Chapter 53
When Taiyin Youying woke up again, it was already ten days after the act of mending the sky, and it was also ten days after the nine heavens.

He frowned and opened his eyes, turned his head to look around, and saw the familiar yet unfamiliar silver-white bed curtain.

But because he just woke up, his mind is still a little confused.

His movement alarmed the body protection formations around him, several Xian'e serving outside the hall heard the movement, and hurried into the hall to serve.

One of them is Xiancao Jiarong, who was born in Daiyu.

Jiarong was the first to rush into the hall with a look of surprise, his eyes looking at Taiyin Youying were also sparkling.

She exclaimed happily: "Dijun! You finally woke up! But what's wrong?"

Taiyin Youying nodded slightly, and nodded to the little fairies.Then he gently exerted force, propped up his body and slowly sat up, he gently shook his still dizzy head with his forehead, and finally slowly remembered the past.

At the last moment when mending the sky was about to be completed, a ray of majestic purple energy suddenly emerged from the crack in the sky, almost tearing the sky open again, and making him fall short.

Fortunately, he responded in a timely manner. He tried his best to fight against it, and finally succeeded in closing the sky.

But after that, he seemed to feel a tearing pain from the primordial spirit in his skull, and he seemed to hear the bell ringing vaguely?
Then he completely lost consciousness and consciousness.

Presumably Emperor Zun arrived in time to save him, and sent him back to Zhuoyi Immortal Palace.

Taiyin Youying held down his throbbing forehead, and he closed his eyes and asked softly: "I heard some movement when I was mending the sky, but it was the death bell of Fallen God Ting."

Even though many days have passed, Jiarong still couldn't help but feel his eyes warm up when he heard this.

".Yes, Dijun."

Hearing his choking voice, Taiyin Youying raised her eyes slightly in surprise, and seeing her pitiful expression of wanting to cry, she couldn't help but sighed softly.

"This time, I didn't think carefully and almost made a mistake. You are shocked."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Jiarong not only didn't feel comforted, but felt even more sad.

The emperor was clearly injured so badly, yet he still worried that they would be frightened when he woke up.

There were two "clicks", and two crystal clear teardrops happened to fall on the edge of Taiyin Youying.

Taiyin Youying looked at her helplessly, smiled at her gently, and said softly: "Don't cry, don't be afraid. You are already a big girl."

After hearing this, Jiarong couldn't help but burst into tears and laughed.

She didn't want Taiyin Youying to force herself to comfort her, so she quickly squeezed out a "happy" smile to cover up the sadness in her heart.

She took the celestial tea from another fairy, lay down before the collapse, offered it with both hands, and said crisply:

"Dijun, Jiarong doesn't cry, even if it really collapses one day, I won't be afraid if you are here."

Taiyin Youying took the tea and took a sip, then handed it back, and said amusedly: "What stupid things are you talking about, the sky won't collapse for the time being."

Jiarong took the teacup in his hand, picked up a handkerchief on Xian'e's tray, handed it to him respectfully, and whispered:
"Dijun, although the sky in the Three Realms won't fall, you know that the 'sky' in Jiarong's heart almost collapsed when the bell rang three times that day. You are the 'Optimus Prime' in the hearts of the immortals of the Nine Heavens, Next time, you must not disregard your own body like this."

Taiyin Youying was taken aback when she heard the words.

He took the xiu handkerchief she handed over, and gently wiped the corner of his mouth.

So the martyrdom bell rang three times?
He frowned, it seemed that this time he acted a little more dangerously.

Taiyin Youying lightly pressed her sore and swollen forehead.He had just tested his primordial spirit, and the strange thing was that he had thought that the death bell would warn him three times, and his primordial spirit would be seriously injured, and might even be in danger of rupturing.

But why at this time, when he was investigating the primordial spirit, although he was a little unstable, there was no serious problem?
Taiyin Youying felt that the primordial spirit was swollen and full, as if there was something that didn't belong to him, but he didn't find any other abnormalities.

He lifted the quilt, stepped on the ground with both feet, stood up slowly, and asked left and right.

"Where is Emperor Zun now, but Emperor Zun cast a spell to heal me?"

Jiarong blinked, and replied: "Go back to Dijun, it was Dizun who took you to Dongji Yuxiao Palace that day, and sent you back to Zhuozhi Immortal Palace the next day."

Taiyin Youying groaned slightly, thinking about it this way, it should be Emperor Zun's consumption of cultivation base that stabilized the primordial spirit for him.

Seeing Taiyin Youying get up, the two immortals immediately took up a cloud-white fairy gown inlaid with gold thread hanging beside the bed, and gently draped it on His shoulders.

He waved his hand lightly, signaling them all to back off.

He frowned, why does this room have a faint smell of lingzhu flowers unique to Daiyu Immortal Mountain?
Taiyin Youying glanced lightly at Jiarong who hadn't stepped back, thinking that Jiarong missed his homeland, so he wore a sachet of Daiyu's unique Lingzhu flower on his body.

Just as Jiarong was about to retreat, unexpectedly, after the other fairies retreated, Jiarong looked around vigilantly, and then sneaked closer to Taiyin Youying like a small animal.

Taiyin Youying glanced at her: "Huh? What else is there?"

"Dijun, Jiarong still has something important to report."

She whispered: "Mr. Xie, Mr. Xie, he also came to Jiuchongtian ten days ago."

Taiyin Youying suddenly raised her head when she heard the words, and fixedly looked at her.

"--What did you say?"

Jiarong nodded like pounding garlic.

"It's true, Monarch. On the day when the bell for the death of the gods rang, Mr. Xie was worried about your safety, so he sneaked into the Nine Heavens."

Taiyin Youying frowned deeply, her worry was beyond words.

Why is he here?Have you ever returned to Daiyu safely now?
Just now Jiarong said that he was not in the Zhuozhi Immortal Palace that day, but was taken to Yuxiao Palace by Emperor Zun. He thought he could not find him here, so he went down to the world and returned home. Thinking of this, he slightly relieved.

Taiyin Youying murmured: "Since I wasn't in Zhuozhi Immortal Palace that day, I think he wouldn't bump into someone he shouldn't bump into and cause any trouble."

Jiarong glanced at her with some guilt, but still didn't dare to hide it.

"...The emperor was indeed not in Zhuozhi Immortal Palace that day, I showed Mr. Xie the way to Yuxiao Palace."

"You are confused!"

Taiyin Youying looked at her sharply, and said in a deep voice: "Jiarong, since you know he is not from the heavens, how can you guide him to Emperor Zun's Yuxiao Palace? Are you harming him or helping him? ! What happened to Jiuchongtian in the past few days? Tell me in detail, don't hide it!"

If Xie Yuci ran into the Holy God Emperor, I am afraid that the two of them would not be able to get along!

With his fearless temperament, it is unknown that he might fight in Yuxiao Palace.

Taiyin Youying was in a moment of impatience, which affected the unsteady divine power surging in her body, and couldn't help but clutch her chest and cough, unable to stop.

"cough cough"

(End of this chapter)

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