Chapter 135 Fire Fighting, Fire Fighting

Shen Zhiyi peeled the orange for him, and Lin Yu caught it with one hand. For a moment, the ward could hear the needles drop quietly.

It seemed that the two of them stopped talking for a while.



Shen Zhiyi coughed dryly, "Say it first!"

Lin Yu licked his lips, and asked bravely, "After going back, Mr. He didn't make things difficult for you, did he? I think I might as well go to him and explain it clearly!"

"No, he didn't make things difficult for me!" Shen Zhiyi held him down.

It just so happened that Shen Yichun came in from the outside at this time, and seeing the "intimacy" between the two as if no one else was there, the fruit in his hand fell to the ground.

"Okay, Shen Zhiyi, you can come here to seduce my fiancé during the time I go out for a while, why, He Jingyao didn't feed you enough, so you came here to make a fuss, right? You shameless bitch, give it to me quickly roll!"

"Shut up! Shen Yichun, she is your sister, how can you say that about her!" Lin Yu couldn't believe it, how could such disgusting words come out of Shen Yichun's mouth.

That's right, after all these days, Shen Yichun has been trying to portray a gentle and dignified lady image in front of Lin Yu.

Well, all the hard work is in vain.

Shen Yichun shattered the jar and threw herself arrogantly, "Brother Lin Yu, haven't you seen the true face of this slut? She's just a slut, a coquettish fox. I don't know what ecstasy drug she gave you. Let you trust her so much, and don't forget that I am still pregnant with your child, we will be a family in the future, brother Lin Yu, you help a bitch murder me, do you know how sad I am?"

As she said that, she still made a gesture and covered her face and twitched.

Lin Yu closed his eyes with a headache, expressing that what he sees is not what he sees.

Shen Yichun is pregnant with a child now, what can he do to her?
On one side is the woman who is pregnant with his own child, and on the other side is the woman he loves deeply, Lin Yu is exhausted physically and mentally.

Seeing that Shen Yichun would continue to scold, Shen Zhiyi grabbed her wrist and dragged her out regardless of her yelling.

"What are you dragging me for? Are you afraid that I will expose your disgusting face in front of Brother Lin Yu, right? Slut, coquettish fox, it's best to advise you..."

As soon as Shen Yichun saw Shen Zhiyi raising his hand, he shrank his neck almost reflexively, for fear of being slapped again.

When it's over, you still have to bluff, "Shen Zhiyi, you, don't think I'm scared!"

Shen Zhi commented on her appearance, gave a soft smirk, took two steps closer, and stared into her eyes, "Shen Yichun, I think you know better than anyone else whether the child in your belly belongs to brother Lin Yu. The matter will be fine, and you really take it seriously? I advise you to stop playing for two days if you are smart, otherwise, it will be bad if the whole city knows it, right? "

Shen Yichun's pupils widened for a moment, and horror was written all over his face.

Even so, the duck is still cooked, the mouth is hard! "Oh, who are you bluffing, Shen Zhiyi, you are just jealous of me. You have been married to the He family for so long and your stomach has not moved, so you beat me up. You are so disgusting. He Jingyao deserves to be fooling around with Bai Yueguang all day. I want to see how long you can be proud, hum!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled expectantly at her straight back, "Then let's just wait and see!"

The last time Shen Yichun was pushed to the point where she almost had a miscarriage, Shen Zhiyi did not forget the key words in the doctor's words, Shen Yichun was less than four weeks pregnant.

But Shen Zhiyi clearly remembered that when Shen Yichun showed her that she was pregnant with Lin Yu's child, it was even earlier when Lin Yu went downstairs to her house at night and gave her a "farewell" gift a month and a half ago.

That is to say, Shen Yichun should have conceived earlier, and the difference in gestational weeks is contradictory.

Therefore, there is only one possibility to explain that Shen Yichun conceived the child later. As for whether the child is Lin Yu's, Shen Zhiyi also has the answer in her heart, and she can feel it by looking at Shen Yichun's guilty eyes.

For a while, Shen Zhiyi felt sorry for Lin Yu, but she couldn't say that it was related to a man's dignity.

Xiaobao called.

"Shen Zhiyi, come back quickly, put out the fire, put out the fire!"

He mansion.

"...Ah Yao, what do you think of my suggestion just now?"

He Yingxue drank several sips of tea in a row when his mouth was dry.

He Jingyao slowly raised his head from the tablet, "Huh? Uh! I'm sorry, aunt, I didn't pay attention to what you said just now when I was dealing with an urgent case!"

He Yingxue: "..."

She put down the glass, and said patiently, "I mean, you don't have any relationship with your wife anyway, so you might as well send her away with some money, so that you can be with Fang Yao freely, They gave birth to a big fat boy for our He family, you can't even give him your identity, can you? This is unreasonable!"

"Besides, look at your wife. She has a very bad reputation and has a child with an unknown father. This... isn't this making people laugh at our He family? Is it because we can't marry a woman or something? Looking around I don't know how many women came into our He family, even if it wasn't Fang Yao, it wouldn't be her turn!"

He Jingyao leaned his shoulders against the back of the sofa, lowered his head and kneaded his eyebrows. He didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He Yingxue didn't know whether he listened or not, and was a little uncertain about what he was thinking.

"Well, A Yao, if you think this is inappropriate, then Auntie has a way to get the best of both worlds. One mountain makes it accommodate two tigers. What age is it now, which man doesn't have a confidante around him? There are countless people in the family. If you think divorce is bad for your reputation, then just arrange for Fang Yao's mother and son outside. As long as you don't tell me and I don't tell you, your grandpa and the others won't know. Isn't it?"

He Jingyao raised his eyes to He Yingxue.

Although He Yingxue is his elder, this nephew is not so approachable, especially when he looks at people like this, he is creepy.

"Auntie wants me to step on two boats?"

"Damn! Why are you two-footed? Don't young people play this now? Anyway, you want money for Shen Zhiyi, as long as you are materially satisfied, that's what she wants!" He Yingxue took it for granted road.

He Jingyao laughed and helped Auntie refill her tea, "Auntie is really advancing with the times, no wonder you are single now!"

"Hey you kid, how are you talking!" He Yingxue was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Did not find a boyfriend, because she likes freedom.

The little milk dog who jumped at her was too fake and oily, and only wanted her money. Although the old man who admired her had a successful career, he was too scheming. She didn't like it, so he couldn't get it done.

This sentence almost stepped on her tail.

"Madam is here, sir and Miss Biao are chatting inside!"

When He Yingxue heard Mrs. Wang's voice, her eyebrows twitched, and she hurriedly told He Jingyao, "Your mother will ask you what we are talking about later, so don't tell me, do you hear me?"

He Jingyao: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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