Chapter 152 Is True Love For You

"Sir!" Ashen greeted him.

"Where's your wife?" He Jingyao asked.

"I was still here just now, so I went outside to answer the phone and came back and disappeared!"



Shen Zhiyi didn't know how long she slept, but when she woke up, it was already bright outside.

She quickly reviewed her thoughts as a whole, and then observed the surrounding environment.

So, she was sent to the hotel by that man?
"Miss Shen!"

As soon as Shen Zhiyi opened the bedroom door, the waitress guarding the door bowed down to say hello to her respectfully.

"What about others?"

The waitress looked confused, "Sorry Miss Shen, I don't know who you are talking about?"

"That big man, the man who sent me here, where is he?"

The waitress hesitated, "I'm sorry Miss Shen, my task is to serve you well, I don't know anything else!"

Shen Zhiyi held her forehead, as if she didn't ask anything.

"Miss Shen, where are you going? Breakfast is ready!"

"Go home, are you waiting for the New Year here?"

"The young master said that I must watch you finish your breakfast, otherwise I will work..."

Shen Zhiyi turned around, "Young master?"

The person who can be honored by this title will at least not be too low in status.

In fact, she recognized that person from those amber eyes. It was the owner of the club where she was sold. He was 1.9 meters tall and had a cold and arrogant aura. He still couldn't see his face clearly.

Seeing that the waitress was unwilling to say more, and Shen Zhiyi was croaking hungry, Shen Zhiyi forcibly retreated.

The breakfast on the table is at least five-star. If you don’t eat it for nothing, you should learn the essence of other people’s family, know yourself and the enemy, and you can win all battles.

After breakfast, there will be a special car to take her back.

Shen Zhiyi was a little confused by the big man's series of operations.

Anyway, if he was free, she would take it.

At the gate of He Mansion, the car Shen Zhiyi was riding in met He Jingyao's silver Bentley head-on.

"Sir, it seems to be the wife!" Ah Shen saw the person in the opposite car clearly, his eyes lit up.

He Jingyao couldn't wait for him to open the door, so he stepped down his long legs.

At the same time, Shen Zhiyi also got out of the car, thanked the driver and walked towards He Jingyao.

"He Jingyao, why do you..."

He Jingyao grabbed her wrist and scolded her in a low voice, "Where did you go last night? Do you know that we looked for you last night? You are an adult, can you stop making everyone worry about you so much next time?" It seems that you are very heartless, you know?"

Ever since he discovered Shen Zhiyi's disappearance last night, he hasn't closed his eyes until now, and let Ah Shen lead people to look for it over and over again.

I checked the monitoring and found that the monitoring was artificially sabotaged. I checked the information of all the guests at the reception and found nothing unusual.

In the end, the target was on a male fan of Fang Yao, but that male fan suffered from mental illness and was forcibly taken away by medical staff before he could find out why.

The scene of Shen Zhiyi being sold out of the clubhouse last time is still vivid in his memory, and He Jingyao tasted the frustration of powerlessness for the first time.

He couldn't accept it even more, who on earth could hide a person so tightly under his nose?

Therefore, as soon as He Jingyao saw Shen Zhiyi, he became very angry, and his emotions exploded uncontrollably.

Shen Zhi pursed his lips, and finally told a lie, "I... I was knocked out by someone, that person made a mistake, took me to an unfamiliar place and then ran away, I'm too tired I didn't bring my mobile phone with me, so I slept in a nearby hotel all night!"

"How do you explain your clothes?"

"Ah! What are you talking about? I asked the waiter to buy it for me. The dress was torn last night. I'm sorry to make everyone worry!"

He Jingyao narrowed his eyes and stared at her deeply for a while.

Shen Zhiyi rolled her throat, trying to look natural, for fear of being seen by him.

This man is very shrewd, as long as her acting skills are off the chain, she will be exposed immediately.

The man's eyes were extremely oppressive, just when Shen Zhiyi was about to lose, He Jingyao took her hand, "Go home, don't let others worry so much in the future!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

So, forget it?

She went back to take a shower and fell asleep. He Jingyao was quite humane and didn't force her to do other things.

In the study room, He Jingyao flicked the red wine glass, and the light reflected by the sparkling liquid formed a clear dividing line on the man's face.

Half deep, half evil.

"Check which hotel my wife stayed in last night? And who took her away!"

Ash leaned over, "Yes!"

For several days in a row, Shen Zhiyi was a little overwhelmed. There was no other reason, the dog man was too unrestrained in a certain matter.

Sometimes when she was sitting in front of the dresser to clean up early in the morning, he couldn't help but come once.

Shen Zhiyi's mind was wide open, whether a dog man would die young because of this kind of thing, after all, he wasted his kidneys.

It's obvious that he is like a wolf and a tiger, and he doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade, so he pretends to be guilty and remorseful. No, he arranged for Mrs. Wang to cook nutritious soup for Shen Zhiyi sooner or later.

When Shen Zhiyi saw the black soup, he frowned instantly.

"Sister-in-law Wang, can I stop drinking today? I'll throw up if I drink any more!"

Sister-in-law Wang wondered, "Ma'am, this is Mr.'s kindness for you. Anyway, it is for nourishing your body, and you are too thin. Drinking it will only benefit you!"

What she said made sense, and Shen Zhiyi couldn't refute it.

Mrs. Wang waited for her to finish drinking, then took the bowl and left.


"Don't worry about gains and losses, Mr. He is true love for you, the appraisal is complete!"

After listening to Shen Zhiyi's narration, Song Jiaojiao immediately made a comment.

Shen Zhiyi sighed, and continued to look for toys that Dashu might like on the display cabinet, "You have never been in love, you don't understand men, he can say he likes you in bed, or he can get out of bed to love others, he can show I like you very much, but when I turn around, I get tired of other women, and I can also flirt with other women, and when I look back, I look at you with affection!"

Song Jiaojiao was dumbfounded when she heard that, "I'll go, what's the mess, I also had a man, okay?"

Shen Zhi smiled intentionally, "Is your scumbag a human being?"

This made Song Jiaojiao unable to refute, but no, Xue Qingnian is a scumbag.

"I said, if you put so much effort into choosing toys for that little kid, it will only make Fang Yao feel that you have ulterior motives. The little kid has a real mother, so why should you bother so much? I really don't know what you're trying to do?"

Song Jiaojiao really can't understand Shen Zhiyi being so kind to Dashu.

Shen Zhiyi pointed to a set of picture books in front of her, asked the waiter to pack them for her, and then said to Song Jiaojiao, "I don't understand why I did this, I didn't want to please him, but... probably it was me before Lost a child, want to find in him to make up for the guilt of that child!"

After the two of them strolled around, Song Jiaojiao, who was super leisurely today, accompanied Shen Zhiyi to the Marriott.

(End of this chapter)

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