Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 241 Concession

You must know that for nearly ten thousand years, the remains of the sacred bone at the center of the formation kings in the secret realm of Juntian Cliff and Sufeng Valley secret realm have always been the source of power supporting the enchantment of the four great secret realms.

Even though these divine bones scattered all over the place have been consumed by the two-phase consumption of Xie Yuci's fierce divine power and majestic purple energy after more than [-] years, and gradually lost most of their power-but this comes from the beginning of chaos. From the beginning of the world, from the ancient Liangyi to the god bones in the real body of the God of Yin, the remaining power is more than ordinary and tyrannical?
If it was the past emperor Taiyin Youying, he would naturally be able to retract and retract these divine bones freely in his body again.

But now Zhuo Qingtan, a mortal who was reincarnated from Taiyin Youying's soul, relied on the power of his soul to forcibly tame the divine bone and "detain" the divine bone in his mortal body, after all, it was too reluctant!
——If one day, her mortal body cannot suppress the surging divine bone power in her body, then her physical body will be torn into pieces by the tyrannical divine bone power in her body!

Xie Yuci's face was condensed, he was extremely angry, but at first glance his expression was very calm.

He said coldly: "Zhuo Qingtan, don't take the liberty to ask me, have you lived enough? That's why you spared no effort to die?"

Zhuo Qingtan was silent, and for a moment he really didn't dare to look at him.

She expected that Xie Yuci would be very angry once he found out, so she had been ambiguous before, and never confessed how she solved the vision of the two kings who broke through the secret formation.


Xie Yuci changed his usual accommodating attitude towards her, and asked coldly, "What? Could it be that the 'Immortal Zhuo' who has always admired the world without shame also had a day when he was too speechless? I don't know if Xie should feel honored." to the end."

How could Zhuo Qingtan not hear the cynicism in his words?

She smiled wryly and sighed softly, finally turned her head and looked at the man with a livid face in front of her.

"I haven't promised you to practice hard in this life, return to heaven as soon as possible and escape from reincarnation, how could you seek your own death?"

Xie Yuci didn't buy it.

He glanced at her lightly, and said with a sneer, "Oh, you don't? But if you don't, how dare you forcefully accept the bones of the gods in the previous world?"

Zhuo Qingtan: "."

She looked at him silently for a moment, and finally decided not to hide any more, and told Xie Yuci frankly and honestly.

Now that they have communicated with each other, there shouldn't be any secrets between them—let alone her own initiative, keeping him in the dark in the name of "for his own good".

Therefore, Zhuo Qingtan said softly: ".Yu Ci, you know, the barriers of the four great secret realms in the mortal world were set up by me in the past.

In fact, if there were no accidents, my divine bone and your fierce power and majestic purple energy will be in conflict with each other, and will cancel each other after ten thousand years, and will dissipate in the Three Realms at the same time.

——At that time, the power of the god bone supporting the formation of the secret realm will disappear, and the enchantment of the secret realm will naturally turn into nothingness, which will not bring any bad influence to the mortal world.

Not only that, but in the future, these four mortal realms will become a high-level practice place full of aura like Chong'a Mountain in Yunzhou because of the bones of the gods were buried, which is also of great benefit to mortal monks.

As for your demigod body, it will also be sealed and washed by my god bones, and the fierce power and purple energy will fade away, and you will be purified to become an innate god body from then on.

If there is no accident, the enchantment of the secret realm will dissipate by itself at that time, and when you wake up, you will obtain the real Godhead of God. "

Xie Yuci didn't say a word when he heard the words, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

He looked at the woman in front of him with exquisite eyebrows like ink painting in astonishment, and after a long time he said in a daze:

——So, it turns out that this is the Taiyin Youying who did not hesitate to die and die in the past, endured the extreme pain of inhumanity, pulled out his own god bones alive, and used the nine chapters of heaven, earth and stars as a guide to set up four heaven and earth magic circles to suppress His real reason for being here.
It turned out that she was not only worried that the majestic purple energy in his body would uncontrollably reverse the Three Realms, nor was she worried that after her death he would fight with the sun candle until he could not die and harm the common people, but also for him.

With the blessings of the bones of the ancient gods who first opened the chaos and the divine power of the last primordial spirit, she gave him a real new life for this fierce god.


Xie Yuci quietly traced her eyebrows and eyes with his own eyesight, feeling the pain in his heart was unbearable.

How could she treat herself like this?
How could he be worth her sacrifice?
How could he, who was born with a sinful body like her, bear the burden of a pure and beautiful true god like her, breaking his own bones, boiling his own blood, crushing his own soul—casting a divine soul for him A pure and pure body with complete body, bones, and personality?

Xie Yuci muttered in a daze:

".Zhuo Qingtan, what should I do with you? What should I do. Help you escape from this sea of ​​suffering."

Now, in order to deal with the aftermath of the two secret realms that he forcibly broke open and caused the vision of the god bone, she actually absorbed the god bone in the center of the king of formation into her fragile mortal body!
If her physical body is broken and she cannot attain the Tao, he will die to pay for it!
Zhuo Qingtan stood up suddenly, leaned slightly and hugged his waist.

Her thin and thin figure was like a firm but gentle bow, and her slender fingers patted his back very gently.

"Let me say that the mortal world is not a sea of ​​suffering to me. I am leisurely and enjoy it very much. Besides, I promise you that you will cultivate immortality and attain the Tao. When you return to the throne and return to heaven, you will work hard and will not break your promise."

She raised her head, with a warm smile, and looked at Xie Yuci with a rare fragility and confusion in her eyes.

"I still remember that you said tens of thousands of years ago that in your heart, I am omnipotent and invincible."

Xie Yuci was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then pulled the corners of his lips helplessly.

"Now in my heart, you are omnipotent and invincible. But—"

However, even though her will is always as firm as a rock, her body is always weak
Zhuo Qingtan looked at him with a smile, and interrupted him gently:

"Yu Ci, the former you were fearless and would never give in to fate."

Xie Yuci was silent for a moment.

He suddenly laughed lightly as if mocking himself, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Qingtan, I was indeed fearless in the past, because I never really experienced life and death at that time."

He looked at her fixedly, and continued slowly:

"In the past, Xie Yuci was born fearless, he didn't feel how precious his life was, and he didn't feel that death was unacceptable, so he naturally regarded death as home.

He doesn't care about his own life or death, let alone others'.

Later, he had someone who was as important as Mount Tai in his heart, but at that time he still firmly believed that the person he cared about was so powerful, he lived the same life as the world, and would never leave.

Therefore, Xie Yuci in the past was firm and fearless.Just because there is nothing in the world that can make him flinch, and there is no cycle of life and death worthy of his awe.

——However, from the day Xianshan Daiyu sank, all this was different. "

To this day, Xie Yuci still dare not recall the many details of that day.

At that time, he broke through the aura that Zhuo Qingtan had placed on him with half of his primordial spirit, causing half of her primordial spirit to attack him back——

The martyrdom bell rang three times, cracked and crushed into dust;
In his heart, like a majestic snow-capped peak, the holy emperor who will stand forever, died in front of him, and his bones fell into the world;
And the fairy mountain Daiyu and the Zhuozhi fairy palace, which are like fairy sources outside the world, all collapsed and sank in the deep sea.
Only then did he know that she would die too.

It turned out that he had torn her invincibility apart with his own hands.

It was also on that day that Xie Yuci really understood - it turned out that that is the avenue of life and death that makes all beings in the three realms fear.

Therefore, what the world says is correct: love breeds fear, and love breeds fear.

It was also Yuai who was born to not care about his own life, and even did not understand the meaning of his own existence, and finally truly revered life and death.

In fact, today's Xie Yuci is not a concession to fate.

Instead, he finally gave in to the light in his heart.

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