Chapter 126 Leave

"Ah Yao, was it Miss Shen's call just now? You haven't been back for two days, she should be angry, right?"

After being comforted by He Jingyao, Fang Yao's mood stabilized a little.

There was a big bruise on her face. Women are animals that love beauty. For a while, she couldn't stand it anymore. She often lost her temper and clamored for He Jingyao to accompany her. He Jingyao had no choice but to push back some work in the company. Come over as soon as you are free.

He Jingyao's fingertips were still on the screen of the phone, rubbing it up and down, as if he was struggling with something, and he didn't even pay attention to Fang Yao's question.

This suddenly made Fang Yao sensitive, and she suddenly rushed over and hugged He Jingyao, "Ah Yao, you want to go back, don't you? Don't leave me, okay? I'm so scared here alone, you don't know. I dreamed that Ms. Shen pushed me towards the car that was coming fast, she didn't like me, she wanted to kill me, I was so scared to death, can you accompany me?"

Seeing that she was not in the right state, He Jingyao hurriedly rang the call bell.

The doctor on duty will come soon.

After the doctor gave Fang Yao a sedative, she gradually calmed down and fell asleep after a while.

He Jingyao glanced at the time, arranged for a nurse to take good care of Fang Yao, and left the hospital in a hurry.

He mansion.

Before stepping into the main house, He Jingyao heard the cries of the big tree.

"What's going on?" He Jingyao didn't even have time to change his shoes, so he pulled the little guy in front of him and wiped away his tears with his fingertips.

Pointing to a glass bottle full of mini paper cranes on the coffee table, the little guy cried and said, "Xiaobao and Aunt Zhizhi are gone, leave this for me, I don't want this, I'm going to find them, Dad, will you take me there?"

He Jingyao's heartstrings tightened.

I just listened to Mrs. Wang comforting Dashu, "Don't worry, young master. Auntie and Xiaobao just went back to their own house for a while, and they will be back in two days. They also miss you, young master. The phone didn't get through, maybe the phone is out of battery. I'll call Auntie for you later, okay?"

"What did you just say? She took Xiaobao back to Shen's house?" He Jingyao stood up, his face darkened.

Sister-in-law Wang: "Yes, my wife said that the Shen family's villa has been vacant for a long time, and she wants to go back to live for a few days. She also said that she has already said hello to you. Oh, so my wife didn't tell you?"

"When did this happen?"

"It's just in the morning, sir..." Aunt Wang wondered, the wife is only going back to her natal home for two days, why does the husband look so nervous?

He Jingyao hurried upstairs and opened the closet. The clothes that Shen Zhiyi had brought from the Shen family were gone, only the clothes she bought when she visited the He mansion later.

It's quite clear!
There was a contract lying on the bedside table, and the four characters "divorce agreement" were extremely eye-catching and dazzling.

He Jingyao's grip gradually tightened, and the folds on the paper were sharp and straight.

When she came out of the door, Mrs. Wang, who sensed something was wrong, was about to come in. The latter glanced at the divorce agreement in He Jingyao's hand, and covered her mouth in horror.

"God! Madam, she actually..."

"I'm sorry, sir. It's all my fault that I didn't take good care of my wife. I'm negligent at work. Please punish me!" Sister-in-law Wang regretted so much that she couldn't help but think that her wife would take Miss Xiaobao away. home away.

She has lost sight of people, how to explain it now.

He Jingyao frowned, and waved the hand holding the divorce agreement, "She really wants to leave, but you can't bear to see her, let's go!"

"Hey!" Sister-in-law Wang looked at her husband's lonely back, and hesitated to speak.


Just when He Jingyao sent people to search for Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao, the mother and daughter had already boarded the train bound for Yangcheng.

But Fu was afraid that she would backtrack, so he sent two people to personally send them out of Hangzhou.

When they were about to arrive at Yangcheng Station, Shen Zhiyi couldn't help but said to these two people, "Your mission is completed, you can go back to work!"

"That can't be done. My Mr. Fu has repeatedly warned me to protect the personal safety of you and the children. If you make a mistake, we have to go back!"

The man who spoke was tall and bulky, but not greasy like a gym.

A five-centimeter knife scar pierces the end of the left eyebrow obliquely, and there is still a light beard on the chin, giving people a cold feeling that is very difficult to approach.

Shen Zhiyi sneered, "It's good to say that it's to protect my safety, but it's not good to say that it's surveillance. Go back and tell your son Fu, if I want to repent, you can stop me for a while, but you can't stop me for the rest of my life. Playing this set of cats crying and mice pretending to be merciful, I can't help it."

The big man answered irrelevantly, "My name is Meng Ying. If Miss Shen needs anything, you can call me anytime!"

have to!This man is a stickler!Shen Zhiyi simply turned away and knocked on his eyes, it's clear what's out of sight.

The group arrived in Yangcheng at night, and Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao were taken to a three-bedroom house.

The area is small, but it is clean and tidy.

Home appliances and furniture are all available, and you can live right away with your bags. Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao have no problems living together.

"Miss Shen, it's fine for me and my subordinates to sleep in the hut, you can do whatever you want, I'm sorry for disturbing you these few days!"

"You..." Shen Zhiyi stared at the back of Meng Ying's head, biting the back of his teeth angrily.

OK, let's see how long you can last.

As soon as the door was closed, Shen Zhiyi immediately locked it.

"Shen Zhiyi, what are we going to do next? Do you really want to stay here?" Xiao Bao sat on the edge of the bed, shaking his short legs alternately.

Shen Zhiyi opened the window and glanced downstairs, her legs were weak and her feet were weak, and she instantly dispelled the idea of ​​jumping off the building and fleeing.

"Of course not. We didn't leave Hangcheng to become someone's caged bird. Don't worry. When the two people outside relax their vigilance, let's run to a place where no one can find us!"

Xiaobao jumped off the bed and walked towards Shen Zhiyi, and poked her thigh when she was a child, "Shen Zhiyi, tell me the truth, do you miss the handsome uncle and the big tree?"

Shen Zhiyi was choked for a few seconds, then sighed heavily, and looked out the window.

It took a while before he said, "Xiaobao, you have to understand, we are not from the same world as the handsome uncle, Dashu, and we will be separated sooner or later..."


dong dong dong!
Fang Huaizhou had just finished taking a shower when he heard the door being slammed loudly.

There was no time to put on clothes, so I just put on a bathrobe and went to open the door.

"Calling the door early in the morning, do you know that this kind of behavior is very..."

The door was only opened a crack, and it was knocked open by brute force in an instant.

Fang Huaizhou took a few steps back with an unstable center of gravity.

"Who are you? Get out!"

Ah Shen nodded slightly, "Hi Second Young Master Fang, I'm Yang Shen, the assistant to President He of the He Group, and I'm here to pick up our wife!"

Fang Huaizhou rubbed his ears, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "What? Your wife? Shen Zhiyi? Ha! It's so funny. What are you looking for your wife to do at my house? Even if we cheated, I wouldn't be so stupid as to be here, okay?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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