Chapter 115 Announcement
He Jingyao was so annoyed that he drank a few glasses of wine.

Seeing his gloomy face, the other sons didn't dare to make fun of him.

"Damn!" Yin Xingze exclaimed, grabbed He Jingyao and showed him his phone, "Brother, you're on the trending search again, a family of three went out to play, tsk tsk, tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk I'm a bit confused about you, are you really planning to reunite with Fang Yao?"

He Jingyao recognized at a glance that this was a photo of him and Fang Yao taking the big tree to the playground in the morning.

If he can see it, Shen Zhiyi should also be able to see it, right?
Thinking of this, the blood in his body froze instantly.

He Jingyao put down the cup and left with a cigarette in his mouth, "Let's go!"

"Hey, Ah Yao..." Yin Xingze shook his head.

He still prefers to live among thousands of flowers like himself, without any leaves touching his body. A woman can have as much as she wants, without being responsible, entangled, or upset.

Thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Hello, is this Miss Xue? I'm Yin Xingze. We met last time at the charity reception. I'm honored to ask Miss Xue out for dinner..."

"Sister Zhiyi!" As soon as Shen Zhiyi came down from the morning meeting, before she sat down in the office chair, she saw Xiaomei rushing in.

As soon as she grasped Shen Zhiyi's hand, she was very excited, "Sister Zhiyi, this is a good thing, why didn't you tell everyone earlier, don't worry, we won't talk nonsense!"

Shen Zhiyi blinked her eyelashes, what is this?
"Sister Zhiyi, do we have a good relationship? You don't hate me either, do you?"

Without waiting for Shen Zhiyi to answer, Xiaomei said to herself, "That's fine, let's go with Zhang Ying!"

As he said, he hugged Shen Zhiyi forcibly and "clicked" a few times.

"Sister Zhiyi, please sign me here!"

Shen Zhiyi, who was in the fog, picked up his pen and did as he did.

Xiaomei hugged her autograph and kissed several times excitedly, "Ha! In the future, I will be the one who has Mrs. Hangcheng He's autograph, so I walk with wind?"

"What did you say?" Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched.

Xiaomei showed her the phone, "Sister Zhiyi, don't pretend, there is nothing wrong with announcing your identity as Mrs. He. Look, Mr. He is really kind. He will do things for you that you dare not do." I did it, with such a rich, handsome and domineering husband who protects his wife, if it were me, I would have to have fun in my dreams, Sister Zhiyi, you are the best, take down the dream lover of a woman in Hangzhou without saying a word , you are simply my idol!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

[Everyone, I will not hide anything, the child in the photo is my son, but Ms. Fang is not my wife, so please don’t speculate wildly, so as not to affect my relationship with my wife. As for my wife, she is a very ordinary, She is also an extraordinary woman, I cherish every bit of our time together...]

A large paragraph of text, nearly five or six hundred words of narrative, all swearing how harmonious and happy the husband and wife relationship between him and Mrs. He is.

What's especially ridiculous is that he even posted a photo of Shen Zhiyi's life.

As soon as this statement came out, netizens exploded.

[Wow wow wow!What kind of fairy love is this prince and Cinderella?So jealous! 】

[Mrs. He is too lucky. Our Mr. He is really a clear stream in the circle of rich people. He has eyes, money and affection. Oh my god, God also give me a Mr. He of the same style. I am willing to live ten years less! 】

[Isn't the heroine in this threesome Miss Piano?A while ago, there was a photo of Mrs. He holding Miss Piano. If any sister could tell the whole story, I would be very grateful! 】

[I see, Miss Piano is a touchstone for Mr. He and his wife, the appraisal is complete! 】

"Sister Zhiyi, there are a lot of people coming outside, and they don't book a room. They have to clamor to see you, but they can't be stopped. What should I do?"

The front office manager ran in panting.

Shen Zhiyi returned the phone to Xiaomei, and as soon as she walked out, a large number of people came.

He couldn't help but shoot wildly at her.

"Mrs. He, can you sign for me!"

"Mrs. He, when did you and Mr. He get married? Do you have a baby now?"

"Mrs. He, can you tell us about the process from when you and Mr. He got to know each other and fell in love to getting married?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

On the other hand, Fang Yao's facial features were distorted after reading the statement issued by He Jingyao.

For that Shen Zhiyi, he actually did this.

"Boom! Boom!"

She smashed everything within reach and smashed.


"So this is Mrs. He. She looks so beautiful. She is indeed the woman our big boss likes, but she is different!"

"It's weird. A few days ago, who in the small group said that Miss Bai Yueguang, the boss, came to visit him. The two of them are so sweet in the office. Who is telling the truth and who is telling the truth?"

"You're so dizzy! Of course, the one holding the certificate is the main palace. I said that Miss Bai Yueguang looks a little creepy, but our Mrs. He is upright!"

"Cough!" Ah Shen stood behind them at some point, and coughed lightly, scaring them away into birds and beasts in an instant.

He Jingyao came down from a meeting, surrounded by several company executives reporting to work.

Ah Shen put away the phone, walked towards him quickly, and pressed it against his ear: "Sir, the young master is in the hospital now!"

Fang Yao was by Dashu's side, and when he saw He Jingyao approaching, he told the story with red eyes.

It turned out that she took Dashu to the mall to buy things, and she just met Dashu's classmate.

That classmate and the little guy are deadly enemies. The one who laughed at the little guy is a single-parent family. His father has a man outside, and his mother was abandoned by his father.

The little guy was annoyed at the time, and he dragged his classmate and beat him up. Although Fang Yao stopped him, he knocked his head when he fell.

The matter was resolved through negotiation between the two parties.

Fang Yao took Da Shu to the hospital for a physical examination. He was fine, but during the psychological test, he was found to have impulsive disorder.

"Mr. He, Dashu's impulsive disorder has a lot to do with the living environment. The company of parents is very important. There is no one who can replace father's love. Similarly, no one can replace mother's love. This disease is not serious. It’s not serious, but if it is serious, it will affect his physical and mental growth, which is worthy of our parents’ attention!”

The psychiatrist briefly analyzed Dashu's situation for He Jingyao.

The latter was sitting on the sofa, and saw the rhythmic tapping on the armrest. His eyes were bottomless, making it hard to see what was going on in his heart.

The more so, the more disturbing it is.

Fang Yao frowned worriedly, "Doctor Li, can it be treated with medicine?"

Dr. Li helped the legs of his glasses, and said helplessly, "The child is too young, medicine will hurt his body!"

He looked at He Jingyao, "I don't know much about the situation of the two of you, but personally, I still suggest that your parents live together and accompany the young master together, which is conducive to psychological compensation."

(End of this chapter)

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