Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 41 "Dai Yu"

Chapter 41 "Dai Yu"

Taiyin Youying sighed helplessly.

At this time, even he himself may not realize that every time he sees Xie Yuci, he will be in a good mood, and subconsciously indulge his many nonsense.

Taiyin Youying pondered for a moment, then said softly:

"Haidai turns east and west six times in spring, and I think about people in leisure time. This place is at the end of Yulan, and there is no fairy source to come out of the world—the fairy mountain here is called 'Daiyu'."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a layer of hazy white divine light suddenly covering the fairy mountain.

This is the heavenly light vision that will only be born when the god who owns the god bone bestows a name on the mountain and river.

If there is no accident, the name of this fairy mountain is already "Daiyu" in "Jiuzhou Mountains and Rivers" at this time, and even earth immortals can no longer change it.

Xie Yuci immediately applauded appreciatively.

"Dai Yu?——This name is very good! Hahaha, thank goodness I didn't come up with the name.

I originally thought that if I wait for you for a long time, then I will name it "Dishonest Mountain" in two years, and when you come back, I will use it to shame you! "

Taiyin Youying sighed helplessly upon hearing the words.

"You, since you are born with a godly bone, how can you be so outspoken?

Yesterday in Jiuchongtian, I heard that the Earth Immortal reported that there is a mountain range in the southeast border, surrounded by the mountains and the sea, the scenery is very beautiful.Unexpectedly, you passed by here, and said casually, "This mountain is very beautiful. I will be buried here after I die, and it will be called the mountain of burial".

As a result, "Kyushu Mountains and Rivers" heard the name given by the person of the god bone, and named a good mountain and water treasure, which is still such an unlucky name. "

Xie Yuci laughed "haha" upon hearing this.

He supported Taiyin Youying's arm, laughing so hard that he could barely straighten up.

"I just said that casually at the time, but I didn't expect to actually change the name of this mountain. Eh? No! What 'yesterday', it was clearly last year!

If you want me to tell you about this matter, you are all to blame. You forgot the time and stayed in Jiuchongtian for three full days, and I spent three full years here.

You don't know, in the past three years, I have been so bored that I have traveled almost all the southeastern states.But I almost forgot to tell you, I saved such a little thing in the 'Banxiu Mountain', look-"

As he spoke, he took out a ball of cyan living thing from his cuff, and held it up for Taiyin Youying to see.

Taiyin Youying frowned and looked intently, only to see a small cyan snake lying quietly on Xie Yuci's open palm.

Presumably, Xie Yuci cast a spell on that little snake, so it turned into such a small one.

"Teng snake?"

Taiyin Youying frowned, with a very serious expression.

"I say goodbye. This is a fairy beast. If you keep it privately, you will offend Jiuzhongtian. It's better to let me bring it to Dongyuan Zhenjun to teach it."

He spread his right hand, stretched it out in front of Xie Yuci, and begged him for the little snake.

But Xie Yuci was a little unhappy and said: "This is a snake egg I picked up myself. When Chu Chu picked it up, its eggshell was cracked, and I managed to bring it back to life.

If you want to raise it, I will naturally offer it with both hands without saying a word.But how old is that Lao Shizi's Ninth Heavenly Heavenly Beast Master?Why should I hand over Xiaoqing to him?
If the fairy king of the Immortal Beast Department wanted it, he would let him fight with me, and if he beat me, he would naturally give it to him. "

Taiyin Youying sighed softly upon hearing this.

"Yu Ci, it took tens of thousands of years for the Three Realms to finally be in order after the chaos first opened. Everything must have rules in order to be orderly and orderly, so that the order will not be disordered.

Immortal beasts should be taught by the gods who are in charge of immortal beasts and monsters in Jiuzhongtian. This little snake snake probably was a snake egg accidentally left in the mortal world by a certain snake fairy king, so you picked it up.

Teng Snake is aggressive by nature. You act so arrogantly and carelessly, and you can't take care of yourself. How can you guide this little thing to be good and defend the way. "

Xie Yuci made a "hum", and said rather unconvinced:
"I was born from the beginning of chaos, and I was born without being educated, so I can still live well? Why can't I teach such a little snake."

Taiyin Youying saw that he would not listen to the persuasion, so she had no choice but to punch him on the shoulder moderately.

He thought for a moment, and finally said softly: "Forget it, you don't have any relatives in the mortal world, since you want to keep this little snake by your side so much, then I will obey you.

I will take care of this matter, and I will put this snake under the name of my West Pole Zhuoyi Immortal Palace, so that I put it by your side.

In this way, if someone asks you about the crime in the future, you will say that this scorpion snake was sent to you by me, and please take care of her for me. "

Xie Yuci was overjoyed when he heard the words, he nodded immediately, grinning out of shape, and jokingly said:
"With the protection of the Holy Emperor, I want to see, who in the Nine Heavens would dare to accuse me?"

Taiyin Youying shook her head helplessly.

"Resignation, you promised me that you will definitely guide the little snake to be good, and you must not teach it to be as lawless as you are."

Xie Yuci giggled and touched the little snake in his hand, obviously not taking his words to heart.

Seeing this, Taiyin Youying sighed slightly in her heart.

He was really worried that this demon king would really teach the naturally aggressive Teng Snake to be more presumptuous, and it would be troublesome if he caused any disasters in the future.

So, he changed his rhetoric and said lightly with the "provoking method":
"Of course, since it has been registered under the name of my Zhuozhi Immortal Palace, if you ignore me in the future and make this snake do something wrong that harms the common people, I will go to the Fallen God Pavilion to receive the punishment and receive the precept. Repay for both of you."


Sure enough, Xie Yuci put away his playful expression, and he let out a long sigh.

"Hey, you little old-fashioned, I'm really afraid of you! Well, you can rest assured, I will definitely teach Xiaoqing to be a little more docile than a rabbit, this will be okay, right? "

Taiyin Youying was teased by him and chuckled softly.

There was warmth and warmth in his eyes, and he joked: "If this is the case, then I will definitely reward you well."

"Oh? Then how will the emperor reward me?"

Xie Yuci immediately regained his spirits, raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

Taiyin Youying looked at him with clear and pure eyes. After thinking for a few seconds, he tilted his head and said:

"The fine nectar and jade dew I brought from Jiuchongtian last time, don't you think it's delicious? I'll bring you some more with a magic weapon. Is that good?"

Unexpectedly, Xie Yuci waved his hands again and again when he heard the words, and said in disgust:
"I just said it casually that time! Who would be bothered to drink that sweet fake wine from Jiuchongtian that doesn't even taste like wine at all!"

After he finished speaking, he still looked at Taiyin Youying with a half-smile.

"Dijun, you don't care too much about this reward!"

Taiyin Youying sighed.

"I really can't think of what else you lack. If you say it yourself, then what reward do you want?"

Xie Yuci's eyes sparkled, and he was so happy that he almost threw the snake in his hand.

"I said it myself? Really??"

"Really." Taiyin Youying said lightly.

Then, He suddenly glanced at him warningly, and frowned.

"Be careful, don't hurt the snake."

Xie Yuci, however, had long since neglected the little snake. He grabbed his arm and blurted out:
"Then, how about you turning into a female body? This is the reward I want!"

Taiyin Youying frowned slightly and looked at him puzzled.

"What kind of reward is this?"

"Don't worry about it!"

Xie Yuci looked at him with raised eyebrows and a smile, the joy in his expression was undeniable.

"As I said earlier, I have to choose the rewards myself. Even ordinary people in the world know the truth of 'Once a word is said, a horse is hard to follow'. You are one of the two saints of the Nine Heavens, the emperor of the past, Taiyin Youying ! What you say is divine judgment, so you have to count it, right?"

Taiyin Youying sighed slightly when she heard the words, with a rare look of confusion on her face.

"You guys are really strange, why are you all urging me to take shape as soon as possible?"


Xie Yuci squinted at him, and asked in a strange tone: "Who else wants to see if you can't transform?"

Taiyin Youying smiled, and he replied frankly:

"Di Zun has urged me to take shape as soon as possible many times. But I was born with this divine body, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It's just a skin, and it doesn't matter what it looks like."

Xie Yuci got off topic when he heard the words, he muttered in a low voice:
"I don't think this sun candle has any good intentions?

——In other words, although all living beings in the three realms think that you two saints were transformed by the two ceremonies at the beginning of chaos, you are regarded as compatriots in heaven and earth.But you are not related by blood!So, if you want me to say, you still have to keep a little distance! "

Taiyin Youying was quite speechless, she gave him a reproachful look.

"You don't want to practice all day long, and you have some weird ideas in your head."

Xie Yuci laughed.

"Are you serious about practicing?"

He smiled loudly, with an uninhibited expression, but very free and easy.

"Taiyin Youying, I am the leader of the four evils in the world after the dawn of chaos, and I am also a demigod freak with a godly bone.

——If one day, I really start to practice painstakingly, I'm afraid that the holy god Emperor Zun of the Nine Heavens will really not be able to sleep! "

(End of this chapter)

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