Chapter 43 Seal
"I am the spirit of the weapon." Ye Su murmured in a low voice. The moment she remembered, the body named Ye Su began to collapse. She raised her head to look at Qing Que in confusion, and his deep sigh rang in her ears. "You still remember."

In the next moment, she turned into a ray of golden light and flew into the divine lock.

In an instant, the divine lock seemed to have regained its new vitality. It shone brightly and vibrated, and one chain after another flew into the air, binding the black dragon and Yu Hua together.

"Qing Que?!" Shu He shouted upon seeing this.

And Qingque just looked at Shensuo Black Dragon and Yu Hua with a calm expression, "The mission of Shensuo is to suppress the Black Dragon, and now its power is connected with Yu Hua, so...she will seal the Black Dragon in Yu Hua's body"

"But how could Yuhua withstand such a great force?!" Shu He shouted in disbelief, how could the ancient dragon clan be sealed so easily?If Yu Hua couldn't bear this force, the only thing waiting for her was to explode and die.

Qing Que stopped talking and just stared at Yu Hua's reaction wholeheartedly.

Hao Sang immediately stood up to protect Yu Hua's body, and the rest followed suit, including Mu Shanjing.

He looked at Yu Hua anxiously, but realized that he couldn't help at all, with mixed feelings in his heart, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Yu Hua, who was surrounded by black air, closed her eyes tightly and her face was painful, but this time she was extremely clear in her spiritual consciousness.

She stood on this black land that seemed to have been scorched by the flames of war, and looked up at the black dragon in midair, but this time she faced it directly, and she felt no fear in her heart.

The black dragon looked down at her, and breathed out at her, his tone was full of threats, "You can't trap me, mere mortals."

It said and rushed towards Yu Hua, but Yu Hua just raised her eyelids slightly, her eyes were calm, "This is a world under my control, you shouldn't be so presumptuous."

She raised her hand and pressed her fingers together.

The black dragon suddenly fell from the air to the ground and could not move.

Yu Hua looked down at the black dragon on the ground, a layer of red light surrounded her body, and the blue-white robe gradually faded to a rouge-like red.

She slowly flew into the air, her white and tender feet were under the red dress, her jet-black hair was covered by a golden crown shaped like the sun and the moon, her fingers dyed Kodan, her skin was as white as snow, she obviously had the same appearance, but It's like two different people.

"How pitiful." She looked at the black dragon like a mother looking at her child, Yu Hua stretched out her hand to stroke its broken horn, the black dragon trembled but did not dare to resist.

Yuhua poked her fingers into the back of its neck, and drew out a wisp of smoke-gray miasma. She put it in her palm and looked at it carefully for a moment, then said softly: "So it's just an imitation." The miasma was completely crushed, and it was scattered in the air at will.

"Your life should be over." She gently stroked the black dragon's head, "Your crimes are over, and your new life is under my control."

The black dragon under her gradually closed its eyes under her touch, and a young black dragon appeared beside Yu Hua.

Yu Hua put her hand in front of it, and it obediently followed Yu Hua's fingers around her wrist.

She smiled and nodded her head, her voice was soft, "Don't worry, my road is still very long."

In the sky above Qingyunmen, I saw the god lock wrapped around Yu Hua's body layer after layer, and the black energy surrounding Yu Hua gradually seeped into her body, and the god lock also tightened carefully and slowly, Until the last ray of black energy entered her body, the god lock quickly wrapped around her arm, completely suppressing the power of the black dragon.

Did she really bear it?

Shu He watched in disbelief as Yu Hua completely absorbed the power of the black dragon.

Seeing Yu Hua falling from mid-air, Mu Shanjing subconsciously wanted to rush over, but Hao Sang, who was closer than him, caught Yu Hua even faster. Without hesitation, Hao Sang walked in with Yu Hua in her arms. Yaolu, followed by Qingque.

The second elder glanced at Mu Shanjing, who was standing there and hadn't been able to intervene, "If His Royal Highness is free, why not deal with those annoying mice outside, it will be of great help."

Mu Shanjing didn't say a word, neither agreed nor refused. After a moment of silence, he glanced in the direction of the medicine house, turned around and walked towards the mountain gate.

Although the two groups of people they sent in advance had already been cleaned up last night and this morning, the remaining disciples of Qingyun Sect could deal with them if they wanted to, but he suddenly discovered that even if he was here, he couldn't help them.

There are three entrances to the front mountain gate of Qingyunmen. He cleared away the people who should have lurked in from both sides. Mu Shanjing went straight to the front mountain gate. They were fighting fiercely, but he didn't want to participate. Sitting down on the mountain gate, he watched the people below huddled together without a wave on his face. Suddenly, a golden light floated on his hand, like a pointer, pointing to the mountain directly opposite.

It was the one who did something to Yu Hua outside Qingyun Gate that night.

Mu Shanjing frowned.

I think it was because that person saw the dragon spirit on Yu Hua's body that night that he planned today's event.

Mu Shanjing stood up, standing on the mountain gate, and slowly raised his hand in the direction of the mountain.

A huge long spear gradually appeared behind him, but in the blink of an eye, the long spear seemed to be thrown forcefully, even sparking tiny sparks in the air, and went straight to the mountain!

"!" Ming Shan noticed Qi Liang one step ahead. He grabbed Qi Liang and flew up. The next second, the spear passed through the position where they were sitting just now. There was a moment of silence, and the whole mountain collapsed.

Qi Liang's eyes widened immediately, apart from the elders of the Qingyun Sect, who else would have such power? !

He looked in the direction from which the gun was thrown, and a dark red lotus pattern appeared in his eyes. The next moment, he passed his gaze across thousands of miles, and was facing Shangmu Shanjing's murderous eyes.

A sense of fear and oppression seized his heart immediately, Qi Liang suddenly felt a pain in his eyes, and immediately closed his eyes and said to Ming Shan: "He has already untied the formation, and the black dragon's qi is gone, let's go! "

Wen Yan Ming Shan knew that the matter was over, he hastily blew the call to retreat, and led Qi Liang to escape first, those who attacked the door also retreated one after another.

Han Tianshuang still wanted to chase after him, but Mu Shanjing said, "Stop chasing, these people have nothing to do with the mastermind behind the scenes. Even if they are caught, they won't be able to interrogate them."

He jumped down from the mountain gate and casually lifted the clothes on the back of the masked man's body on the ground.Behind them, a serpentine mark appeared impressively.

In recent years, there has been an organization among the people, which specializes in recruiting some ordinary people who have not passed the Ascension to Immortal Assembly or those who want to practice but can't, claiming that there is a way to quickly break through the situation, and summon them to their sect. They call themselves belly snakes. door, but in the end they all use these people to do this kind of thing.

It's not that he hasn't checked this matter.There are not only collusions with many small sects behind the Snake Gate, but they are even present in the imperial court, but all the clues were cut off after he entered the Cangming Gate.

Now it seems that it really has something to do with them.

"Send the injured disciple to the medical hall first." Han Tianshuang didn't continue chasing after him, and turned around to arrange for the aftermath.

Mu Shanjing looked at the collapsed mountain in front of him, and although it was a pity that the shot didn't kill them, it was also a warning.

Even if the foundation of Cangmingguan is deep, he doesn't really dare to touch them, and if he dares to come again, he will never return.

In the medicine hut, Yu Hua woke up very quickly this time, and absorbing the power of the black dragon didn't seem to burden her body, but she just felt a little headache.

She covered her head and sat up, trying to recall what happened. She only remembered, remembered that the black dragon grabbed her, and then, then, the god lock seemed to move suddenly.

She raised her head and saw Hao Sang and others who surrounded her, she was stunned for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and turned her gaze to Qing Que.

"Elder Qingque, where is Ye Su?"

(End of this chapter)

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