Xie Guan's reputation is not very good, it is nothing more than some influence in the family, he has developed a bad temper, even in Cangmingguan, he is also known as a vagabond.

On the second day when he and Jiu Qi got started, Xie Guan approached Jiu Qi, and 37 inevitably had a fight with him, even though he was the only one who was punished in the end.

Yu Hua, who was eating the hot and delicious dishes, naturally wouldn't know this. While eating the dishes, she missed her mother's craftsmanship when she heard an extremely insolent voice, "I bought all the orders in the store today. .”

Cheers erupted in the restaurant, and Yu Hua looked back curiously, to see what kind of luck it was today, and there was no need to pay for a meal.

She turned her head and met Xie Guan's eyes. Xie Guan was holding a fan in his hand, dressed in luxurious brocade, and looked like a handsome young man.

Out of gratitude for the meal, Yu Hua smiled at him politely, then turned around and put the meat in her mouth with her chopsticks.

She didn't worry about it at first, but when she looked up, she saw Lan Zhi with a slightly stiff expression.

Lan Zhi frowned slightly, and there was a bit of anger and disgust in those always dim eyes.

"This girl." Xie Guan's tone sounded behind Yu Hua, Yu Hua turned her head and glanced at him, saw him smiling brightly, and heard him continue: "Thank you Guan, I haven't seen a girl in the city before. , are you here to see the fireworks display?"

"I came here because of the fame of the fireworks display." Yu Hua responded to him politely and unfamiliarly, subconsciously turned her body away from him, and saw Lan Zhi's dark face in the blink of an eye, but with a bit of a look He looked at her with a playful look.

"My father is the Lord of Ningcheng. You can tell me what kind of fireworks you want to see. No matter what kind of fireworks, I can let you see them." Xie Guan said confidently, shaking the fan in his hand, but keeping his eyes on the fireworks. Hold on to Yu Hua.

Sensing her gaze, Yu Hua felt a little uncomfortable, she frowned slightly and gave him a close look, and said, "I'm not familiar with the young master, so don't bother, we have our own arrangements."

When she said 'we', she deliberately bit her tone, indicating that there was another person beside her.

watching a play?How could it be possible to let her watch the show safely?

Sure enough, when Yu Hua reminded Xie Guan, Lan Zhi's face turned darker, she lowered her head to drink the soup, and covered her face with her hair hanging down.

"It's my suddenness, it's my suddenness." Xie took a look at Lan Zhi, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, he didn't expect to make another one. Although the one next to her was a little worse than her, but he was also a bit pretty.

At this moment, he finally noticed Yuchen next to Yuhua, and seeing that he was still a child, he asked suspiciously, "This is..."

Before Yu Chen could speak, Yu Hua thought about it, and said without changing expression: "My son."

Seeing what Yu Chen wanted to say, Yu Hua covered his mouth, looked at Xie Guan leisurely, and said, "It's just that the kid got seriously ill and burned his brain, and he likes to talk nonsense."

Yuchen:? ?

Seeing such a big 'son' as Yuchen, Xie Guan's mouth twitched, coughed, and his confidence disappeared a lot, and he said with a sneer: "The girl looks young, I didn't expect the child to be so big .”

"The child can eat and grow up fast." Yu Hua said this without blushing or heartbeat, with a calm expression and no change in expression.

Yuchen:? ? ?
As Yu Hua spoke, she glanced at Xie Guan who was frozen in place. He was wearing fine brocade, with gold-patterned wristbands on his hands, and a white jade belt around his waist. Generally speaking, he was dressed up in a fancy way, like a peacock courting a mate. .

So it was clear at a glance what he wanted to do.

I saw Xie Guan standing there, seemingly in a dilemma, but soon he said unwillingly again: "Then offend me, why didn't you see the child's father? You are not what a real man did."

Hearing his righteous words, Yu Hua knew that he would not give up easily, she sighed helplessly, pinched herself, and said in a sad tone: "To be honest, his father Drunk, fell into the ditch and died." After she finished speaking, she looked at Lan Zhi who was biting her lip and said deliberately: "Leave only one child and his sister, and we will come to Ningcheng to watch the fireworks. And to ease the grief too, isn't it, sister?"

Lan Zhi's shoulders trembled slightly, she seemed very sad, but she was holding back her laughter, she shook her shoulders and nodded.

Yu Hua took advantage of the situation and said: "My lord, don't ask any more questions, she is too sad." She said and patted Lan Zhi's shoulder lightly, and said to Xie Guan: "The pain of losing a husband has not yet subsided, and everyone else thinks it is bad luck, my lord. Don't come to get contaminated."

Having said all this, Xie Guan was too shy to keep his face any longer. He looked at Yu Hua with a complicated expression, raised his hands and cupped his fists as a salute, "My condolences, but the girl has any difficulties in Ningcheng. I will help you." He paused as he spoke, then took out a bag of silver and put it on their table, "I was so offended just now, this is an apology, I hope the girl will not shirk."

After he finished speaking, he gave Yu Hua a reluctant look before turning around and leaving.

"It's a pity, she's a widow." The servant followed up and said regretfully after leaving the shop.

Xie Guan glared at him, "So what if it's a widow, what a pity, a widow is fine, I'm afraid that the beauty will be sad, do you understand, the timing is not right now, just wait a little longer."

Seeing him leave, Yu Hua turned her head and continued to eat without changing her expression. It wasn't until Yu Chen bit her palm that she realized that her hand was still covering him, so she immediately took it back and apologized: "I'm sorry."

Yuchen gritted his teeth and looked at her with a smile, "I am your son?"

Yu Hua:.
"I'm out of my mind?" Yuchen approached her with a smile.

Yu Hua: "...I was wrong about this matter, but it was also to get rid of him."

"I still have a dead father?" Yu Chen insisted, even though he was born of Hao Sang's heart demon and had no so-called parents, he was still so angry that he laughed.

"Xue Ling probably doesn't have parents." Yu Hua paused in the air as she went to pick up the vegetables, but soon returned to normal, and asked him a question.

"Hmph." Yuchen snorted, folded his arms around his chest, and his back molars were about to be crushed.

After all, he is the No.1 demon in the world. Can you respect his status?

"Okay, what I did just now was wrong, I apologize to you, I will buy for you what you want." Seeing that he was really angry, Yu Hua put down the bowls and chopsticks to coax him, and couldn't help but pinch With an angry face, "I'm also in an emergency, please forgive me?"

Seeing Yu Hua's sincere eyes, Yu Chen thought again, in his current state, if he is a child, then from the worldly point of view, isn't his father Hao Sang?

Then what she said just now was cursing Hao Sang, and she became less angry all of a sudden.

He tilted his head and looked at Yu Hua with a smile: "What can I do? If you say yes, I don't care too much."

Yu Hua: I don't believe it, but I won't say it.

She also touched Yuchen's head with a smile, "Our family's Chenchen is magnanimous."

Yu Luo looked up at Lan Zhi, "So, sister——, should we talk about something serious. You know that person just now, right?"

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