the coast, and all the beasts panicked and wailed, so we immediately cast a spell and rushed there, just in time to find that this fierce beast broke its shell. .”

Having said that, he opened the demon-locking pouch, revealing the contents inside.I saw a small animal was tied up inside!
The little beast looked like a young tiger, and it was very cute with a tiger head and a tiger brain, but it didn't feel very harmonious.

Seeing that the demon-locking pouch tied to it was opened, the little beast was still bared and let out a very energetic and ferocious cry.

It's just that it is still a cub, no matter how fierce it is, it still looks naive and threatening.

"This is?"

The leader of Xian'e hesitated slightly, she frowned and said:

"Daiyu Xianshan is home to hundreds of beasts, but I have never seen an animal with this appearance. I think it has a spirit in it, and it is not an ordinary tiger cub."

The fairy soldier also gave a wry smile, gave a deep salute to the fairy e, and said: "That's right, although this beast is young, its power is very fierce. The two of us also borrowed the magic weapon of General Rolling Curtain. It took a lot of trouble to trap it.

Fortunately, it is still young at the moment, if it grows up, it may not be able to hold it even with the magic weapon.

This beast possesses supernatural power and has a strange shape. The demon lock bag can't hold it for too long, so I came here to ask the emperor for help. "

Xian'e frowned slightly, and said in disapproval: "Why do you ask the emperor for help? More than 900 years ago, the emperor asked the lower realm to guard Daiyu Xianshan, and did not ask about matters in the upper realm.

Why don't the immortals directly bring this beast into the heavenly court, and have the immortal official who is in charge of the world's monsters take over. "

The immortal soldier was embarrassed and said: "The upper immortal doesn't know, this beast obviously has no immortal essence, it is not an immortal beast, but it has a divine bone, so it looks like a demon and not a demon, like a fairy but not a fairy, it is really tricky.

Dongyuan Zhenjun, who is in charge of monsters and fairy beasts in Jiuchongtian, didn't know his real body when he saw it. "

Xian'e hesitated slightly.

Another immortal soldier also said: "Shangxian, I am really ashamed to disturb the holy emperor's meditation.

But the emperor is extremely difficult to see now, and only under the eyes of the emperor in the three realms, this thing will be revealed.Therefore, I specially ask the emperor to make a judgment. "

That Xian'e seemed to have been persuaded, she carefully sized up the little tiger-like beast, staring and said:
"This little beast is really weird. It is clearly carrying a divine bone, but its aura is not as clear and pure as that of a fairy beast or a spirit beast. It is very fierce."

Seeing the scars on the faces of the two fairy soldiers who were caught, and the damage to the fairy clothes, it was pitiful, she hesitated for a while, and said:

"Forget it, since that's the case, the two immortal officials will follow me and wait here for a while. When my emperor wakes up—"

The immortal soldier said in shock: "Ah! Not good!"

"—it's going to break free! Catch it!"

What a beast!

The leader of Xian'e and the two immortal soldiers turned pale with shock at the same time!

 Going to Shengdijun is about to appear~ Babies, please look forward to it
(End of this chapter)

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