Chapter 141 Illness
Shen Zhiyi brushed her hair, took a sip from the water glass, "I didn't see that Mr. He still cared so much about my daily life, shouldn't you go to comfort Dashu now, or accompany Miss Fang? Tsk tsk, you The role of father and lover is incompetent at all!"

He Jingyao didn't bother to pay attention to her unreasonable troubles, and walked straight towards her, trying to pull her clothes with his hand.

Shen Zhiyi reacted quickly, turned her back and wrapped her neckline tightly, "I don't want tonight!"

He Jingyao paused slightly, his beautiful eyebrows and eyes were illuminated by the light, his black pupils were tinged with coldness, "In your eyes, am I so hungry?"

Shen Zhixin said, is it because you are so hungry that you don't know what to eat?What are you pretending to be serious about!

"Take off the clothes and let me see!" he ordered.

Shen Zhiyi turned a deaf ear.

The man was in a hurry, so he directly attacked, Shen Zhiyi resisted.

The two struggled for a while.

"Shen Zhiyi, it's boring for you to do this, don't try to challenge my patience!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, and looked at the tall and handsome man with crooked eyebrows, "How can a heartless woman like me dare to challenge you? I eat and drink He's food every day, and even deliberately lose the big tree , I am too vicious and scheming, here I suggest you stay away from me, maybe one day I will stab you in the back, right?"

"You...Shen Zhiyi, do you have to talk to me like this? You clearly know that I was too..."

"Dear Mr. He, nothing can be an excuse for you to hurt others. Since you can say that, it means that you think so. I have helped you find Dashu back unscathed. I don't owe you anything now. If you don't If nothing else, I'll go in and take a shower!"

"Shen Zhiyi!" When Shen Zhiyi passed He Jingyao, he grabbed his wrist.

As soon as the latter exerted a little force, Shen Zhiyi bumped into his chest, and he held her in his arms.

Shen Zhiyi's back was stiff, her heart was beating faster, and she almost couldn't control herself and hugged him back.

Finally held back.

He Jingyao: "Don't lose your temper again!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and asked back, "Why don't my people be allowed to light lamps?"

"I'll make it up to you!"

"I own the car!" The white Mercedes-Benz belongs to her completely under her name.

He Jingyao's soft voice was somewhat tired, "Send me off to you?"

Shen Zhiyi was stunned for a moment, she couldn't believe that the rigorous and cold-blooded black-bellied Mr. He would actually play such an ambiguous word game with her.

Got hit by a car?

Shen Zhiyi pushed him away, "Sorry, you, I really don't care about you!"

I don't know if this sentence "it's not rare" stimulated He Jingyao, he suddenly held Shen Zhiyi's face and kissed it hard.

Push the person to the bed while kissing.

For a while, Shen Zhiyi fell on the bed in a daze. This "ambiguous war" ended in her failure.

Just as He Jingyao's hand was on the metal buckle of the belt, there was a hasty knock on the door outside.

He opened the door with a dark face, "Sister-in-law Wang, you came at a very bad time!"

Sister-in-law Wang couldn't care less about the timing, "Sir, young master, young master passed out..."


"How about the big tree? Does it matter?"

Shen Zhiyi came with her, and while waiting for He Jingyao to come out, she raised her heart and walked up and down the corridor restlessly.

When she came, Xiaobao said that she had calculated that there would be a catastrophe for the big tree, and it was up to the will of God whether it could be turned into good fortune.

He Jingyao stood by the window and silently lit a cigarette. Soon the smoke was everywhere, and his whole face was in a blur. He couldn't see his expression or eyes clearly, but he could feel his heartache and solemnity.

He opened his lips after smoking a cigarette, and his voice was extremely hoarse after being smoked.


Those three words hit Shen Zhiyi hard on the head like a heavy hammer, causing her body to shake.

"Why, how could this be?"

Although Dashu has no blood relationship with her, we get along day and night, and she has long fallen in love with this cute little guy. In her heart, Dashu and Xiaobao have the same irreplaceable status.

She had long regarded Dashu as her own son, and now that her son had such a serious illness, she couldn't accept it no matter what.

"M[-] type, although it's not too serious, he's still just a child after all..." He Jingyao couldn't continue, and lit another cigarette.

A passing nurse pointed to a warning sign and reminded, "Sorry sir, no smoking here!"

He Jingyao turned his head to look, wondering if it was because he was in a bad mood, his face was too scary, or he was born with a strong aura, just a casual look, the little nurse trembled in fright, and slipped away with the tray in her arms.

He Jingyao still put out his cigarette.

Shen Zhiyi noticed his slightly trembling hand, without the slightest hesitation, she reached out to hold his.

"Now that medicine is so advanced, you have to trust doctors and big trees!"

Later Fang Yao and Fu Que also came.

Shen Zhi's eyes burst into flames when he saw Fu Que, but neither of them mentioned what happened last time.

"Miss Shen, please help me take care of Dashu first, I don't worry about others!" The hematology expert introduced by Yin Xingze came, and the group went in to listen to the expert's analysis of Dashu's condition. Shen Zhiyi was caught by Fang at the door. Rumor stops.

Shen Zhiyi looked up at He Jingyao, who nodded at her.

In this way, Shen Zhiyi stayed in the ward. After all, Fang Yao's needs were not too much. If she refused, it would seem unreasonable.

After seeing Dashu's condition, the experts immediately offered a plan to do a bone marrow transplant.

Currently, the child's parents, or brothers and sisters are the most suitable source of marrow. Of course, to determine who is the most suitable, it is necessary to carry out matching.

After leaving the office, Fu called to He Jingyao, "Ah Yao, Yaoyao, she may not be able to save Dashu, but if she matches her type, she can draw me, but you must not blame Yaoyao, because she has..."

"Fu Que, don't say it!" Fang Yao stopped.

But Fu took a look at her and insisted on saying, "Maybe you don't know that Yaoyao was diagnosed with allergic asthma two years ago, so she is not suitable for this kind of major surgery. Uncle's life is important, but Yaoyao's body can't stand it anymore." Any trouble, she has already sacrificed a leg for you, you can't hurt her again!"
"Enough is enough, Fu Que, don't say any more, I want to save Dashu!" Fang Yao said firmly.

Fu wanted to persuade her again, but He Jingyao said, "There's no need to argue, I've asked the doctor to find suitable bone marrow for Dashu from the China Bone Marrow Bank, and I'll do the matching right away, so it shouldn't be a problem!"

His dark pupils looked at Fang Yao, and his tone was lukewarm, "Since you are not in good health, you don't have to do it!"

After He Jingyao left, Fu gently embraced Fang Yao and lent her his shoulder to rely on, "Trust me, Dashu will be fine, you don't have to worry too much!"

Fang Yao covered her mouth in discomfort and nodded, there was a strange dim light in her lowered eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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