Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 255: Two Dilemmas

Chapter 255
Jiarong Shangxian and Yu Shiran were silent for a long time.

After a while, the two looked at each other, and then Jiarong Shangxian looked at Xie Yuci hesitantly, and opened his mouth tentatively.

"Master Xie, please be more rational."

Yu Shiran also glanced at Xie Yuci's expression with a complicated expression, obviously he meant the same thing.

——She even doubted whether Xie Yuci's mind was still clear at this time.

It's not that they look down on Xie Yuci, a demigod, but that the gods in ancient times were all transformed by the beginning of chaos, so how can anyone artificially recreate them?

If it is so easy to create the body of a god, wouldn't the world be full of gods?
And how could it be that after the heaven and earth first opened, Nuwa Pangu Fuxi and other gods fell, only the Holy God Emperor Zun Sun Candlelight and the Holy Emperor Taiyin Youying remained in the three worlds?
It's not right. Up to now, there is only one god left in this world, the Holy God Emperor Zun Sun Candle.

——Strictly speaking, the emperor of the past, Taiyin Youying, had fallen more than [-] years ago
Xie Yuci looked very good, he looked at them with a smile, and said, "I'm very sensible, why? Don't you believe it?"

Jiarong Shangxian: "."

Yu Shiran: "."

——And Mr. Xie's primordial purple energy was also sealed in the copy body of Your Excellency in the Taixu Secret Realm.

Yu Shiran and Jiarong Shangxian looked at each other for a moment in silence.

Xie Yuci turned his head and glanced at her, then smiled lightly as if mocking himself.

Xie Yuci quietly looked at him for a moment.

He chuckled and said slowly: "The world doesn't know me, but you two must have heard about me as the Nine Heavens Immortal Sovereign."

At that time, as long as you bring the emperor to the Mystic Realm of Hades Ditch and Taixu Secret Realm, the divine bones in the secret realm will naturally sense the power of the soul, and then two kings will burst out one after another, returning to the body of the Emperor at this time. .

In the past, there were so many immortal officials in Jiuchongtian, who didn't know that there was a fierce god in this world?

"The reason why I am called the 'half-god's body' is because I was born with a primordial spirit and a divine body, but no godhead. If I don't have a godhead, I am not worthy of being a god. Therefore, I was degraded by Tiandao in terms of titles." , known as the 'half-god'."

After a while, she suddenly thought of something, and murmured thoughtfully: "That's right. The emperor now has nothing but a ray of the soul of the ancient gods from the past, and the soul is a part of the primordial spirit!

Jiarong knew that even if the emperor was unconscious at this time, as long as the young master took out the artifact 'bone-suppressing nail' buried in the emperor's body, the emperor's suppressed soul would become active again.

He made such a long speech, explaining that he is not a demigod, but the body of a god, so it is impossible to show off, right?
Shangxian Jiarong also frowned.

Xie Yuci smiled lightly, first turned his head to look at Zhuo Qingtan's silhouette reflected on the bed curtain, and then looked at Yu Shiran with a chuckle.

Yu Shiran was startled when she heard the words, she immediately frowned and asked, "You mean that the world calls you a 'half-god body', but you actually have a complete god body? How is this possible?"

Xie Yuci naturally saw the hesitation and disbelief in their eyes.

The next moment, Yu Shiran still frowned and asked: "Okay, I believe that you are a complete divine body. But what does this have to do with the emperor?"

This divine body is enough to conquer the three realms and break away from the cycle of life and death. Don't you understand? "

Her temperament is proud and straightforward, and she doesn't know how to be euphemistic.At this time, I was impatient to beat around the bush again, so I asked bluntly, "Which side of the story are you referring to?"

But if we rashly take out the divine bones from the other two great secret realms, then the seals of the four great secret realm enchantments on Mr. Xie will also be completely broken at the same time.

Jiarong Shangxian is also puzzled.

How should they answer this?

"Thank you, Young Master! If it's true, maybe it's really feasible!"

Yu Shiran frowned at him.

"Xianjun Yushi, think about it carefully. Xie has no godhead, but he has the primordial spirit and natural bone that can only be possessed by a god, so he also has a body comparable to an ancient god.

"...I see, that's how it is."

Yu Shiran was overjoyed when he figured this out!

Yu Shiran stared at him in silence for a moment.

However, Jiarong Shangxian regained a sliver of reason after the initial joy.

"This idea is good! This idea is really great! In this way, the emperor can directly possess the body of a god. It avoids the upper limit of the cultivation base after practicing with a mortal body and returning to heaven!"

She was silent for a moment, then suddenly poured a basin of cold water, and asked: "But the problem now is, how can the emperor's soul be restored to a complete primordial soul? What's more."

——Thus, it can be fused with the half god bone in the emperor's body, so that the emperor has a complete god bone.

She pondered over the logic of Xie Yuci's words over and over again, and at a certain moment, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and suddenly realized.

She glanced at Xie Yuci meaningfully, pondered for a while, and said frankly:
"What's more, even if the problem of the primordial spirit is solved, the other half of the emperor's bones are still in the secret realm of Taixu in Chong'a Mountain and the secret realm of Mingwanggou in Jiusheng Mountain. Half of the power of evil.

Xie Yuci looked at her with a smile.

Yu Shiran was still puzzled, she frowned and said, "What do you mean? What kind of charades are you playing?"

Jiarong hesitated and said: ".Since that's the case, why is Mr. Xie called the 'body of a demigod'?"

Xie Yuci chuckled.

Do you mean that if the emperor has a complete upper god primordial spirit and a complete god bone like you, then even if she no longer has a godhead, she can still get a "half god's body" comparable to the upper god's body? body'!
In this way, the emperor can completely break away from reincarnation, and transform his mortal body into a 'body of a demigod' - so naturally he can return to his throne and return to heaven!Don't have to worry about not being able to regain the Tao and ascend to heaven one day, and the soul will be destroyed? "

If the Three Realms are destroyed because Mr. Xie saved the emperor, then how do you let the emperor deal with himself?Isn't it the emperor who is in a dilemma between life and death? "

She glanced at Xie Yuci, and asked tentatively: "Then I don't know Mr. Xie, how do you plan to 'recreate' a divine body for the emperor?"

At that time, after Mr. Xie returns to his innate divine body, how can he guarantee that you can control the primordial purple energy well and not overthrow the Three Realms?

"In Xie's life, he was often called a 'half-god' by gods and evil spirits. But in fact, no matter whether it was Sun Candlelight or Zhuo Qingtan, they all knew one thing in their hearts-that is, Xie was actually the real thing at a fair price. The ancient god body."

Jiarong Shangxian figured this out, and his expression relaxed.She didn't bother to answer Yu Shiran, and looked up at Xie Yuci in surprise.

Seeing Xie Yuci's expression at this time, they only felt that it was very pervasive. Could it be that he was really so anxious that he lost his mind?Why are you talking nonsense?
Jiarong Shangxian was silent for a moment, and changed to a more euphemistic rhetoric.

What if you don't have a normal practice, so you don't have a godhead?
Isn't Xie Yuci, the fierce god, also born without a godhead?
But when he was in his prime, looking at the heavens and the earth, the four seas and nine states, who else could fight against him except the two ancient gods, Dizun and Dijun?
Yu Shiran was full of surprises and clapped his hands again and again.

Even Yu Shiran slowly restrained his smile when he heard Jiarong's words, and frowned deeply.

Yes, Jiarong was right.

Xie Yuci's method does make sense in theory.

But the first problem is, how can a ray of divine soul of the emperor give birth to a complete primordial spirit?
Secondly, with the emperor's heart, how can she calmly face the collapse of the three realms, the decline of all things, and the rebirth of the world because she retrieved the complete divine bone?
They are all children who grew up by Dijun's side since they were young, and they know Dijun best.I have also witnessed with my own eyes how the emperor guards the peace of all things in the three realms like a day for thousands of years.

Now that they are all immortals, if they act recklessly while the emperor is unconscious, the emperor will fall into an injustice.
——How is that different from killing and destroying the emperor with his own hands?
(End of this chapter)

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