Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 269 Extra Story 2 The Old Friends Reunite

Chapter 269 Extra Story 2 The Old Friends Reunite

A man with a clear and gentle face first glanced helplessly at the woman in yellow who had spoken before, and then interrupted her "blame" with a smile:
"Lingrong, it's no wonder my senior sister, it's not all because you thought it out—we just passed by Yunzhou the day before yesterday, and you said that you remembered the old things of wandering in the mortal world, and you insisted on casting spells on a sudden whim." Send a message to everyone and invite everyone to Yunzhou for a gathering.
My senior sister was still on the top of the Kunlun Snow Peak two days ago, leading the immortal beast Bai Ze to transform into a catastrophe.It's so far away from Yunzhou, and the senior sister arrived at this time. It must be that Bai Ze must have come to Yunzhou non-stop after successfully transforming into a catastrophe. Don't bully the senior sister to be honest. "

When Ling Rong heard this, she immediately turned her brows upside down, frowning as if she could pinch a firefly to death!

She stretched out her hand delicately, and accused the man word by word: "Okay! You An Luofu! Who are you with? Is this how you treat the mother of your two sons?" ?”

An Luofu blushed suddenly.

He came from a famous family when he was a mortal, and he was also a Confucian immortal after he became a fairy. He usually has a thin skin, but when he heard what his wife said, his face immediately became hot.

An Luofu said helplessly: "I'm helping you and not kissing you, what nonsense are you talking about in front of Senior Sister."

Wan Qing, Yu Shi, and Jia Rong couldn't help laughing when they heard the words, and the next moment Qi Qi laughed out loud.

Only Zhuo Qingtan and Bai Ze hadn't laughed -- Bai Ze had just transformed into a form and was ignorant, so he didn't quite understand what they were laughing at.

And Zhuo Qingtan was surprised that she was truthful!

She was shocked and said: "What? When did you two get married? Why don't I know—"

Actually have two sons?

An Luofu scratched his head with a foolish smile, and explained: "It happened ten years ago."

He recalled briefly, and then added respectfully and affectionately: "At that time, Xiangliu, the king of all monsters, asked his senior sister to help him put down the evil demon rebellion in Jiuyuan. Senior sister was still on the battlefield of Jiuyuan that year, so we got married. Small things are too light compared to the safety of the Three Realms, so I dare not bother Senior Sister and distract you."

Zhuo Qingtan: "."

This time, the person who frowned enough to kill a firefly was replaced by Zhuo Qingtan.

She was puzzled and said: "Even so, after the end of the Jiuyuan Rebellion, why didn't you send a message to me, so I can go and see you, and send a wedding gift to express my heart."

An Luo shook his head bluntly, and said with a smile: "I know that Senior Sister has us in her heart. Gifts and the like don't lie in the form, we don't need these between us."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Qingtan and Ling Rong frowned immediately.

Zhuo Qingtan frowned: "Why don't you need it?"

Ling Rong stared: "Why don't you need it?!"

As soon as the words fell, the two looked at each other.

Lingrong immediately smiled awkwardly, pulled An Luofu aside, gritted her teeth and whispered: "Are you stupid for cultivating immortals? If you attack the Holy Emperor, can the gift be light? Why not? Why? No? There are many good things in Qingtan Immortal Palace, and no one will use them if they are left unused!"

An Luofu looked at her helplessly and said: "You, you have already attained the fruit of cultivation, and now you are also named as the Jade Rabbit Fairy in the Zhuozhi Immortal Palace of the True God of Taiyin. What do you need?"

Ling Rong rolled her eyes, let go of his sleeve with a little bit of grievance and loss, then turned her back and hummed softly:
".I am now a female fairy under the seat of the True God of Taiyin, and even the gods in the Nine Heavens have sold me some face. Naturally, I don't lack anything.

But I have been chasing you for almost 1000 years!Now we finally got married with you, but because of the war in Jiuyuan, we didn’t even have a decent wedding. Except for our close friends, no one else knew that we were married. Don’t think I don’t know, there is still Xiao Xian’e who thinks You are single, and I am courting you."

Lingrong thought she didn't speak very loudly, but the whole room was full of gods with sharp eyes and ears, and they accidentally heard the private conversation between the young couple clearly.

An Luofu turned around in embarrassment and looked at his old friends with particularly wonderful expressions, and quickly whispered:
"...Don't think about it, you know that I rejected her at that time. I also told her that I was already married, and my wife is you and only you."

Ling Rong's face looked better, but she still pouted.

"However, if there is an emperor to give us a congratulatory gift, it will be equivalent to God's marriage for us. Wouldn't the three realms know that you, True Immortal Luofu, belong to me? That's called once and for all! There will never be another woman Immortals come to your idea! Otherwise, otherwise."

She clenched her fists viciously, her eyes were spinning wildly thinking about how to threaten her, and she happened to look at Zhuo Qingtan, who was smiling uncontrollably, her mind flashed, and she immediately added: "—Otherwise! They are despising the old emperor ! Then they are the biggest and biggest sinners of the Three Realms!"


After thinking about it, she felt more and more that she was too smart, so she added one sentence at a time:
"——If the emperor gave us a congratulatory gift, and they still dare to talk to you in delusion, then they are definitely sinners who despise the emperor's divine power! This is going to be demoted to the fallen gods by the Taiyi sage!"

Everyone: "."

This is really a big black pot, it's just like killing people!
Zhuo Qingtan laughed and shook his head.

"Okay, Lingrong, I don't even know about your marriage. It is reasonable for other fairy families to be ambiguous before. I guess it was not intentional. If everyone knows that you are married, there will be no more marriages." Misunderstandings happened. Besides, I watched Luo Fu grow up, and he has a very strong body, so you don't have to worry about it."

Ling Rong pouted.

"Zhuo Qingtan, anyway, I'm waiting for you to personally bless our child, you, a aunt, can't shirk it."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled and nodded in response.

"It's natural."

She asked again: "Where are the two little guys? Why didn't you bring them this time?"

An Luofu mentioned the two sons, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Senior sister doesn't know, these two little guys are twins, with exactly the same mischievous personality, they almost tore apart my fairy palace.

Last year, they followed Ling Rong and I to visit the mansion of Shangxian in Langya, but they were fascinated by the magical artifact made by Shangxian, and refused to come back with us no matter what. "

Ling Rong added with a smile: "The two of them are also very intelligent, which is very similar to their mother kissing me! That's why I got the favor of the fairy, and thought that their roots were good, so they were accepted by the fairy and stayed behind. Langya Immortal Mountain is practicing magic circles, and it is estimated that within a hundred years, I will not leave Langya Mountain to disturb our husband and wife—”

She wanted to take this opportunity to boast about herself, but in the end she accidentally said what was in her heart.

An Luofu looked at her dotingly and said: "Their naughty and aggressive temperament is more like their mother."

Ling Rong looked around in embarrassment and said to him, "What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Have you been drinking? Why are you talking nonsense?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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