Chapter 233
In the guest room of Pingjinge, Zhuo Qingtan was wearing outer clothes, leaning on the soft pillow, drinking the decoction in Xie Yuci's hand.

When she finally drank the soup in the bowl, she frowned and cleared her throat, and asked in a low voice, "What is this? Why is it so bad?"

Xie Yuci put down the empty medicine bowl, and turned around to look at her amusedly.

"It's a decoction for nourishing qi and blood. Since it's a medicine, how can it be delicious?"

Zhuo Qingtan heaved a long sigh.

"I used to think that being a mortal was very good, but now it seems that there is one thing that is very bad - that is, as a mortal, if you eat whole grains, you will inevitably get sick. When you get sick, you have to take soup and medicine."

Xie Yuci didn't know why, but when he heard this sentence, he slightly restrained his smile.

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly said softly: "Then, don't get sick again in the future. After the Qianqiu Grand Meeting is over, I will take you to find a quiet place. You can also practice meditation and become a fairy as soon as possible.

From then on, one can get rid of birth, old age, sickness and death, association of resentment and hatred, parting from love, not being able to get what one wants, and the eight sufferings of the five aggregates of grasping. "

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him silently for a moment, and suddenly laughed softly with a "puchi".

"There's nothing wrong with being a mortal. I'm just complaining casually. Why do you take it seriously?"

Xie Yuci glanced at her indifferently: "I always take what you said seriously."

Zhuo Qingtan was startled when he heard this.

Immediately, she looked at him with a smile, her brows were clear and warm: "Yu Ci, since I promised you, I will definitely practice hard."

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly shrugged slightly.

——For a dignified and dignified person like her, in fact, she rarely does this kind of action on weekdays.

She looked at Xie Yuci with a smile, and there was a faint smile in her eyes, like a clear spring.

"Now I suddenly understand Yu Nong and the others."

Xie Yuci frowned slightly, puzzled.


Zhuo Qingtan smiled and said: "I said, now I suddenly understand the state of mind of Yu Nong and the others—it turns out that this is the feeling of being urged to practice seriously and concentrate on cultivation."

Taiyin Youying, who was born as a holy god, naturally does not need anyone to urge and supervise her practice. Even if Zhuo Qingtan is a mortal in this life, she is extremely self-disciplined.

Incarnate as the lord of the Duanxu Palace, the Holy God Emperor Yang Zhuzhao, never worried about her homework and cultivation, let alone supervise her.

From this point of view, "Bold and reckless" frowned every day and told her to devote herself to cultivation, and she would only thank Yuci for two lifetimes.

Xie Yuci slightly raised his eyebrows to look at her, and teased her in a cool tone:
"So, in the past, you, the emperor who told me to focus on cultivating my heart and never slack off, will have such a day."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled when she heard the words, and she also joked: "If I had known that there would be today, when I wanted to supervise your homework in the past, 'my lord' would definitely let you go to the East China Sea."

When Xie Yuci stared at others seriously, his brows and eyes were looking bright, as bright as stars.

He looked at Zhuo Qingtan silently for a while, then suddenly smiled softly and said, "'Dijun' regretted it just now, isn't it too late?"

Zhuo Qingtan raised his right hand with a smile, and gently pressed his swollen and throbbing forehead.

There was a warm smile on her lips, she closed her eyes and smiled lightly and nodded, "I can also see that 'Jun Farewell Immortal Lord' is really a gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late."

"More than ten years? Xie has been waiting for nearly ten thousand years."

Xie Yuci pretended to be bored and embarrassed, his star eyes turned slightly, and said: "However, if the 'Emperor' hadn't fallen into Pingyang, it would be difficult for him to take revenge."

He saw that Zhuo Qingtan was gently rubbing his forehead, so he walked to the side of the bed, lifted his clothes and sat on the outside of the bed, frowning at her.

"Your head still hurts?"

Zhuo Qingtan slightly opened his eyelids, raised his long eyelashes and looked at him with a smile through the shimmering eyes.

"Just a little discomfort, nothing serious."

Xie Yuci stretched out two fingers again anxiously, injected a faint ray of divine power, and then placed it between Zhuo Qingtan's forehead, carefully sensing her primordial spirit.

This is already the third time today that he has used his divine power to cast a spell to detect her physical condition.

After only a moment, he still got nothing, he could only frowned and retracted the released divine power.

Then asked in a deep voice: "Are you really just suffering from insufficient energy and blood and dizziness? Do you have no other symptoms?"

Zhuo Qingtan smiled and nodded.

"It really can't be more true."

She thought for a while, and added thoughtfully: "Maybe it's because my spiritual power has been overused recently. After all, in the past few months, my spiritual veins have been sealed by Emperor Zun's spell, and my spiritual power has stagnated and blocked the flow. for a long time.

It may also be that the spiritual power suddenly re-circulated in the spiritual veins, so it was a little blocked and had a slight impact on the qi and blood veins. "

Xie Yuci sneered when he heard about it, and said with disdain: "I'm angry when I mention this, Sun Candlelight is really true"

He wanted to say "It's really not enough to succeed but more to fail", but he happened to meet Zhuo Qingtan's eyes that raised his brows and smiled at him.

Thinking of Zhuo Qingtan's respect for the Nine Heavens Emperor in the past, and recently she felt that it was because of her past years that Sun Zhuzhao's soul suffered a major trauma and had to retreat for nearly ten thousand years, so she always felt ashamed in her heart.

Therefore, Xie Yuci's bento was sold to Zhuo Qingtan to save face, and he didn't say the latter sentence in full.

But he really doesn't like Sun Candlelight very much.

Of course, the Holy God Emperor looked down on him even if he thought about it.

On the matter of "looking at each other and hating each other", Xie Yuci and Taiyang Zhuzhao, the "old enemies" of yin and yang in the world, have agreed for tens of thousands of years.

How could Zhuo Qingtan not know what Xie Yuci was thinking?
She sighed softly.

"You, every time you meet Emperor Zun, you always make a fuss like a black-eyed chicken. I don't know where your old grudges come from."

Xie Yuci immediately frowned.

"You have to ask Sun Zhuzhao about this. He is also very inexplicable. From the first time he saw me, he frowns coldly, as if Xie has slaughtered his parents and relatives. He simply doesn't know what to say."

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him helplessly.

"Di Zun and I are both transformed by the divine power of Liangyi at the beginning of chaos. Where are our parents and relatives? You, you are always open-mouthed, and Emperor Zun is not used to seeing you every time."

Xie Yuci snorted coldly, raised his chin lightly, and said very arrogantly:

"Who is used to seeing him? Xie doesn't like him yet. If I ask you, he's a god who is a Godhead. In my opinion, he doesn't have much ability."

Zhuo Qingtan was fine, but he suddenly frowned and said: "Hey, why are you looking at me like this? Could it be that you are trying to get sidetracked again? You, how can you be like this?" What about '?"

Zhuo Qingtan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

She shook her head and sighed: "I haven't said anything about when I will help relatives or not? Besides, if we really talk about relatives and distances, then I will be more with you—"

Having said this, Zhuo Qingtan suddenly froze.

That sentence seemed to need no thinking at all, so she almost blurted it out.

Xie Yuci was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly put away the expression of laughter on her face, her eyes were burning like lightning, resting on her jade-white face.

As if he was afraid of disturbing Zhuo Qingtan, he asked softly in an extremely gentle and careful tone:

"...If you really talk about closeness, you are also closer to me. What?"

The room was silent, and I didn't know how long the time had passed, Zhuo Qingtan suddenly tilted his head and smiled.

She gently raised her eyebrows like a pair of ink and wash landscape paintings, and looked at the person who was close at hand.

Then, she completed the previous sentence very seriously:
"If you really talk about closeness and distance, then I am also closer to you."

(End of this chapter)

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