Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 38 "Snake Demon" Wan Qing

Chapter 38 "Snake Demon" Wan Qing

Lingrong was at a loss for words for a moment, she looked at Junbie very annoyed, and rolled her eyes towards the sky.

"You're used to bullying me. Why doesn't that guy want to see you, and doesn't see you being so stubborn, so he just beats me in?"

Jun Bie lowered his head and raised his eyebrows, looking carefully at the carving knife in his hand.The slender and sharp blade walks on the jade, bringing out traces of lines.

After a breath, he said softly: "What did I tell you just now? I forgot it so quickly, didn't I?"

Ling Rong paused when she heard the words, she exclaimed, her eyes widened in disbelief.

".No! Am I slandering that emperor? I'm just telling the truth! Don't go too far! Do you know that if your behavior is placed in the mortal world, it will be those who A 'literary prison' for tyrants!"

Jun Bie glanced at her lightly.

She actually still knows what the "literary prison" in the mortal world is?This was a bit beyond his expectation.

He said in a very calm tone: "Even if there is no slander, disrespect to the emperor is still an offense."

Speaking of this, Jun Bie slightly frowned and looked at the girl, and couldn't help preaching:

"You have such a mouth. I shouldn't save you for the first time. Maybe if you have been struck by the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder once, your mind will be clearer, and you will know what to say and what not to say.

The emperor has suffered a lot for the people of the three realms in this life. If the person in front of you is not me but other gods in the heavens, you will definitely be detained in the fallen gods again. "

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Ling Rong didn't bother to argue with him, and every time they talked about the Holy Emperor, they would break up unhappy in all likelihood.

She pursed her lips and hummed softly.

"As for me, I know that Shengdijun is a good god, but I just complain for you! We are friends, and I feel bad when you are wronged!"

Jun Bie didn't know what to think of, but shook his head lightly, with a wry smile on his lips.

"Lingrong, don't say that. I have nothing to complain about, and I have never been wronged.

You don't understand, I was born with bad luck, but the emperor saved my life and personally taught me to become a talent, so the kindness to me is as great as a mountain.

And although I have failed the Emperor's teachings many times, she has always cared about whether I am doing well in Jiuchongtian. "

The last time he used the power of "duoqing" to punish Lingrong, the emperor knew about it immediately, and sent Jiarong Shangxian to visit him.

Although the emperor didn't say anything, Junbie knew that if the emperor hadn't agreed to give the order, Jiarong Shangxian would never have left Xianshan Daiyu easily to visit him in Jiuchongtian.

Lingrong didn't believe it, she raised her eyebrows, and said with a "sneer":

"If that's the case, why doesn't she even want to meet you face to face?"

Jun Bie was silent for a moment, as if he didn't want to continue this topic, he suddenly said softly:

"There is still business to be done in Jiuchongtian. I'll go first, and I'll come to see you next time. You should do more good deeds, so that you can practice well, and don't do anything wrong."

Then, Junbie cast a spell on his forehead with one hand in the mudra, and disappeared by the river in an instant.


The startled cry of the Little Jade Rabbit Spirit came from far away, and finally gradually dissipated: "You stinky cat! Why did you blow your hair again——"

After returning to Jiuchongtian to return to his life, his life has returned to the same lifeless life at the beginning.

Both mortals and demons hope that one day they can ascend to heaven and be among the immortals.

But they don't know that the gods in the sky, apart from performing their own duties and maintaining the three realms' smooth weather and the peace of the common people, their own lives are very boring and boring.

Junbie is the priest of the Temple of the Fallen God, and the priests of the Temple of the Fallen God have very special powers.

Therefore, although the priests of the temple make the immortals fear and respect them in the Nine Heavens, they also make other immortals unconsciously avoid suspicion and dare to approach easily.

In addition, Junbie was born under the seat of the Holy Emperor in Daiyu Zhuozhi Immortal Palace in Xianshan Mountain, with extraordinary talent and rapid improvement in immortal arts. Apart from the admiration and admiration of the immortals, they even unconsciously felt a little distance.

He carried this image of a priest's majesty every day in the Nine Heavens. The once flamboyant and cheerful young man was like an old dream and memory that was far, far away from him, becoming more and more blurred.

Only when he was ordered to go down to the mortal world to run errands, facing Ling Rong and these little monsters who knew nothing about the heights and depths of the world, could he temporarily let go of his duties as a priest and be himself for a while.

He still would go back to Xianshan Daiyu as usual every time he went to the mortal world, although Jiarong Shangxian said every time that the Holy Emperor was busy and could not leave Lu Guiya, nor could he summon him.

Later, the white jade paperweight that he carved with his own hands could not be given to the emperor by himself in the end, so Jiarong Shangxian had to take him to hand it over.

Gradually, he became one with the group of little monsters in Tibetan (zàng) Xiushan.

Cangxiu Mountain is located in the southeast border of Kyushu, surrounded by mountains and the sea, except for Lingrong's grandma Wanqing, the rest of the monsters are weak and kind-hearted little monsters with no big pursuits.

They don't seek Taoism and immortality, they just want to stick to a piece of pure land and seek a piece of stability in this world.

With such contentment and happiness, even Jun Bie couldn't help but envy their carefree.

Most of the little demons in Cangxiu Mountain didn't know Jun's identity, they only regarded him as an idle fairy from Jiuchongtian, they got along very comfortably and harmoniously with him, and there was no sense of distance between them.

They even enthusiastically left an elegant guest room in the cottage for Junbie.

Therefore, this place has become a place where Junbie can let himself go in the mortal world.

However, there is a monster on Cangxiu Mountain, which makes Junbie still unable to see through her—that person is the "Grandma" in Lingrong's mouth, a snake demon named "Wan Qing".

Although Ling Rong called her "Grandma", Wan Qing looked very young and beautiful.

A demon who has cultivated Tao has an immortal lifespan and eternal youth.

It seems that Wan Qing should have successfully achieved Taoism at a very young age, so although she is over a thousand years old, her appearance is still as beautiful and youthful as a young girl.

In fact, her appearance is much more beautiful than Ling Rong's.

——Bee's waist and buttocks, with a delicate figure, and a pair of long and narrow red phoenix eyes, when looking at others, there is always a full of romantic charm.

But the strange thing is that every time she looked at Junbie, there was no trace of coquettishness in her eyes.

Sometimes, Jun Farewell even has an illusion. Wan Qing respects him too much, even to the point where she dare not look up into his eyes.

This is so weird.

Whenever Wan Qing looked at him, she seemed a little sad, sincere, and heartbroken.

Sometimes, there would be a sudden flash of resentment in her eyes.

But Jun Bie could tell that the trace of resentment was not directed at him, but at someone else.

All these strange actions were definitely not simply because he had saved Ling Rong's life.

But for some reason, Junbie has an inexplicable trust in this snake demon named "Wan Qing".

It seemed that they had known each other for a long time, and there was an inexplicable certainty in his heart that Wan Qing would never do anything unfavorable to him.

The aura on Wan Qing's body is very strange, although the reason is unknown, but it is quite different from ordinary snake demons.

Jun Bie had also used the magic weapon of the heavens to secretly spy on Wan Qing's real body, and it was undoubtedly in the form of a snake demon.

It's just that Wan Qing's words often confuse Jun Bie. She always seizes various opportunities and tries hard to persuade him to leave Jiuchongtian, and even persuade him to leave Zhuozhi Immortal Palace and live in the mortal world.

Jun Bie naturally rejected her directly and frankly every time, but Wan Qing seemed to become more and more courageous with frustration, and never gave up.

Until this time, they once again had fierce disputes and conflicts.

On this day, Junbie was about to leave Cangxiu Mountain and return to Jiuchongtian, but was stopped by Wanqing at the foot of the mountain.

Her tone was soft, but what she said was still the old-fashioned words of "divorce".

"Xianjun, although you have superb Taoism and respected status, Wan Qing can clearly feel that your life in Jiuchongtian is not so smooth.

That being the case, why don't you follow your heart, leave the heavenly world of rules and regulations, and find a piece of freedom for yourself?You are not a thing in the pool, and you should not be bound by the strict rules of heaven in this life. "

Junbie frowned slightly upon hearing this, and looked at her helplessly.

"Miss Wanqing, farewell is going to the sect of the Holy Emperor, and is ordered to guard the Temple of the Fallen God in the Nine Heavens. Unless the emperor orders, otherwise, I will do my duty faithfully in this life and will not leave the Temple of the Fallen God."

In fact, this is not the first time Wan Qing has heard such an answer.

However, just because of Junbie's "stubbornness" again and again, the cornerstone in her heart was finally crushed.

Her pair of red phoenix eyes implied grief:

"Xianjun! You are confused! The gods in the Nine Heavens have no heart! You are a person who longs for the way to be free and free, how can you ruin your happiness and freedom for a lifetime just because of someone else's instructions?"

(End of this chapter)

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