Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 62 Two Phase Cone Hearts

Chapter 62 Two-Phase Cone Heart
"—Will you one day deal with me together with some other god?"

"—As long as you never do evil, my blade will never face you."

"——What if that Holy God Emperor is alive?"

"——If you are not wrong, even if Emperor Zun has a life, I will not follow."



"——I have heard that trust is like a sharp knife on the cold mountain, and there are only two possibilities to pass it on to others——to be stabbed, or to be guarded.

If you want to protect yourself, the safest thing to do is never give it to others. "

".But Taiyin Youying, this 'sharp blade' is delivered to you, I accept it."

Xie Yuci suddenly raised his head, and the unconcealable anger and pain in his phoenix eyes were like a thunderbolt that pierced people's hearts, and shot straight at Taiyin Youying not far away.

"Taiyin Youying, you once told me that as long as I never do evil, your blade will never face me. Even if the Holy God Emperor is ordered, you will not follow it!
Now it’s only been more than 200 years, and the words are still in my ears. I have never forgotten a single word. Have you completely forgotten it? "

Taiyin Youying's eyes flickered slightly, and he lowered his long eyelashes, without saying a word, neither sad nor happy.

When the Holy God Emperor heard the words, he let out a soft "Huh".

He chuckled, looking unpredictable.

After a while, he glanced at Taiyin Youying meaningfully, then slowly looked at Xie Yuci and said:
"Even if the emperor once said such words, so what?

Xie Yuci, you have an uncontrollable majestic purple aura, which is the greatest evil in the world.

How do you still have the face to question the emperor, saying that you have never done evil?
Even if the emperor and I kill you outside the Nantian Gate for the welfare of the common people at this time, it is not an exaggeration.Fierce god, don't rely on your compassion towards the Holy Emperor to become lawless.

Do you know that in the heart of the emperor, he has long regarded you as a scourge, but he has to make false claims with you for the sake of the peace of the Three Realms?
——He hates you so much! "

Xie Yuci was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly covered his chest heavily, closed his eyes and gasped for breath.

Taiyin Youying suddenly closed her eyes, feeling great pain in her heart.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the words of the Holy God Emperor Zun were biased.

The primordial purple energy is originally the divine power of the righteous way that is better than the divine power of Liangyi Zhiyang to Yin in the world, not the source of evil.

But the wrong thing is... Xie Yucikong has a god bone, but no godhead, he can only be regarded as the body of a demigod.

How can a body of a demigod without a godhead carry the most powerful and domineering power in the world that can overwhelm the Three Realms?

So even if innocent, also become guilty.

Xie Yuci's body, which was always uncomfortable due to absorbing the hostile energy of the world and the evil spirit, was unable to rest for several days. Under today's repeated stimulation, his divine power became turbulent again.

Under the impact of several chaotic and vigorous divine powers, Xie Yuci only felt the pain in his chest, but it was not as good as the pain in his heart at this moment.

Taiyin Youying also noticed the strangeness in him, he looked at him intently, but immediately disappeared the concern and worry in his eyes in the next moment.

Then, he suddenly said softly: "Xie Yuci, did you see it? You can't control it at all, how can you make me believe in you."

He frowned and looked at him indifferently.

Give up, and be a free little demon from now on, a carefree Qiongqi.

Don't have to bear this anymore,
Xie Yuci pressed his chest while coughing and laughing.

He said in a hoarse voice: "Taiyin Youying, don't say that you want to beat me back to my original shape, even if you want to take my life, I will not hesitate to give it to you. But you can't."

The fundus of his eyes was bloodshot and flushed, and even the fair skin at the end of his eyes was slightly red.

He seemed to be unsustainable when he said this, and he took a few breaths before forcefully suppressing the throbbing pain in his heart, and then continued in a hoarse voice:
"...but you can't, you can't...doubt me so much!"

Holy God Regal suddenly sneered and opened his mouth.

He smiled coldly and said: "It's really ridiculous. He is a holy god, and you are a fierce god. Xie Yuci, why do you think that the emperor would trust a naturally fierce person like you?

——Do you know that in the heart of the emperor, you are just an irrelevant person, and what is the difference between you and all beings in the Three Realms?Xie Yuci, let's see what this is? "

Sun Zhuzhao suddenly waved his right hand, and an image flashed in the air.

In the video, the Holy God Emperor Zun Surong asked Taiyin Youying, "Thank you for saying goodbye to you, what is it?"

As for Shengdijun Taiyin Youying, she answered softly with no expression on her face.

"Like a stranger, no longer relevant."

Xie Yuci's pupils trembled.

He turned his head blankly, and looked at Taiyin Youying blankly, as if some belief in his heart was slowly collapsing.

Taiyin Youying's eyebrows twitched uncontrollably.

He sighed slightly in his heart, it turned out that Emperor Zun's question just now was not just for him to express his attitude when facing Xie Yuci in the future, but
Let Xie Yuci see it with his own eyes, completely heartbroken.

The Holy God Emperor asked with a smile: "Xie Yuci, you, have you seen it?"

Xie Yuci slowly turned his head with the last trace of hope in his heart. It was the first time in his tens of thousands of years that he felt such a sense of fear.

He looked at Taiyin Youying almost timidly.

At this moment, it is probably the most humble and cowardly moment in his life for tens of thousands of years.

But he couldn't care about it at all, even if the image appeared in front of him, he was still willing to lie to himself, as long as Taiyin Youying was willing to tell him, everything would be a lie.

As for the others, he would not believe it!

He gently opened his dry lips and asked:

".Taiyin Youying, this is a lie, not what you said, right? This is a forgery by Sun Candle, right? I only believe what you say."

Taiyin Youying was silent for a few seconds, and said softly: "The scene of the image is not a fake, it is what I said."

Only then did the Holy God Emperor chuckle with great satisfaction.

He looked down at Xie Yuci, and there was no other emotion in his eyes except indifference and disgust.

"Xie Yuci, don't you understand? You have always been an irrelevant stranger to the Holy Emperor.

It's just that the Holy Emperor was born to be sympathetic to all living beings, seeing that you were born in a humble way, he treated you with a little bit of sympathy.If it really aroused your misunderstanding or reverie, it would not be beautiful. "

The sun candle turned to Taiyin Youying again, with a benevolent and warm smile.

"Emperor, although I know that your heart is only for the common people, and your eyes are clear of dust. For the sake of the peace of the three realms, you don't hesitate to surrender your identity and personally appease the evil spirits. But others don't understand your painstaking efforts of condescending and bearing humiliation for many years.

I understand that your heart is like a bright moon and cannot be transferred.It's just that we need to be more "cautious in words and deeds" in the future. "

When he said the words "cautious in words and deeds", his tone was a little more pointed.

Taiyin Youying was silent for a moment, then slowly loosened her tightly clenched teeth, and forcibly swallowed the bloody smell that almost rushed to her throat.

".Yes, Regal."

Xie Yuci stared blankly at Taiyin Youying's indifferent face that he didn't recognize.

That face is so close at hand, so clear and real.

But the face in his heart seemed to become blurred and unfamiliar.

Everything today is like a big absurd dream, which makes him deeply trapped and unable to extricate himself.

The person who had made him fall in love with him, and his heart was directed towards, seemed to be vaguely unfamiliar.

Xie Yuci shook his head slowly, and suddenly burst out laughing "haha", a line of tears as clear as jade slipped down the corner of his eyes.

Smiling and laughing, he frowned slightly and pressed his chest that was surging with divine power.

Then he murmured: "'Condescise, endure humiliation', so it is so, so it is."

He said "I see" twice in a row.

His eyes were red as if weeping blood, and he looked fiercely at Taiyin Youying, his tone full of mockery and contempt.

"Dijun, then you are really forbearing, in order to 'pacify' a humble person like me, you are willing to agree to the request of choosing a gender to transform into a female body, and you are really willing to spend your money.

——Even I, a fierce god, was almost moved by your spirit of "sacrificing your life to comfort the common people". "

Taiyin Youying frowned, his right foot swayed slightly, and he took a very light step back.

The Holy God Emperor Sun Candle frowned, and he used the hand hidden behind his back calmly.Then quietly cast a spell to help Taiyin Youying stabilize the body that was about to fall.

Taiyin Youying stood firm, pursed her lips tightly, moved her throat slightly, and swallowed the blood that was almost gushing out again.

He bowed his head dumbly, and he no longer looked at Xie Yuci, who was full of pain and resentment.

When the Qi and blood calmed down, he asked in a hoarse voice:
"Emperor. Is it okay?"

Is it ok?

Have you ever been satisfied?
Will all this absurd farce come to an end?

(End of this chapter)

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