Chapter 123 Uncle, I want to poop

When Shen Zhiyi returned to the He mansion, his left and right hands each carried two packing boxes, which contained the strawberry cake that the two little guys liked to eat.

"Ma'am, you're back!" When passing by the garage, the driver, Old Chen, came over and bowed slightly to her, "The car that sir ordered for you has arrived, sir, you can see if you like it, and pick another one if you don't like it." !"

Shen Zhiyi looked in the direction of his finger, and a white Mercedes-Benz G-class stopped there impressively.

The body with smooth lines, huge and domineering tires, clean and fresh white, looks silly and arrogant from a distance.

It's a perfect match for Shen Zhiyi himself.

It has to be said that He Jingyao's vision is still very precise.

"Where's Mr. He?" Shen Zhiyi asked back.

Old Chen Zhiwu said, "Sir, he hasn't come back yet!"

Shen Zhi understood.

Didn't come back, oh, that means staying with Fang Yao.

While he was busy taking care of his heart, he was busy dealing with Mrs. He. Thanks to his caring, he still remembered the car he owed and chose it himself.

If it wasn't for Fang Yao, Shen Zhiyi would have almost misunderstood that He Jingyao was interested in him.

Man, born to be an actor.

"Don't look, throw it in the garage to collect ashes!"

"Ah?" Uncle Chen stood in a mess.

Shen Zhiyi stepped into the lobby of the main house, looked around but did not see the two little guys, asked Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Wang said that the servant took them outside to play.

Shen Zhiyi went upstairs to take a shower, ate something, and watched TV for a while. After an hour, the little ones still did not come back.

She was about to go outside to have a look, when she saw a servant rushing in with a big tree.

"My wife is not well, Miss Xiaobao, she...she..."

The maid is a newcomer, as timid as her age, she didn't know that Comfort was frightened, and she couldn't help crying before she finished speaking.

Shen Zhi stomped anxiously, "What's wrong with Xiaobao, please don't cry, just speak clearly!"

"It's Ah Hong, Madam asked you something, what can we do by crying?" Sister-in-law Wang was also anxious.

Dashu wiped away tears, stood up and answered for her, "Aunt Zhizhi, Xiaobao is missing, you should go find her!"

It turned out that the maid and the two children were playing hide-and-seek outside the villa, and when it was the maid's and Dashu's turn to hide, Xiaobao came to look for them.

As a result, the two of them hid for a long time but didn't see Xiaobao looking for them. They went out to search around but couldn't find Xiaobao, so they ran back in a hurry.

"Little Treasure, Little Treasure..."

"Miss Xiaobao, where are you..."

Shen Zhiyi led the servants to search around. She couldn't wait any longer, and with a strong sense of foreboding, she dialed the number to call the police with trembling hands.

Before the fingertip could press it, the screen flashed, and an unknown number came in.

Shen Zhiyi rolled her throat, feeling an uneasy premonition.

"Which one?
"Your daughter, Xiaobao, is in our hands now. I want her to live. Prepare 100 million cash quickly. I will send you the address. If you dare to call the police, I will separate you forever!"

As soon as Shen Zhiyi's voice came out, her voice trembled, "I agree to all your requests, but can you let me listen to her voice first, otherwise who knows if you bombed me on purpose!"

As soon as the words fell, a familiar "Shen Zhiyi" came into Shen Zhiyi's ears, "I'm fine, don't worry, they..."

"Drip! Drip! Drip..."

"Xiaobao, are you still listening? Hey, Xiaobao..." Shen Zhiyi yelled a few times excitedly, only the dry sound of hanging up.

"Ma'am, is Miss Xiaobao okay? Do you want to call your husband? He is omnipotent and will definitely find a solution!"

Shen Zhiyi immediately stopped Mrs. Wang, "No, the less people know about this matter, the better. Everyone listen, no one is allowed to say a word. Leave the other matters to me. I will put Xiaobao's safety belt on her. return!"

According to the time given by the kidnappers, Shen Zhiyi stepped on the bus to the northern suburbs carrying a black box two hours later.

An abandoned warehouse with air leaks everywhere. Under the hot temperature, there was a disgusting stench in the air.

Xiaobao was tied to a chair, unable to move his hands and feet.

"Hey, I'm thirsty, give me some water!"

The tall kidnapper cursed, "Smelly girl, you can see clearly, you are kidnapped by us now, you are not here to be a guest, and you still drink water, why don't you want coffee!"

"Do you have any humanity? My little friend just drinks saliva, not a piece of your meat. If I have something, do you think you can still get money? Please use your brains, please? I have no IQ at all, Why are you still doing kidnapping? Don’t be ashamed of yourself!”

Two kidnappers: "..."

Xiaobao rolled his eyes while holding the purified water bottle while drinking.

You can't just sit and wait like this. If Shen Zhiyi really took 100 million to redeem her, she would be a fool.

Even if the handsome uncle is rich, she can't look so useless.

"Aiyo, aiyo..." Xiaobao suddenly covered his stomach and rolled all over the floor.

Two kidnappers came over, and the tall one kicked her, "What are you doing?"

"Uncle, my stomach hurts so much, I want to poop!" Xiao Bao blushed and said a little embarrassedly.

The two kidnappers looked at each other and said in unison, "Hold on!"

"But people will pull their pants, it will be very smelly!"

The low man chuckled, "It stinks. Anyway, you probably shit in your pants when you were a kid, and now you're being hypocritical, brat, don't think we don't know what you're thinking. Be honest, or you'll have to Looks good, do you hear me?"

Xiaobao cried "Wow", and opened his mouth so that the tonsils inside almost popped out.

Crying and complaining, "You are too shy, even bullying children, don't you have any children in your family? Doesn't your conscience hurt? I'm just going to poop, and I have to be restrained, blah blah, blah blah. I'm really sad, adults are so bad, woo woo woo..."

Xiaobao used all the tricks that Dashu used to, imitating them vividly, looking carefully, even the micro expressions were exactly the same.

If it still doesn't work, then she really has nothing to do.

Fortunately, the two kidnappers couldn't bear her crying and allowed her to solve personal problems.

Xiaobao was very grateful, and pretended to run to a banyan tree outside the warehouse to solve it.

The short kidnapper stood guard not far away, for fear that he would run away.

I became impatient within a few minutes, and urged behind the big tree, "Are you ready? Bastard, hurry up!"

Xiaobao agreed while observing the surrounding environment, "Okay, okay, I'm constipated!"

When he glanced at an iron gate, his eyes lit up.

The iron gate was locked with an iron chain, but with her figure, it was easy to get out from the gap below, and there was an empty construction area outside.

So, as long as you escape from here, everything will be easy.

(End of this chapter)

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