Chapter 105 The Great Shame

Shen Zhiyi's pupils trembled, and she turned around and ran out without caring to deal with him.

There are four or five well-trained thugs on the other side, and she has not recovered her physical strength, so she is not their opponent at all.

"Catch her!" Sister Li snapped.

Shen Zhiyi was about to run out of the gate of the clubhouse when her vision suddenly went dark.

Before she had time to react, she hit a "wall of meat".

Immediately afterwards, the thugs who came after her twisted her arms.

"I'm sorry boss, there was a little accident, and it's been dealt with now!" Sister Li followed with a "da da da" on the height of Hentian, and immediately lowered her eyebrows when she saw the "meat wall".

"It's been dealt with? Are you sure?" The man's voice was deep and cold, and every word he uttered was covered in ice, which sent chills down the spine.

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyes subconsciously.

In the line of sight, the man is tall, visually measuring over 1.9 meters.

Wearing an extremely long black coat, he looked even taller and slender.

He happened to be standing in a shadow, and with the long bangs covering his forehead, it was impossible to see his facial features clearly.

But one thing is certain is that his facial contours are excellent.

Sister Li was so choked up by his words that she couldn't answer, so she dragged Shen Zhiyi out and blamed him, "Boss, this newcomer is dishonest and hurt our guests. I have no choice but to..."

"Heh! I was tied here for no reason. It's fine that I was almost forced into prostitution, but you still beat me up, don't you think I'm easy to bully?" Shen Zhiyi interrupted coldly.

After finishing speaking, she turned her eyes to the tall man, "Hey, you are the boss here, right? I remind you to let me go, otherwise I will call the police and take your old nest away. It's a small loss but a big deal. Are you sure you can do this deal?"

Before the tall man could speak, Sister Li threw out a contract, "You see clearly, this is the labor contract you signed with us, in black and white, and with your fingerprints, little sister, no matter where you sue, you will also Pay attention to the evidence, okay?"

Shen Zhiyi let out a "huh", "Forcing me to press my fingerprints while I'm unconscious?"

Her angry eyes stared at the tall man again, "Let me go!"

The tall man slowly exhaled a puff of smoke from his lips, making him even more unpredictable.

It seemed to be a laugh, and he said, "What do you think of my place? Want to come, want to go? If you really want to leave, I can give you a chance, it depends on whether you have the ability! "

He tilted his chin at one of the men beside him.

The subordinates stood up, shaking the dice in their hands.

"Each person has one chance to guess the dice. The one with the closest score wins. If you win, you can leave. If you lose..."

The man's eyes in the shadows were extremely gloomy, "I will be a slave here for the rest of my life!"

"No problem!" Shen Zhiyi agreed.

The roll of dice begins.

The tall man clasped his hands and sat on the single leather sofa with his long legs crossed. This sitting posture reminded Shen Zhiyi of He Jingyao for the first time.

These two guys have a fight.

Ladies first, Shen Zhiyi rolled the dice first.

After some fancy rolling of the dice, the dice cup was turned upside down on the table.

After the subordinates glanced at their boss, they reported the points, "Ten!"

Shen Zhiyi raised the corners of her lips and opened the cup, "Accepted!"

Eleven o'clock!
A little difference, already considered a master.

Shen Zhiyi Judging from his expression, he is quite satisfied with his performance.

Next, it's time for this subordinate to roll the dice. It can be seen that the technique is skillful and professional.

With a sound of "dong", the dice cup was turned upside down.

Time freezes and the atmosphere is tense.

Shen Zhiyi stared at the dice cup, held his breath, and sweat broke out from the palm of his hand.

"Eight o'clock!"

The subordinate smiled sinisterly, "Then you will lose!"

In the next second, he slowly removed the dice cup.

Everyone also craned their necks to look over.

The points of the three dice are displayed one by one.

a little.

Five o'clock.

The last one, two o'clock!

Shen Zhi wins.

Everyone has an expression of disbelief.

That subordinate was even more ashamed and couldn't say a word.

He didn't say he was superb at playing this game, at least he was at the master level.

Every time I guessed, I won nine times out of ten. Why did I lose to a woman this time?
What a shame, what a shame.

The man who witnessed the game squinted his eyes, with an unpredictable smile on his lips.

"Boss, I won, can I leave now?" Shen Zhiyi walked up to the tall man triumphantly.

The eyes of the two met.

Shen Zhiyi saw that the other party had a pair of amber eyes, which gave people a very dull feeling.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, I saw him gesturing to his subordinates, "If you say a word, it's hard to chase, let me go!"

The thug moved out of the way, and Shen Zhiyi stretched out a hand to Sister Li, "Give it back to me!"

Sister Li looked at the tall man, and after getting approval, asked someone to deliver the things.

Shen Zhiyi took her own things and walked away without looking back.

It wasn't until her back disappeared that the tall man looked away.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Boss!" His subordinates rushed forward.

The tall man raised his hand and waved it away. Because of coughing, his eye circles were slightly rosy, which made his face paler.

"Who allowed you to do this business?"

The man's light-colored pupils burst out with sternness, making everyone tremble.

Sister Li tremblingly said, "Boss, this girl is... sent by Yang Shoucheng, who said that she committed a crime from another place and came here to beg for food. I... I just sold him to save face... That's why I detained him!"

Just as Shen Zhiyi left, two or three police cars stopped majestically in front of the "Night" clubhouse with their lights flashing on their backs.

He Jingyao's car stopped right after him.

He half-closed his eyes, and tapped his fingers in a rapid rhythm on the edge of the lowered car window.

More than 40 police officers and [-] bodyguards searched for the whole night in Hangzhou, but they did not find Shen Zhiyi's whereabouts.

As soon as he got the news that she had been sold to a club in Haicheng, He Jingyao immediately rushed over with his people without stopping.

After four hours of travel, he is now physically and mentally exhausted.

The police captain who stepped in to help repeatedly emphasized to him that the boss behind the night club has a strong background, black and white, and he still has some friendship with his boss.

Therefore, it is inconvenient for outsiders to go in and search for people, especially those in high positions like He Jingyao.

When the king touches the king, he may be touched by lightning and thunder, so it is better to be cautious.

He Jingyao was not impulsive, so he quietly waited for news in the car.

"Ashin, give me the cigarette!"

He Jingyao pinched the center of his eyebrows, but still couldn't suppress the anxiety in his heart.

Ah Shen turned around and brought over the cigarette case, and flicked on the lighter.

As soon as he took a puff, he saw Captain Wang coming out of the car. He quickly pinched his cigarette butt and opened the door to get out of the car.

"Wang team, how's the situation? Where's my wife?"

"Unfortunately, the person in charge of the clubhouse said that Mrs. He just left here for 5 minutes, and Mr. He should have time to catch up now!"

Shen Zhiyi's phone is out of battery, and she has no money on her body, so it's a problem to take a taxi back home.

She was just about to find out where the local police station was so she could go to the police uncle for help, when a silver streamer suddenly appeared in her corner of the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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