Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 258 His Moon

Chapter 258 His Moon
I don't know how much time has passed, and everyone tried their best to cover their eyebrows and eyes in the vision of thunder and lightning interspersed with wind and rain, and waited for the end of this vision from heaven.

At last the wind stopped—

As if the spring breeze is blowing on the face and everything is coming to spring, everyone put down their arms covering their eyes to resist the dust and sand in a daze.

I saw a figure slowly walking out from the depths of Chong'a Mountain Taixu Secret Realm.

The person got closer and closer, and his figure and appearance gradually became clear.

Everyone was startled.

——It’s a speech of thanks.

Also...not quite like him.

The person who came had the same face as Xie Yuci, with a bright and romantic charm in his eyebrows and eyes, and that casual smile still hung on his face. But there was a huge and frightening force, and he rushed head-on Come.

Finally, Xie Yuci walked to them and Zhuo Qingtan.

He first looked at Zhuo Qingtan very seriously and gently for a moment, then looked up at them, smiled and said:
"I'm sorry, I just got my body back, and the divine power in my body seems to be a little excited, and it will calm down later."

The integration of spirit and soul, the return of the divine body, the divine power in his body was extremely active at the beginning of the fusion, and the coercion of the uncontrollable demigod body made everyone present feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Xie Yuci's prediction was really good.As soon as he finished speaking, the surging divine power in his body was slowly quieted down and calmed down.

Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

The divine power that was pressing on their heads just now and made them almost surrender to the ground finally disappeared at this moment.

Perhaps, it shouldn't be said that it disappeared, but Xie Yuci successfully took it back into his consciousness.

He has once again mastered his divine body, and he can freely retract and release the divine power and divine power around him.

Xie Yuci looked at their slightly embarrassed looks, covered his lips and smiled.

"Are you all right? Are you okay?"

Before the others had time to speak, Ling Rong gritted her teeth forcefully, "a poor man with a lot of ambition", then puffed out her chest and said, "Of course! What can we do? A joke!"

Xie Yuci nodded with a smile on hearing this.

"Since there is nothing wrong, let's start."

Ling Rong paused slightly for a moment, and everyone fell silent again.

Xie Yuci turned his head away and stopped looking at them.

His tone was very light, but very solemn.

"Xie is about to take out the 'Qingqi Pearl' from his forehead, and then inject it into Qingtan's body. The moment when the 'Qingqi Pearl' is completely separated from me and merges with Qingtan's spirit is the moment when I am the weakest.

——At that moment, it was our only chance. "

He didn't say "you" but "we".

Xie Yuci always had a smile on his lips that never faded away.

That smile looked too gentle, so gentle that it didn't seem like his unruly.

"That's it. I leave everything to you."

There was a silent silence.

The breeze blew through the treetops around the secret place, bringing down a few flower petals.

Chong'a Mountain, which is like spring all the year round, is full of flowers even in severe winter.

After a while, a clear and gentle female voice suddenly sounded.

——It was actually Wan Qing who spoke first.

After a moment of silence, Wan Qing finally pulled the corners of her lips, her smile was as gentle and considerate as ever.

"My lord, please rest assured that Wanqing will not let you down."

——she will never let him down.

She also never let him down.

Xie Yuci was taken aback.

He looked at her with a gentle expression, smiled suddenly after a moment, and then nodded slightly to her.

"Wan Qing, thank you. You have already repaid the life-saving grace in the past. Over the years, between you and me, I owe you a lot."

Wan Qing was taken aback when she heard the words, then smiled softly.

She slightly narrowed her gentle eyebrows and smiled with tears in her eyes: "My lord, between you and me, we don't talk about debts."

Xie Yuci took a fixed look at her, and then nodded seriously.

"Okay, between you and me, don't talk about debts."

After Jiarong Shangxian was silent for a moment, he suddenly spoke softly.

"Please rest assured, we will do our best. Thank you, Mr. Gao Yi."

Xie Yuci shook his head slightly when he heard the words.

In his opinion, his move is really not a "high righteousness", nor is it a "sacrifice".

It's ridiculous to say that in Xie Yuci's life, he had no primordial spirit, divine bones, and divine power, but no godhead.

He was born to be the most fierce, but he didn't have the freedom and ease of being born fierce, as if he had been trapped in the invisible and intangible "Tao" in his heart all his life, and he was vainly called the fierce god who was the first of the four ancient evils.

He doesn't seem to be just influenced by Taiyin Youying from the past.

Because in fact, long before he met Taiyin Youying, he had never done a single evil thing that harms all living beings and should be done by evil things.

In the dark, he has his own world and measurement in his heart.

However, even for a person like him, who looks like a god but not a god, a fairy but not a fairy, a fierce but not fierce, a demon but not a demon... There was once a person who wanted to protect his whole life.

Xie Yuci looked at Zhuo Qingtan's jade-like clear and immortal profile with a smile.

How beautiful.

The person in front of him, whether he is a god or a mortal, is the most unique existence in the world in his heart.

In fact, he is very greedy.

So he not only wants to protect this person in front of him, but also wants to protect this piece of heaven and earth that she wants to protect, and protect all living beings for this person.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that many, many years ago, it was also on this Chong'a Mountain.
He used to stand tall and tall on the top of Chong'a Mountain, full of joy and eager to meet her immediately.

Then he told her frankly that he had eliminated all the evil spirits in the world for her during the many years when she was unconscious.Finally, he gave her back a look of peace and prosperity.

On that day, he longed for the cracks in the sky to close and the evil energy in the world to disappear, so that he could finally take her away from the Nine Heavens and the Zhuozhi Immortal Palace in the West Pole, and go to Xianshan Daiyu to live in peace and live together for a few years. comfortable.

However, things backfired.
However, the primordial purple energy in his body was out of control, and he was intercepted by the Sun Candle of the Holy God Emperor outside the Nantian Gate of the Nine Heavens.

The trajectory between him and her has deviated completely since then, going to both ends.

This time, never again.

Xie Yuci suddenly let out a long breath.

He will guard his moon, and they will never miss it again.

Xie Yuci put his two fingers together, and cast spells on his forehead. The most ferocious power of heaven and earth overflowing all over his body instantly emerged from his fingertips, and immediately went deep into his own eyebrows.

Seeing this, Wan Qing, Ling Rong, Jiarong Shangxian and others immediately cast spells on their chests with both hands.

They gathered all the celestial power, monster power, and spiritual power in their bodies in the sea of ​​qi and heart veins, ready to go, and only waited for the most critical moment to come.

Finally, Xie Yuci frowned tightly, and then, with the two fingers that were imprinted on his forehead, he violently picked it up!
"—— Shua!"

(End of this chapter)

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