Chapter 18 The Strange Village
"I'll change it." Mu Shanjing took out a copper plate, "This can be changed."

"Of course." The proprietress smiled and went forward to take the copper plate from him, and Mu Shanjing only wanted the elixir and nothing else.

"How are they rich?"

"that is."

There were rustling discussions in the crowd, and Yu Hua glanced at them and then glanced at Mushanjing who was talking with the proprietress, then turned and walked back to the room quickly.

The rain was pouring down, patting on the leaves and making a sound. In the forest outside the inn, a woman in military uniform was running fast in the mountains.

She looked back in horror as she ran. Three steps away behind her, Li Jinnian in a black robe was walking forward at a leisurely pace. She raised her head halfway, but her eyes were completely black, and Li Jinnian floated slightly In the air, he raised his hand, and three streams of black air shot out from the black robe below him, quickly wrapping around the woman's body.

The woman was entangled without any resistance, and her face showed pain, as if her soul was about to be sucked away, but she was powerless to struggle.

At this moment, a ray of sword light slashed down, cutting off the black air directly.

I saw a man in black jumping down from the tree to cut off the black air, "Let's go!" His deep voice sounded, and the woman had time to breathe, and immediately stood up and ran down the mountain.

"You?" Li Jinnian said, but her voice didn't sound like her own, "Aren't you the one who wants to kill them? You also want to spoil my good deeds?"

"The way of the devil." The visitor had a low voice, looked at her with a frown, and said with a sneer, "My mission has nothing to do with you, but no matter what, we will not join forces with the way of the devil."

"Oh, that depends on how capable you are!" Li Jinnian let out a breath, and a burst of black energy suddenly hit his neck, but after two or three moves, the man's throat was firmly stuck by the evil energy, His face was flushed, and he pulled out the wind chime from his wrist.

Li Jinnian was startled, and then snorted coldly, threw him heavily onto the nearby tree and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

Inside the inn, Yu Hua was sitting by the window, resting her chin and looking outside. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the fireworks blooming in the air. She only glanced at it, then turned her eyes away and lay down on the window to look at the street below.

The rain outside the window was pattering, and there was no one coming and going. Looking at the overcast sky, Yu Hua stretched out her hand to catch the raindrops falling from the eaves.

For some reason, she has always felt that something was wrong since she entered this village, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

"What are you thinking about?" The window next to her was pushed open, and Mu Shanjing sat leaning against the window, looking at her with her hands behind her head casually.

Yu Hua didn't look back, she narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the street outside, "It's nothing, I just feel a little strange."

"What's weird?"

"I don't know, it's just strange."

"Oh, I think you should stop thinking about it. If you think too much, it's a waste of time."

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to tell you." Yu Hua glared at him and was about to get up and enter the room, but she stopped when she touched the window rail with her palm.She froze for two seconds, then looked at Mu Shanjing happily, "I know what's wrong!"

"What?" Mu Shanjing frowned slightly and looked at her curiously.

"Come here, just turn over from the outside." Yu Hua beckoned to him, the view of Mushan was unclear, but she still turned out of the window into Yu Hua's room.

Yu Hua's eyes were shining, she looked at him and asked, "Did you feel it? The rain."

"What's so good about this, it's not like I've been drenched before." Mu Shanjing paused halfway through his words, because he subconsciously stroked his hair.

Just now he clearly felt that he was drenched in the rain, but now there is no drop of water on his hair.

"Did you find it?" Yu Hua's eyes widened with joy, she raised her hand and turned it over for him to see.Just now she obviously caught the rain from the eaves, but there was no trace of wetness in her hands.

Yu Hua pondered for a moment, then clapped her hands and said, "Think about it, from the time we entered the village, the people we met on the road, except for the shepherd boy, the people in this inn, and the contestants, have we never seen other villagers here? look?"

It wasn't raining when they came, but the villagers here all wore bamboo hats and coir raincoats to cover their faces tightly.

"And now, look." Yu Hua stretched out her finger to the street outside. It was not long before it got dark, but there were almost no fireworks in the village. At a glance, there were only two bright red lights in front of one house. Lanterns, but it looks extraordinarily weird in this silent night.

"Today, we have ninety people in the village, if not one hundred. They are all staying overnight. If you can't live in an inn, most of them will choose to stay in other people's homes, but now even they have not moved at all."

After nightfall here, it's so strangely quiet.

"And," Mu Shanjing continued, "after the sun went down, no one came in again. I guess there may be an enchantment in this village."

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Yu Hua, "Go and see?"

Yu Hua nodded, and was about to go downstairs, but was pulled back by Mu Shanjing, "Don't go through the main entrance, I asked the proprietress just now, and she said that the main entrance must never be opened after nightfall, and I guess, we Can't open it either."

"Then let's open the window?"

The two quietly flipped out of the window. Although they had made the sound of their landing as small as possible, it still seemed abrupt in this silent street.

They first went to the border of the village to have a look, and found that there was indeed an enchantment at the boundary marker of the village.

The two looked at each other, and they walked through the streets and alleys. The strange thing is that they didn't hear any sound on the street, but they could hear the conversation inside if they approached any window.

"I will help you plant the land tomorrow, can you really help me pass the test?"

"Gu, aunt, since you are willing, wait, when I pass the test, I will definitely come back and marry you."

"Can you hunt in the mountains? Go tomorrow, okay, okay."

There were endless sounds like this, but once she retreated to the street, no sound could be heard at all. The treacherous atmosphere made Yu Hua feel a little guilty. She took two steps back and was shocked when she bumped into Mu Shanjing's arms. Jump.

"Are you okay?" Mu Shanjing looked at her pale face and asked with concern.

Yu Hua shook her head and took a deep breath, "This place is too strange, let's go see if there is an exit first."

As soon as she finished speaking, the two of them looked at the only door with a lantern on in front of them at the same time.

The bright red lanterns are like two empty eyes on the quiet and dark street, seeming to guide, but also like a dangerous trap.

Yu Hua tugged at Mu Shanjing's sleeve, Mu Shanjing nodded, and the two walked towards the lantern together.

Walking to the door of the room with the lantern on, Yu Hua found that the door was ajar. She boldly stepped forward and pushed it lightly. After a creak, a gust of wind blew the door open with a bang. Two, three. This door actually has the same six doors.

Yu Hua shrank back behind Mu Shanjing in fear, Mu Shanjing patted her hand to signal not to be afraid, he stared ahead and saw a small figure at the last door.

Yu Hua also saw it, and she was scared, but she still said bravely, "Let's go in and have a look."

"Okay." Mushan nodded. He had just crossed the first threshold when he felt raindrops falling on him. When he looked down again, there were traces of wetting on his clothes.

Yu Hua also raised her head to feel the rainwater with her hands. The cold raindrops hit her body, and she suddenly said, "I know!"

(End of this chapter)

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