Chapter 148 Wait For Me At Night
"Du Ye, don't touch me..."

Du Ye took off his clothes one by one, revealing his wheat-colored skin, "Don't let me touch it, can you let the surname He touch it? He is only worthy of picking up my leftovers, oh yes, if he knows that Dashu is not You were born, tell me, will he still want you?"

Like an iron fist hitting Fang Yao hard, she froze for a few seconds, her eyes flickering.

In this gap, Du Ye has already rushed towards her...

When Shen Zhiyi returned to the room, He Jingyao was still sleeping.

He sleeps the same as when he works, it is very strictly forbidden, face up, with his hands neatly placed in front of his abdomen, like a military posture, which makes people unbearable to destroy.

Shen Zhiyi looked at the man with handsome eyebrows, she didn't know what was on her mind, she sat quietly beside him, stretched out her hand, and traced the man's forehead, to the eyebrows, to the tip of the nose, to the jaw, and then to the collarbone, silently drawing .

It was only when the man closed his eyes that the air-conditioning on his body was suppressed, which made people want to get closer.

As far as his facial features are concerned, although he is not aggressive, he is sharp enough. Unlike Lin Yu, whose eyebrows and eyes are soft and delicate, He Jingyao has a more profound and heroic appearance.

Once such a man becomes gentle, his lethality is almost [-]%.

He Jingyao's eyelashes trembled suddenly, feeling that the man was about to wake up, Shen Zhiyi subconsciously withdrew his hand.

Unexpectedly, he was caught by a man.

He Jingyao didn't open his eyes, "Have you touched enough?"

Shen Zhiyi licked her lips with a guilty conscience, your sister has been pretending to be asleep for a long time!
"Who touched you, don't blame me, I just saw something on your face and cleaned it up for you!"

"Oh, then do you want to touch it now?" He Jingyao opened his eyes, and the eyes that penetrated into Qi Ye were warmed by the light.

Shen Zhiyi asked casually, "Where to touch?"

"Touch the place you want to touch the most!" The next second, the man wrapped her hand and went all the way down...

Bang bang bang!
"Sir, Madam, Miss Yingxue and Madam are here!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled gleefully, and deliberately rubbed He Jingyao's Adam's apple with her fingertips. She just likes to see him dissatisfied with desire, but he can't do anything to her.

"I can't help it, Mr. He, you'd better hold back!"

"Wait for me at night!" The dog man pinched her chest, causing Shen Zhiyi to yelp.

Downstairs, when He Yingxue saw Shen Zhiyi coming down, she smiled happily.

"Zhizhi, you are done, come quickly, Auntie has something to tell you!"

Shen Zhiyi was ashamed, what do you mean when you're done?It turned out that my aunt had seen through everything, so she felt embarrassed.

"Auntie, Mom!" She didn't expect Qiu Wanqing to follow, and out of politeness, she greeted her.

Qiu Wanqing didn't even look at her, she drank her tea with a straight face.

If her sister-in-law hadn't been dragging her, she wouldn't have come here to see Shen Zhiyi's hypocritical face.

"Zhizhi, what kind of herbal tea you made for me last time, it's really amazing. It's effective the night I drink it, and I sleep soundly. I don't have insomnia anymore these days, and I sleep until early in the morning. My spirit has improved, thanks to you!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled modestly, "It's just my aunt who adjusted her emotions in time, and my tea is only a supporting role.

"No, no, it's just your vanilla tea. By the way, didn't you say to get me some handmade flower mask?"

He Yingxue was twitchy, and she was very embarrassed. After all, she was an elder, and she licked her face to ask for things from the younger generation, and she had to separate the couple before, so she felt cheeky when she thought about it.

"Here it is, it's here!" Xiaobao had already carried out Shen Zhiyi's baby from the bottom of the box.

He Yingxue rubbed her hands, took it excitedly, looked and smelled it, like a country woman who has never seen the market.

"Is this flower mask really beautifying? It just looks so ordinary!" He Yingxue tried to regain some ground, asking this and that on purpose.

Xiaobao immediately snatched the flower mask back, "Auntie is getting old, I think you'd better not try it, if you have too many allergies, leave it to my young auntie Jiaojiao!"

"Hey, you little girl, why can't you speak so much? Auntie, I'm only in my 30s, and my allergies are allergies. I just want to try it out!" He Yingxue snatched it back again, and this time it was in her arms, and no one could take it away. .

Shen Zhiyi suppressed a smile, "Then what aunt, take it back and use it first, and then come to me to get it after you use it well. These are all secret recipes, you can't buy them outside!"

"I still like to hear that!" He Yingxue stuffed things into her bag, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, bring me some more of your vanilla tea, the old lady wants to try it too, you know , getting older, sleep is not good!"

Xiao Bao brought her two more boxes of vanilla tea.

When He Yingxue came, she brought a big bag, this time it was stuffed to the brim, and she was about to get up and leave after saying hello, but He Jingyao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly made a sound.

"Auntie is leaving now?"

He Yingxue was stunned for a moment, "Ah! I won't have lunch here, and I'll meet up with my best friend to go shopping later!"

He Jingyao tapped her bag with his chin, "Did you forget to pay the bill?"

Others present: "..."

He Yingxue looked at Qiu Wanqing, and couldn't laugh or cry, "Ah Yao, I'm your aunt, dear aunt, we still need money for this relationship? Isn't it too far-fetched, right Zhizhi?"

"Brothers are still clear!" He Jingyao interrupted what Shen Zhiyi was about to blurt out, "These things are not easy to make, especially the flower mask. The process is complicated, time-consuming and labor-intensive. Every step is done by Zhizhi himself Done, even if you don't pay for the cost, you should also pay for the hard work. Besides, isn't it natural for an aunt to give some meeting gifts or red envelopes to the nephew and daughter-in-law? On the contrary, it seems inappropriate for the nephew and daughter-in-law to give you so much, What do you say, auntie!"

"I..." He Yingxue was so choked by her nephew that she couldn't speak a word.

Such a comparison, it seems that she, an aunt, is not sensible.

Who can't tell that this is He Jingyao seeking justice for his wife? Who made He Yingxue feel so hard on Shen Zhiyi before?
"Okay, okay, isn't it just a red envelope, aunt has already prepared it, come to Zhizhi, and open the payment code!"

"Auntie, isn't this appropriate? We are all our own family members, it's my kindness." Shen Zhiyi pretended not to delay her revealing the payment code.

5 yuan arrived!
"Auntie, you forgot one more!" He Jingyao raised his chin at Xiao Bao again, reminding him with a faint smile.

Xiaobao cooperated, "Yes, yes, there is me, my aunt stays young forever, and my aunt lives forever!"

He Yingxue: "..."

Another red envelope arrived, and He Jingyao curled his lips in satisfaction, then turned his head to look at his mother, "Mom, do you want Zhizhi's vanilla tea and flower mask?"

(End of this chapter)

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