at the same time.

Chong'a Mountain Duanxu Palace Qingyue Peak, the reception hall of the main hall of Ziwei Hall.

After several Duanxu Palace disciples offered tea to entertain the guests, they retreated one by one in accordance with the etiquette, and closed the palace door thoughtfully and meticulously.

Zhuo Qingtan didn't speak first, but waited for the heads of several sects to speak first, so as to respond to all changes without moving.

She quietly sipped a sip of the clear and green tea, her expression was peaceful and serene, not disturbed.

In fact, she has been away all the way recently, and it has been more than two months now.It was also because Xie Yuci took care of her basic necessities, food, housing and transportation, and it seemed that she had made her taste even more tricky.

Now even the tea brewed by the disciples in the palace, she actually finds it tasteless when she drinks it.

Sure enough, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Zhuo Qingtan didn't say anything else, just greeted and politely invited them to drink tea.

Li Changfeng was able to sit still at first, but he had something on his mind, so he couldn't sit still after a while.

After Tantai Donglin was silent for a moment, he said solemnly:

Zhuo Qingtan gently put the teacup on the table, raised his head and smiled.

Zhuo Qingtan was silent for a moment, then smiled warmly, and slightly raised his hands to the two heads of the immortal sect who were saluting.

Upon hearing this, Li Changfeng immediately cupped his hands respectfully and said:

"You two uncles, you are serious. It's just that Qingtan's spiritual veins haven't been healed yet. I don't know what kind of troublesome matter has caused the two uncles to be so embarrassing."

That means that although I came here "accompanying and tied up", I don't know what they are talking about.

Li Changfeng secretly glanced at her face from the corner of his eye, and said in harmony:
"Zhuo Zhang Palace, it's like this, that day at the 'Qiong Flower Terrace', the evil spirit once said—"

These words are really not excuses, but the truth.

The enchantment of the four mystic realms sealed by her previous life's divine bone is now broken in an unnatural state, whether there will be any other consequences or problems, even for her, the former owner of the mystic realm, is still unknown.

Fortunately, I have received the call from Brother Tantai to cast spells in advance, and I know that I can't move them rashly, and I can't cast spells casually, so they are still standing on the Juntian Cliff at this time. "

Zhuo Qingtan frowned.

Seeing that Zhuo Qingtan had no expression on his face, and was drinking tea with his head down as if he hadn't heard anything, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Zhuo Qingtan frowned and looked at him: "Pavilion Master Tantai, what happened to those disciples?"

Li Changfeng and Tantai Donglin looked at each other and exchanged glances.

her subtext is
Her spiritual power is limited now, and she cannot fully utilize it, let alone her heyday two months ago.

Then, the two stood up again, and solemnly bowed to Zhuo Qingtan who was sitting at the host seat.

".Then Xie Yuci once said, it's you, the emperor... ah, it's Zhuozhang Palace. Ten thousand years ago, you used your own bones as a seal, and planted four powerful, pure and perfect heaven and earth magic circles in the mortal world—— It is the enchantment of the four mystical realms that our four immortal sects have been ordered to guard for thousands of years."

If this is the case, then there will definitely be no more problems in the four great secret realms.

Could this matter be related to her?

When Zhuo Qingtan heard this, he vaguely understood their purpose.She was silent for a moment, then raised her eyes and looked at the two of them quietly.

If she doesn't make it clear right now, and delays the major events of the two great immortal sects, then she will be harming them.

She frowned slightly and sighed softly.

Li Changfeng nodded and said: "Brother Tantai originally thought that they were deceived by some evil spirit passing by, or some other imprisoning magic, so they used their own skills to try to unlock the 'spell'. Unexpected
The disciple that brother Tantai tried to rescue first by casting a spell, was actually shattered. "

Li Changfeng said earnestly: "Zhuo Zhang Palace, I'm telling you the truth, I'm here today because I really have something important to ask."

Li Changfeng and Tantai Donglin looked at each other again, and immediately saluted:
"Exactly. We want to beg Zhuozhang Palace to restore the secret realm of Wuwanghai Juntian Cliff and the secret realm of Pingjin Pavilion Su Fenggu."

Tantai Donglin gave her a painful look, and said slowly:
"Zhuozhang Palace, the old man thought that since the enchantment of the secret realm of Sufeng Valley has been broken, this place should be the same as the usual scenery.

Unexpectedly, the two maids never returned.When my disciples found them, they had already turned into two jade carvings on Great Heaven Cliff!It is generally the same as the disciples of Pingjinge.


"Master Uncle Li and Pavilion Master Tantai came here this time for the formation of the secret realm."

He took a deep breath, showing self-blame and pain, and continued: "It's just that I never thought that the disciples who were ordered by the old man to enter the secret realm of Sufeng Valley to tidy up that day would actually..."

"Zhuo Zhang Gong, this matter is probably as difficult as reaching the sky for us. But for Zhang Gong, it may be just a matter of lifting a finger."

Although he came with the heads of the other two immortal sects, he did not request with them.

At this time, after receiving Zhuo Qingtan's gaze, he just shook his head slowly at her.

If it is a difficult matter that the heads of the two great immortal sects cannot solve, I am afraid that Zhuo Qingtan today has more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Strange to say, since An Pinhan entered the living room, he has been drinking tea quietly as he pleases.

By the look of it, it is dead.

That's why Xie Yuci, who should have been sleeping all this time, was woken up early, and even accidentally helped him break through the barrier of Juntianya's secret realm and come out.

But today's situation is different.
Back then, when her ray of soul was scattered and returned to chaos, the Holy God Emperor used half of her own power to forcibly intercept her divine soul and cast a heaven and earth forbidden magic circle, and detained it in the Three Realms for further cultivation.

Li Changfeng saw that Tantai Donglin was too sad to continue for a while, so he took the initiative to answer for him:
"Zhuozhang Palace, those disciples haven't returned for a whole day. When Brother Tantai sensed something was wrong and rushed to the center of the secret realm, he found that those disciples had all turned into jade carvings, and they were firmly attached to the ground in the valley, inseparable, like One."

Zhuo Qingtan frowned slightly, and said puzzledly: "Uncle Li, what do you mean? Qingtan doesn't quite understand, please explain more clearly."

Her sentence is not a question, but a statement.

How could this be?
No wonder Tantai Donglin was so sad.

"I would like to ask Zhuo Zhanggong to help you with this matter. Although we are ordinary people, we are willing to do our best for Zhang Gong from now on."

At that time, the enchantment of the four great secret realms will be opened on its own, releasing Xie Yuci, who has been transformed by her divine bones.

"Uncle Li, what's the matter?"

Tantai Donglin had already calmed down at this moment, he raised his head and looked at Zhuo Qingtan with a solemn face.

Could it be
Zhuo Qingtan frowned: "But what's wrong with these two secret realms?"

At that time, if there is no guardian in the secret realm, it will disappear into nothingness.It is useless and has become an ordinary environment, no longer repelling the outside world, and no longer restraining the inside.

"What?" Zhuo Qingtan was slightly surprised.

Restore the two secret realm enchantments that have been broken?

It is also because of this that when the reincarnated body with her divine soul approached the enchantment of the four great secret realms in the mortal world, it aroused the power of the divine bone in the enchantment of the secret realm.

But now, apparently, someone has been able to explain her confusion.

Zhuo Qingtan frowned: "Have similar things happened recently in the secret realm of Juntian Cliff?"


She was shocked and said: "All the people who approached the king's place in the center of the secret realm turned into jade carvings?"

Li Changfeng paused for a moment, and immediately said kindly:

Logically speaking, if there is enough time, her divine bone among the four kings of the enchantment formation of the secret realm will, with the passage of time, successfully transform the part of Xie Yuci's divine power and primordial spirit that is sealed.

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly raised his hand lightly, interrupting him lightly:
"Uncle Li, his name is Xie Yuci, not 'Vicious Sha Yaoxie'."

Therefore, the day before yesterday, I arranged for the disciples in the pavilion to enter the valley to sort things out. I planned to build a Treasure Pavilion in Sufeng Valley in the future to store the magical artifacts and classics in the pavilion.Just never thought of it."

What's more unfortunate is that her soul was only [-] years old, and they reunited again, entered the capital of the Nine Nethers to reincarnate, and reincarnated as a human being.

"Zhuozhang Palace is not only the Sufenggu secret realm of Brother Tantai's fairy sect, but also the Juntian Cliff secret realm in our sect. Such weird things happen."

Zhuo Qingtan looked at them calmly, and inadvertently glanced at An Pinhan, the head of Jiusheng Mountain.

The next moment, he immediately reacted, and quickly changed his words: ". Zhuozhang Palace."

He saw with his own eyes his disciples shattered into dust and died in front of him, and even died young because of his improper operation and casting of spells. How could he not be worried?
Li Changfeng continued with great pain:

Li Changfeng nodded and said: "That's right, the little girl Luo Wei also mistakenly thought that when the secret realm of Juntian Cliff was destroyed, she would be like ordinary earth and there would be no danger. So, the day before yesterday, she arranged for two personal maids to go to Juntian Cliff to find a Strains of white scorpion grass.

The soul and bone interact with each other, so the bone is ready to move, looking forward to returning to the main body, and the enchantment of the secret realm is naturally turbulent because of this.

"Zhuozhang Palace, now that the barriers of Sufenggu and Juntianya secret realms have been broken, it is no longer possible to prevent others from entering them.

Please cast a spell to seal the enchantment of the secret realm again for the peace of the world and for the sake of preventing innocent people and disciples from entering the secret realm by mistake and encountering addition."

He took a deep look at Zhuo Qingtan, and said slowly:
"The young man named 'Xie Yuci', whether he is a demon or an immortal.

Since the enchantment of the secret realm was set up to suppress him back then, it was broken one after another because of him now, and innocent people were involved.

—— Please Zhuo Zhanggong be selfless, do justice for the heavens, and deal with these villains! "

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