Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 90 The Night Banquet

After Zhuo Qingtan finished dressing again, he left Yisongju under Wan Qing's guidance, and went to the banquet with her.

But she found out that Poyue Xiaozhu was astonishingly large, and there were many formations in the courtyards, no wonder there were not many little monsters guarding it.

They walked through the terraces and courtyards for nearly a stick of incense before arriving at the banquet hall in the outer courtyard.

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly stopped at the door outside the hall, and was in a trance for a moment, with all kinds of thoughts rushing to his mind.

The lights in the hall were dim, and Xie Yuci had already taken off the dilapidated azure blue robes he wore in Wuxia Town.

He was dressed in a dark black robe and a wolf hair cloak, with one hand leaning on his chin, sitting high above the first banquet in the lobby, looking like a gentleman with a high bearing.

Xie Yuci's black brocade clothes are embroidered with gold thread patterns.

And Zhuo Qingtan's jade crown was added to his body, and he was dressed in cloud white.

It was getting late, and the cold moon was in the sky.

They looked at each other from a distance through the warm candle, just like years ago.

I don't know what Xie Yuci was thinking at this moment, but he also seemed to be silent at this moment.

The expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile on the corner of his mouth before gradually disappeared.

His pair of phoenix eyes fixedly and unblinkingly stared at Zhuo Qingtan twenty paces away.

Not a word was said.

Wan Qing was frightened by the inexplicable silence between the two for a while, she subconsciously and cautiously looked at the expressions of the two at this time, and dared not say more.

After a while, it was Zhuo Qingtan who broke the silence first.

She flicked her cloud sleeves lightly, took a step forward slowly, stepped into the threshold of the hall calmly, then smiled faintly and said:
"Mr. Xie, you once said that your family is in decline. It seems that you are too self-effacing. With such a family background, you should be a wealthy family in the North."

For some reason, as her words fell to the ground, the atmosphere in front of the hall suddenly relaxed, and the air seemed to start flowing again.

Xie Yuci suddenly smiled, as if nothing had happened.

"Where, money or treasures in the house are just some vulgar things."

He tilted his head slightly, carefully looked at Zhuo Qingtan's pure and elegant eyebrows and luxurious and dignified attire, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

"However, if these vulgar objects can be worn by Ms. Zhuo, they will add a bit of luxury. From this point of view, they are also a blessing."

Zhuo Qingtan has already sat on the first honored guest seat under Xie Yuci under the guidance of the maid in the form of a little demon.

She nodded slightly to thank the little demon, then turned her head to look at Xie Yuci with a calm expression.

"Young Master Xie, you invited me to visit Yanzhou Mansion together. I shouldn't have spoiled the scenery like this. But I still want to ask one more question. During this period, is the safety of my disciples guaranteed?"

Zhuo Qingtan asked this question because she had suspected for a long time that the disciples of the immortal sect who disappeared around the secret realm of Sufeng Valley were probably taken away by Xie Yuci.

The purpose, of course, is to lure her out of Chong'a Mountain in Yunzhou and go to Sufeng Valley in person.

It's just that they don't know where they are being detained by Xie Yuci now.

"Naturally, the disciples of your sect are very good."

Xie Yuci glanced at her with a smile, and said calmly: "In comparison, Miss Zhuo's body doesn't look very strong. Speaking of which, Wan Qing also knows a little bit about the art of Qi and Huang, why don't you ask Wan Qing to feel the girl's pulse?" , Prescribe some decoctions for conditioning."

Zhuo Qingtan paused for a moment, then smiled and refused.

"I don't have any illnesses. It's just that the spiritual veins were slightly damaged by the flames of the earth's core. You can take care of it yourself. There is no medicine for this injury, so there is no need to trouble Miss Wan Qing."

Naturally, she couldn't let them test her current physical condition.

Zhuo Qingtan has the eight bone-suppressing nails of Duanxu Palace in her body, and ever since she recovered her past life memories in the secret realm of Sufeng Valley, she has understood why Master Lai used the eight bone-suppressing nails to suppress her spirit veins and skeleton.

It's because once Zhuo Qingtan's soul approaches the four great secret realms, it will react with it.

Thinking about it, when the Lord of the Palace of Laying brought Zhuo Qingtan, who was still in its infancy, back to the Duanxu Palace in Chong'a Mountain, her soul had a special reaction with the power of the enchantment in the secret realm of Taixu, which attracted the attention of the Palace Lord of the Laying .

Although the Mistress of the Palace doesn't know the truth, she vaguely knows that her body is weird, and it will even affect the stability of the enchantment of the four great secret realms.

Therefore, when she learned that Wuwanghai Juntianya's secret barrier was broken, and she was there, the Mistress of the Palace of Meiluo was probably too worried.

If it were someone else, Xu Shimao Palace Mistress would have killed her long ago to protect the stability of the righteous way.

But the human heart is inherently biased.

Zhuo Qingtan was no one else.

It is the heir of Duanxu Palace who was educated by the master of the palace, and the inheritor of his Taoism.

He couldn't bear to beat down the killer to completely cut off the future troubles, so he could only use the secret method of Duanxu Palace, in the name of receiving precepts, to suppress Zhuo Qingtan's spiritual veins and root bones with bone-suppressing nails, so as to avoid the enchantment of the four great secret realms because of her Approach and regenerate the vision.

It's just unimaginable that when Zhuo Qingtan didn't know what happened, he was deceived by Xie Yuci with the whereabouts of the missing disciples, and directly entered the king of formation in the center of the Fenggu secret realm in Pingjinge.

Therefore, Xie Yuci took advantage of the loophole and took back the part of the divine power that was blocked by the King of the Sufeng Valley Secret Realm, causing the enchantment of the Sufeng Valley Secret Realm to be broken.

So, after Zhuo Qingtan figured out all the joints, he absolutely couldn't let them call her pulse.

If they had broken the bone-suppressing nails and had other uses besides punishing and torturing people, they might forcibly take out the eight bone-suppressing nails in her body.

Then, at that time, maybe there is no need for her to willingly enter the secret realm formation king. Xie Yuci only needs to forcefully bring her near the secret realm formation, and it is very likely to destabilize the secret realm formation.

"It's just that the spirit veins are damaged, Xie doesn't seem to be sure?"

He raised his eyebrows, looked at her thoughtfully and said, "Miss Zhuo has no spiritual power in her whole body. She sleeps less and dreams more. She loses weight so quickly that she even needs to bring the magic weapon to weaken the six consciousnesses." This is to recuperate. This is probably not a minor illness.

What's more, although Ms. Zhuo is a disciple of Xianmen, she is only a mortal body.The fire in the center of the earth is probably not a trivial matter for a mortal. "

When Xie Yuci said this, he shook his head, and said with a smile: "Ms. Zhuo, it's not good to avoid medical treatment."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled calmly, deceiving him indifferently.

"To be honest, although I don't know the reason, I was born with abnormal talent, which is different from ordinary mortals. Although the flames in the center of the earth are fierce, it is not a difficult disease for me to heal.

And there is no spiritual power flowing in the next body, and it is not caused by serious injuries.It was my teacher who temporarily closed my spiritual veins because of my reckless violation of the precepts earlier, so that I could calm down and think about my mistakes, and no longer act impulsively.

This is for cultivating the mind, and I sincerely accept the teaching, so I don't bother Mr. Xie to worry about it. "

Xie Yuci couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, but the next moment he chuckled lightly and shook his head.

"The elder of your sect really likes to be 'fun', letting the horse run but not allowing the horse to eat grass.

A hundred schools of immortality always use strength to determine superiority and inferiority, but Xie did not know that the respected master asked a disciple who could not display any spiritual power to go out to serve him as a deacon. He really believed in the ability of his disciples so much in eliminating demons and defending the way. Or do you think your life is too long? "

Zhuo Qingtan frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"Mr. Xie, this statement is wrong. Duanxu Palace is now the head of the four great immortal sects. Because Duanxu Palace has been established since its establishment, for thousands of years, it has abandoned the small self and grown the big self. Generation after generation of disciples have used their lives to eliminate evil. Eliminating evil spirits and protecting the peace of the mortal world is the only way for today's immortal sects to bow their heads in admiration.

The Hundred Schools of Xianmen have always convinced people with virtue, and there is no such thing as superiority or inferiority, let alone relying on strength to determine superiority or inferiority. "

Xie Yuci let out a soft "heh" when he heard the words, then lowered his head and rubbed the center of his brows with a headache.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have said this to Zhuo Qingtan, a "little old man".

So, in the next moment, he seemed to be taught and nodded, half amused and half perfunctory:

"Miss Zhuo is right. Xie is narrow-minded. Eat vegetables."

He slightly lifted his chin, and gestured to Zhuo Qingtan for the exquisite dishes in front of him.

It seems that a magic circle has been arranged on the counter table, and the dishes are displayed on it. The temperature has not dropped at all, and it is still steaming.

A steaming copper stove is emitting white smoke, and the aroma of food fills the entire hall.

Zhuo Qingtan looked at Xie Yuci through the white mist, and was momentarily at a loss for words.

His temperament really hasn't changed at all.

In the past, if she said something that he didn't want to continue, he would first pretend to agree, and then find another topic to prevaricate.

However, Xie Yuci seldom argues with her, and the number of disputes between them can be counted on one's fingers.

Once, she used herself as a container to absorb the fierce power and hostility of the mortal world;

One time was to beat him back to his original shape, erase his memory and seal him on the coast of the East China Sea.

And the last time was the farewell of Xianshan Daiyu that shocked the three worlds.

It turned out that they had known each other all their lives, and they had only quarreled three times.

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