Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 23 Rain Master Dye

Chapter 23 Rain Master Dye

Jun Bie slightly frowned and looked outside the hall, he put away the idleness and relaxation in front of the Holy Emperor, got up and left the footrest of the throne, walked back to the side of the hall and stood still.

A moment later, a female fairy dressed in the fairy costume of the Nine Heavens came into the hall with a smile.

After she entered the hall, she walked straight towards the hall without squinting, her eyes were full of joy and admiration.

She fixedly looked at the emperor who was sitting on the throne with her head upright, and bowed gracefully.

"I pay homage to the emperor, may the emperor's charm last forever, and his happiness and longevity will be the same."

This female fairy is named Yu Shiran, and she is the god of rain, the god of rain, the god of rain.

Her voice is also very clear and sweet, and it can be seen that Yu Shiran is also very relaxed in front of Xiang Shengdijun.

The voice of Shengdijun was as gentle as ever, and he said softly: "A few days ago, I heard Jiarong mention that there are no mountains and thousands of miles of red land in the mortal world, and you were ordered to send rain to the mortal world."

Yu Shiran smiled slightly, and replied respectfully: "Reporting to the emperor, that's exactly the case.

It was only after Aran went down to the realm that he discovered that Wuwangshan was overwhelmed by the red demon fire, and it was no longer suitable for ordinary people to live without a blade of grass, and it was useless to spread rain.

So, I asked for the Jiuyou Tianshui to turn Wuwang Mountain into a lake and sea, so as to protect this place. "

"Red Devil Tinder?"

Dijun sighed thoughtfully.

"That's the only way to go. You've done a good job. But turning mountains into seas, I'm afraid this place needs to rest for another thousand years."

"What the emperor said is true."

Yu Shiran nodded: "Wuwangshan has become Wuwanghai. It will be a thousand years before mortals can live in this place again."

Xiang Shengdijun nodded slightly, leaning on his chin with one hand, and asked lightly: "Now that I have finished my errands, have you ever returned to Jiuchongtian to return to life?"

Yu Shiran shook his head with a smile: "Wuwangshan, ah no, now that I think about it, it should be called Wuwanghai.

Wuwanghai is not far from the East China Sea, Aran has not returned for many years, and misses the emperor very much.

It's rare to go down to earth for business recently, so naturally I have to visit the emperor, and then return to heaven to return to my life. "

As she was talking, she suddenly realized that there was actually another person in the hall, and her gaze paused slightly.

Then he frowned slightly, and carefully looked at the handsome young man standing quietly in the corner of the hall.

Yu Shiran let out a "huh" and asked him with a frown: "Who are you? I am talking to the emperor, why don't you step down, why didn't I see you in Zhuozhi Immortal Palace before?"

Junbie saluted very politely, and said lightly, "Hui Yushi Xianjun, my name is Junbie."


Yu Shiran frowned and thought for a while, she suddenly remembered something, her face was slightly cold, and she said "oh", but this time she looked at him very carefully:
"It turned out to be you! You actually cultivated a human form so quickly? You even opened up your divine consciousness."

Her tone was not kind, and her words were not very polite.

"You are an evil animal, and it is your fate to meet the emperor."

Frowning at the brows of Shengdijun, his voice also instantly became low, as if warning: "——Rain Master."

Yu Shiran paused for a moment, and her face froze slightly. After a while, she smiled again, and respectfully saluted the emperor who was sitting upright, "Dijun, it was Ah Ran who made a slip of the tongue, please don't get angry."

Xiang Shengdijun lowered his eyebrows and taught softly: "Master Yu, you are now the God of Rain in the Nine Heavens who is in charge of the wind and rain in the world, and you are among the immortals. You should treat people with compassion, and you should not be an example."

Yu Shiran's face turned pale, she was silent for a moment, and immediately bowed respectfully.

"Follow the emperor's instruction."

Jun Bie didn't seem to hear Yu Shiran's deliberate targeting, and still replied very politely:

"In fact, what Xianjun Yushi said is true, it is indeed a great fortune to be able to listen to the training under the emperor's seat."

Yu Shiran glanced at him with a half-smile, but didn't talk to him again, but turned to look at Shengdijun:
"Emperor, Aran is a person who went out of Zhuozhi Immortal Palace. He has practiced mind skills under the emperor's seat since he was a child. When he was out on a errand this time, he suddenly found that the fairy place was slightly blocked when he cast a spell. I don't know why. I beg the emperor to give me some advice One or two."

Xiang Shengdijun nodded: "Since that's the case, go forward and wait for me to explore your fairy spirit."

Yu Shiran was pleasantly surprised, she hurried forward two steps, but the next moment her footsteps suddenly paused, she didn't know what to think of, and said in a low voice with hesitation:

"Emperor, the fairy is the root of the fairy, when Ah Ran took out the fairy, if this."

She originally wanted to say "this evil animal", but remembering that saying this would make the Emperor displeased, she quickly changed her words:
"This farewell. Watching from the side, I'm afraid it will be very inconvenient."

Xiang Shengdijun was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "Farewell, you go first. Jiarong recently cut some new clothes for you with Bihaijiao, you go and try them on."

Jun Bie nodded very sensiblely, with a pure and bright smile on his face.

"Yes, Dijun, then I will take my leave first."

Seeing that the Holy Emperor nodded slightly, he exited the hall lightly.

Jun Bie walked down the jade steps, and the jade gate of the main hall was slowly closed behind him.

And after the Yumen closed, his previous light and brisk footsteps gradually became heavy.

Junbie, who was not in front of Shengdijun, seemed obviously less lively and happy.

But he still walked calmly, and obediently followed the instructions of the Holy Emperor to go to other fairy palaces to find Jiarong Shangxian.

Shangxian Jiarong, who was arranging the magical artifacts of the Zhuoyi Immortal Palace in the Zangbao Pavilion, saw that Jun Farewell was coming, with a distressed smile on her face, she laughed and teased.

"Hey, rare guest, the little guy didn't pester the emperor today, but came to me instead?"

Jun Bie walked in, lifted his clothes and sat on the low couch beside the Treasure Pavilion, then said listlessly:

"The Immortal Yushi is here, and I was kicked out by the emperor, so I came to talk to Aunt Jiarong."

Shangxian Jiarong "puchi" laughed: "Aran is here? The immortals who serve in the Nine Heavens have a lot of rules, and they are not as relaxed and idle as our Zhuoyi Immortal Palace.

Speaking of which, she hasn't been back for a long time, presumably this time she must seize the opportunity to talk to the emperor alone, so naturally she will drive you out. "

Jun Bie tilted his head in some doubts and asked, "Aunt Jiarong, why do I feel that Immortal Master Yu doesn't like me particularly?
Obviously, the last time she came to Daiyu was a few years ago. At that time, I hadn't yet transformed, and I never offended her.

And I remember it clearly, it seems that when Yushi Xianjun saw me for the first time, his eyes were very special."

He frowned.

Very disgusting.

Jiarong Shangxian patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and comforted him: "Aran has a cold temperament since he was a child, and he doesn't like to make friends with others since he was a child."

She thought for a while, then smiled and said: "I think she grew up in front of the emperor, maybe now seeing you can have fun under the emperor's seat, but she is burdened by responsibilities and cannot easily go down to the lower world, so she is a little upset That's all."

Jun Bie tilted his head and thought for a while, then understood, he nodded sympathetically:

"In this way, Xianjun Yushi is a pitiful person. If someone takes me away from the side and doesn't allow me to see the emperor often, I will also be angry."

Jiarong Shangxian was amused by his childish words, and responded casually: "That's exactly the case, so Aran is not targeting you, don't mind. Come quickly, I happen to have two new clothes here, which are confessed by the emperor. Prepared for you, you come and try."

Jun Bie's eyes lit up: "Did the emperor tell you? The emperor said that Aunt Jiarong cut it for me!"

Immortal Jiarong laughed immediately: "It is true that I cut the clothes according to the emperor's will, but the body protection circle attached to the fairy clothes that can circulate the immortal power was cast by the emperor himself."

"Really? Let me try!"

Jun Bie jumped up from the chair when he heard the words, his eyes were as bright as stars.

He cautiously leaned forward, took the fairy clothes from Jiarong Shangxian, put them on his body, ran to the mirror with a smile on his face, and looked at it for a while.

Then he gently took off the fairy clothes with a satisfied face, folded them together with special treasure, and held them in his arms.


Jiarong Shangxian was stunned: "Why did you take it off again? Why don't you just put it on?"

Jun Bie smiled shyly and embarrassedly, the joy on his face was about to overflow.

"Aunt Jiarong personally cut the new clothes, and the magic circle cast by the emperor himself. Naturally, I have to put them away properly and wear them on formal occasions. I can't wear them out on weekdays."

Shangxian Jiarong gave a "puchi" and laughed.

She pointed at him angrily, unable to bear his excuses.

"Stop coming! My aunt has cut so many clothes for you before, and I have never seen you so carefully.

Alright, I know you cherish the magic circle cast by the emperor, so take it away quickly. "

Jun Bie didn't refute, but once again carefully touched the magical circle on the new clothes, and smiled.

This is Dijun's.

It is the magic circle set up by the emperor himself.

(End of this chapter)

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