Chapter 49

Qionghua was stunned.

She was suddenly startled by Jiarong, the little fairy's bold and nonsensical words, and didn't know how to respond.

Qionghua was even a little puzzled, the emperor was born and divine at the beginning of heaven and earth, what a glory and honor this is, why would she think so?
What's wrong with being a god?
Immediately she heard the bold little Xian'e continuing to speak in a clear voice:

"Sister Qionghua, although everyone is envious of the status of a god, the emperor may not be willing!
It's just that he was born a god, and the safety of the common people is an innate mission entrusted to him by the universe. No one can help him, and he has never had any choice, so he can only carry forward with heavy burdens. "

She lowered her head sadly.

"Sister Qionghua should know that before I cultivated the immortal shape, I was once a fairy grass of Daiyu in Xianshan Mountain.

And when I made a fairy grass in Xianshan Daiyu, it grew in front of the window of Emperor Daiyu's bedroom.

Jiarong once had the honor of seeing the emperor closing his eyes and smiling, listening to the joy of the surging waves of the East China Sea;
I have seen the tenderness and warmth of the emperor taking care of the injured animals; I have seen the moment of peace when the emperor is lying under the phoenix tree and basking in the sun; Sometimes, although the mouth is not happy, but the eyes are full of joy
——Because I have seen so many appearances of emperors that I have never seen in Jiuchongtian, I understand more in my heart what kind of life He really wants in his heart. "

When Jiarong said this, there was a thin layer of tears in his eyes.

"Sister, is it really a blessing to be born a god? It may be a blessing to others, but it is a burden to the emperor.

Sister, do you know what to do?I want to help Dijun no longer have to be this Dijun and be bound by these constraints. "

"shut up!"

Qionghua was taken aback by her bold words.

She immediately took a step forward and covered her mouth tightly with her hand. Because she was so nervous, she forgot that she could actually cast a spell to seal her mouth.

Then, Qionghua looked around in a panic, and seeing that there was no one else around, she scolded her in a low voice:

"You little girl, how can you talk nonsense! Are you going to kill yourself? Can you say this?"

Jiarong was also taken aback by what he blurted out.

It is really disrespectful to let the emperor stop being the emperor. She was also a little scared for a while, and her face turned pale.

Qionghua removed the hand covering her mouth, Jiarong whispered: "I am in a hurry."

Qionghua sighed: "I know you grew up in the mortal world, you are used to being free and unrestrained, and you can't stand the nine layers of heavenly rules.

But you must remember that misfortune comes out of your mouth, it is a crime to make false comments on your superior, and if you are heard by others, you will be punished to go to the Fallen God Ting to eat nine pieces of nine-day profound thunder. "

"I'm not afraid."

Jiarong whispered stubbornly.

Qionghua patted her on the head.

"I know you're not afraid, but now the emperor is already restless, we can't let him be distracted anymore."

Jiarong was silent for a moment, and finally nodded obediently.

After the two talked, they were about to separate.

Qionghua is going to the Rising Sun Terrace to pick up the heavenly book sent to dry yesterday, while Jiarong is arranged to serve the fairy grass in the garden of Zhuozhi Immortal Palace.

Xie Yuci waited for the two to part, then followed Jiarong all the way to the garden of Zhuozhi Immortal Palace with no expression on his face.

After waiting for a while, until there was no other Xian'e in the garden except Jiarong, he finally canceled the invisibility magic on his body and revealed his real body.

Jiarong was frightened by the man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of her, she let out a cry of "ah".

After seeing the face of the person in front of him clearly in the next moment, he quickly covered his mouth again.

She subconsciously looked around and saw that there were no other Xian'e around at this time, so she was relieved.

Then he grabbed Xie Yuci's sleeve and hurriedly pulled him to a secluded corner beside the garden.

Then, she looked around vigilantly and carefully, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Xie! Why are you? Why did you come to Jiuchongtian?"

Xie Yuci looked into her eyes, and replied in a deep voice: "I heard the sound of the martyrdom bell chiming in Daiyu."


Jiarong was stunned: "So you are here to find Dijun? But Dijun is not in Xiji Zhuozhi Immortal Palace at this time."

"I already know."

Xie Yuci nodded: "Before I came to look for you, I have already searched here, and I know that He is not here. That's why I want to ask you, do you know where He is now?"

Jiarong frowned slightly: "Actually, since the sky closed that day, we have never seen Dijun.

I heard that Emperor Zun took Dijun away in person, and it is likely that Dijun is recuperating in Emperor Zun's Yuxiao Hall now. "

Xie Yuci frowned slightly. He was actually taken back to Yuxiao Palace by the sun candle, and he couldn't even go back to his own bedroom. Taiyin Youying's injury this time was definitely not unusual.

He asked decisively: "Is Yuxiao Palace the largest palace in the extreme east of Jiuchongtian?"

Jiarong nodded again and again: "That's right there! But the guards of Yuxiao Palace only listen to Emperor Zun's words, and they are guarded tightly, which is very unreasonable.

I went to Yuxiao Palace several times before and begged them to let me in to visit Dijun, but they refused. "

She frowned in distress.

Xie Yuci nodded and wanted to leave immediately, but after thinking about it, she couldn't help telling her because she was born in Daiyu after all.

"I know your loyalty to Taiyin Youying, but that Xian'e said a good thing just now.

At this time, Taiyin Youying has no time to take care of you, and you have just transformed into an immortal for a hundred years, and your immortal power is low, so don't be impulsive when encountering things, take care of yourself, and don't intervene if you are unable to do other things. "

After finishing speaking, he said no more, nodded slightly to her, and prepared to leave.

But Jiarong quickly stopped him and said in a low voice: "Wait! Mr. Xie! Are you going to Yuxiao Palace?"

Xie Yuci nodded slightly.

Because Xie Yuci seldom used immortal techniques when he was in Daiyu in Xianshan Mountain, Jiarong actually didn't know Xie Yuci's real body, but only thought that he was an ordinary monster in Daiyu Xianshan that had transformed into a form, so he heard that Words are a little worried.

She said: "Mr. Xie just told me not to be impulsive. Do you know that the place you are going to now is the bedroom of the Holy God Emperor. Isn't it a dead end to break in like this?"

"It's okay."

Xie Yuci's lips curled into a very light smile.

There was a bit of contempt for the world in that smile, and the arrogance that Tibet couldn't hide.

"The defense of the Nine Heavens is useless to me. The purpose of my trip is only to see the former Sage Emperor Taiyin Youying. As for the sun candlelight, I will try not to confront him head-on."

Jiarong was still very worried.

"But Mr. Xie, if the emperor is really in Yuxiao Palace, the emperor will definitely not stay away, in case you run into each other."

Xie Yuci laughed.

"So what if we meet?"

He said softly: "In the three realms and nine states, there is only one person who can make me helpless. And that person is not him."

(End of this chapter)

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