Xie Yuci interrupted them shaking his head and laughing.

"So, Yu Shiran was crazy because the Nine Heavens were blocked by the sun candle, and the gate of the sky was closed? So she jumped into the Fallen God Pavilion? I don't think she is so crazy yet."

Zhuo Qingtan nodded slightly, and then said softly: "Although Ah Ran has a distempered temperament, she is a responsible Shangxian. During her tenure as Si Yu Xianjun, she never neglected her duties once. It will never be just because of boredom." , without leaving a single word of explanation, he jumped into the Fallen God Ting and descended to earth without permission."

The three of them fell silent at the same time.

Ling Rong looked at this, then at that, and asked puzzledly: "It's not that what you say now is meaningless.

She has danced all the dances, and they have all been over 6000 years old.Why should I care what she thought at the time?Maybe it's because she was too bored to go down and play for a while. "

But Wan Qing gently interrupted her with words:

"Lingrong, you don't understand. If it is normal, the fairy gods will fall into the fallen gods and experience hardships. After the reincarnation of a mortal, after death, they will regain their fairy memories and return to the Nine Heavens to rank among the immortals. .”

Ling Rong asked in a daze: "Ah?. Then?"

Wan Qing looked at her helplessly, and was too lazy to criticize her for being ignorant.

She said: "Then, the Rain Master Xianjun obviously jumped off the Fallen God Pavilion more than 6000 years ago and went to the mortal world.

But Jiarong went to Jiuchongtian to look for her more than ten days ago, but there was no sign of her at that time, and only then did he know that something like that happened to her many years ago. "


Lingrong seemed to finally understand something this time, she said in astonishment:
"So, maybe something happened to her? That's why, after becoming a mortal in the first life of Lin Mortal, she failed to return to the Heavenly Court as usual? Then what's going on?"

Wan Qing sighed lightly.

"It's precisely because I don't know what's going on that why Emperor Zhuo Xianchang and the Lord are so worried."

Xie Yuci hastily spread his hands and raised his eyebrows on the left side.

"Don't talk nonsense. I won't worry about her. You have never seen her. Yu Shiran is very fierce. Even if she is a mortal, I don't think there is anything to worry about, right?"

However, Zhuo Qingtan sighed softly, and said slowly: "Immortal gods usually bear the immortal status when they come to the mortal world. It's just that the immortal memories, immortal powers and immortal spirits are all sealed, so when you are a mortal, you have to be ashamed of yourself. The gods don't know anything about their past.

However, a fairy god with a fairy status, even if he is a mortal who has experienced reincarnation, he is also a person with a deep affinity for immortality.As long as you have a chance to enter the immortal gate, you will definitely surpass everyone in the matter of cultivation.

So, I'm not worried about her being in any danger in the mortal world.It's just... what if she is not in the mortal world? "

Xie Yuci frowned: "What do you mean?"

Zhuo Qingtan shook his head slowly. "I can't tell, it's just that my gut tells me it's very odd.
When I was in Jiuchongtian in the past, the gate of heaven was never closed in Jiuchongtian, so I don't know whether it was because the gate of heaven was blocked, which caused Yu Shiran to be unable to return to the heaven after the end of his life. "

She turned her head and fixedly looked at Xie Yuci.

"However, one thing is almost certain."

Xie Yuci blinked and asked, "Which point?"

A hint of worry flashed in Zhuo Qingtan's eyes, she glanced at him lightly, and then said: "A Ran's difficult experience must have been tampered with by someone."

Xie Yuci was puzzled, he frowned and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Zhuo Qingtan said softly: "If it's just because the gate of heaven is closed, you can't return to the heavenly realm. Then the mortal life of the god of calamity is over, and calamity is the end. Immortal memory and power will naturally be restored.

How could it be possible for Ah Ran, who retrieved Xianyi, to have been silent in the mortal world for more than 6000 years?What about the fairy officials who have never even contacted the Zhuoyi Immortal Palace in the past, who are now earth immortals in the mortal world?She is not someone who can stand loneliness. "

Shangxian Jiarong nodded slowly, and agreed: "That's right, if Aran's first life ended 6000 years ago and unsealed his immortal power, even if he couldn't return to Jiuchongtian because the gate of heaven was closed, he would still be able to return to the ninth heaven." Will not come to find us."

But she was so lifeless, as if she was completely separated from the Three Realms and disappeared for more than 6000 years.

Zhuo Qingtan sighed softly, frowned and said softly: "I haven't seen the emperor's trace recently, presumably his mortal primordial spirit has returned to the Jiuzhongtian body.

When I see Di Zun again, I will definitely ask Di Zun about the Tianmen.I don't know if there is any reason for the level that we don't know yet. "

Why did Yu Shiran suddenly jump off the Fallen God Pavilion in the past, and why did he go there for more than 6000 years without hearing from him?
The Immortal Si Yu who had been taught by her for many years in the past is now alive or dead, and whether he is an immortal or a human?
Zhuo Qingtan frowned.

She has been a mortal for 21 years in her life, but it is the first time that she is so powerless that she is just a mortal.

If her divine bone, divine personality, and divine power are still there, her divine sense can sweep across the entire Kyushu in the mortal world in just an instant, and check whether there are immortals with immortal bones who have experienced hardships in the mortal world.

But now she can't do anything.

Xie Yuci suddenly held her slender wrist lightly.

Zhuo Qingtan was slightly taken aback, and raised his eyebrows to look at him.

His brows are as gentle as jade, and he has put away all his arrogance.

"Don't worry, I'm with you, we will find her."

Zhuo Qingtan's eyebrows moved suddenly, and she turned her head to look at him quietly. After a while, she smiled lightly, and said, "Yes, we will definitely find her."

At this moment, on the surface of the sea not far away, many strange beasts jumping out of the sea suddenly appeared.

Although they are in the shape of fish, they actually have a human face.The sound is like a bird but not a bird, and its shape is very strange.

Li Luowei, who had been lying on the railing of the bow, pointed to the sea in amazement, turned her head and called softly:

"Ah! Come and see! What is this? I grew up on the southeast coast, why have I never seen this kind of fish before?"

Everyone went to the railing in front of the deck to look at it.

Ling Rong sneered and mocked her: "You ignorant mortal, don't you even know Ying Yu? Are you ashamed to say that you grew up by the sea?"

Li Luowei blushed and retorted in a low voice: "The Three Realms are huge and there are many species. I'm only 15 years old this year, and there are so many things I haven't seen! What's so strange about this?"

Wan Qing hesitated for a moment, then said slowly:
"This doesn't seem like a winning fish, does it?"

The smug expression on Ling Rong's face suddenly paused.

In fact, she has lived in the mountains and forests for a long time, far away from the sea, and she is not sure what it is. Just now, she just subconsciously bluffed and lied to Li Luowei. Unexpectedly, her grandma was so upright that she exposed her on the spot.

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