Chapter 133
Fang Yao's patience was exhausted, she threw the snacks on the table, her face turned cold, "I don't drink this, I don't eat that, what on earth do you want? I'm your mother, how can you show me face? In the past few years you How did dad educate you, or did Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao bring you down when they came? Dashu, stay away from people like them in the future. You are the fourth generation of the He family with the most noble status. Don't worry about it. Everyone is close!"

"No, Aunt Zhizhi and Xiaobao are very good people, they taught me how to speak!" Dashu straightened up immediately to refute.

Fang Yao was completely annoyed by this, she grabbed the little guy by the shoulder, her eyes were cold, "They snatched daddy away from mommy, and you still say hello to them, are you my son? Are you my son? I You were born in vain, you are a useless thing, you can't help me at all, what else can you do for me?"

Dashu burst into tears with a "wow", and pushed Fang Yao away, "Mom is so fierce, I don't want to like mother anymore, woo woo woo..."

Fang Yao woke up like a dream, her face changed faster than turning the pages of a book, she immediately pretended to be regretful and hugged the little guy in her arms, "I'm sorry Dashu, mom didn't mean to lose her temper with you, mom was just too angry, After I came back, your father didn't want me anymore, and now even you don't want me anymore, mom is like an abandoned kitten, without her own family, please forgive mom, okay?"

The big tree is her hole card, the only thing she has to do with He Jingyao, if she loses even this hole card, then she will really lose.

She is not reconciled.

"It's okay for Mom to ask me to forgive, but you can't speak ill of Aunt Zhizhi and Xiaobao in the future!"

Fang Yao's back trembled, and he squeezed Dashu's shoulders to pull him away.

She who was humble just now, suddenly became vicious again.

"Up to now, you still choose to stand by their mother and daughter, right?"

Dashu frowned, and twisted his small body, "Mom, my shoulder hurts so much from being pinched by you, please be gentle!"

"I'm asking you something, answer me!" Fang Yao uttered a hysterical sound, which made the little guy tremble all over, his little chin trembled, and tears were about to fall.

"Let me tell you, Dashu, that I am your mother. If you tell me how good Shen Zhiyi and her daughter are in the future, I will sever the mother-child relationship with you. Besides, what I said today You are not allowed to tell your father a word, otherwise, I will trouble Shen Zhiyi and drive them away, so that you will never see them again, do you hear me?"

Fang Yao is tired of acting and doesn't want to act anymore. It's no wonder that the children are hard and soft.

Dashu was frightened, and nodded frantically with his neck curled up, "I heard it!"


When Shen Zhiyi woke up, she was on the bed in the master bedroom of He Mansion.

After the high fever subsided, she was in a very exhausted state. She lay on the bed for a while, and then dragged her weak body to get up, and secretly scolded He Jingyao bloody.

Pull the door.

It was locked from the outside!
"Is anyone there? Open the door for me, I want to go out!"

"Madam, stop taking pictures, I'm here!"

With the sound of the key turning, the door was opened, and Mrs. Wang came in with food.

"Ma'am, you just had a fever and your body is too weak. The doctor suggested to lie down at home for a few days. No, sir asked me to make some light vegetable porridge for you. You can drink some!"

Shen Zhiyi looked up at the ceiling and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law Wang, you don't have to coax me. Why do you want me to take care of my body? That bastard deliberately locked me up, right? He just... um..."

"Hush! Ma'am, please keep your voice down, sir is still angry, if he hears it, it will be terrible!" Aunt Wang was so frightened that she quickly covered Shen Zhiyi's mouth, "Mr. is just angry, wait for the anger to subside That's fine, just wait patiently for two days!"

"Oh! He is angry? I still have nothing to vent my anger!" It made her feverish, who could she turn to for reasoning?

Shen Zhiyi turned her head and walked out. Who knew that there were two bodyguards standing at the door, and they stopped her there.

"I'm sorry madam, sir, I can't let you out because of my destiny, please cooperate!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Dog man, what a kind!
She didn't treat herself badly either, she filled her stomach with the food Mrs. Wang gave her.

She is not a pet, shut her up?
Are you kidding me, can she hold Shen Zhiyi?
She does not accept this humiliation.

When the window opened, she glanced down.

On the third floor, there is a soft lawn below. If you are skilled, jumping down will result in a broken bone at most, but a broken bone is better than being locked up as a pet.

Do not die in silence, but explode in silence.

This time, she didn't give in to anything.

Three sheets were pulled and connected at both ends, one end was fixed at the head of the bed, and the other end hung down along the window.

As smart as her, can't this go on?

It feels so good to step on the soft grass with both feet, and Shen Zhiyi is free.

She raised her head and made a farewell gesture to the third floor, then turned around...


The two bodyguards brushed their way together.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes turned black, and she covered her forehead with one hand.

He Jingyao's stuff was so overwhelming for her that she even had staff under the windows.

Did he press the tracker on her?

"If you really treat me as your wife, get out of the way!" Shen Zhiyi exhaled and said calmly.

Bodyguard: "Madam, you should go back!"

Shen Zhiyi knew that if she really tried, she wouldn't be able to be He Jingyao's bodyguard, "If not, you guys call Mr. He and I'll tell him!"

She called n times a day today, and the bastard either refused to answer or hung up.

The two bodyguards gave each other a wink and stepped forward at the same time.

Shen Zhiyi thought that they were going to really screw her back, and took a step back to take the move, but in the next second, the two bodyguards bent their legs and knelt on the ground with a plop.

Shen Zhiyi gasped, this...

"Madam, you should go back, don't make things difficult for us, thank you for your cooperation!"

Both of them knelt on the ground, what else could Shen Zhiyi say.

Got it!
Where do you come from, where do you go back!
This match ended with Shen Zhiyi's failure.

He's old house.

Fang Yao waited at the gate of the house for a full two hours before He Yingxue went out.

Her eyes lit up, and she rushed forward quickly, "Auntie!"

He Yingxue looked over after hearing the prestige, with a surprised face, "Fang Yao? You... why did you come back?"

Fang Yao held her hand tightly, with tears in the corners of her eyes, "Auntie, no matter what this time, you have to help me..."

After the play from He Yingxue, the moment Fang Yao turned around, tears were wiped away.

The aunts of He Yingxue and Fang Yao are sisters from far away, so when it comes to He Jingyao's matter, He Yingxue is naturally on Fang Yao's side.

As he walked towards the car parked on the side of the road, Fang Yao vaguely noticed footsteps behind him.

She couldn't help speeding up, and just as she opened the car door, she was pushed down again by a force.

When she looked up, her pupils trembled violently.

"Du... Du Ye?"

(End of this chapter)

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