Shen Zhiyi folded her shoulders and turned around. She was still polite just now, and immediately changed into a chilly expression, "Let me answer the last question just now, that's right, I was trying to please Dashu on purpose, have you forgotten that I am justified now Mrs. He, everyone in Hangzhou knows it, so Dashu is also my stepson. Of course, my stepmother should behave in a decent way. Not only that, but I even want to take away Dashu's custody right from you !"

"You, don't even think about..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, listen to me!" Shen Zhiyi raised her hand to interrupt her, and continued, "It may not be possible for me, but you forgot that I still have my husband, as long as I blow the pillow casually , he naturally wants to stand by my side, if He Jingyao intervenes, can you keep it?"

"You, you... Shen Zhiyi, is this your true face? A Yao, he would marry a woman like you?" Fang Yao shook his head in disbelief.

Shen Zhiyi flicked the end of her hair, "What's wrong with a woman like me? How can you get better? I don't know who deliberately put her clothes on me to make a mentally ill male fan mistake me for She was knocked out and taken away, almost destroying me, Miss Fang, tell me, is this kind of woman more despicable and less worthy of being a human being?"

"I..." Fang Yao was dumbfounded.

She didn't expect Shen Zhiyi to know everything, but what about A Yao?Would he know it too?In this way, will he hate her even more?

calm down!As long as they don't have evidence, it's fine if she refuses to admit it.

"I don't know what you're talking about. In short, I advise you not to think about Dashu again, otherwise I will consider taking him abroad! At that time, whether I beat or scold him, it's up to me!"

Putting down his harsh words, Fang Yao walked away.

In the evening, there was a family of three sitting on the dining table in He Mansion.

Since Dashu was hospitalized, Xiaobao has always been listless and worried.

Because the doctor suggested not to visit the big tree as much as possible to avoid bacterial infection, so the two little guys can only express their thoughts through their mobile phones.

The phone call lasted for an hour or two, and after hanging up the phone, Xiaobao became even more emo.

"Uncle, when will Dashu be discharged from the hospital? I miss him so much!"

He Jingyao pinched the flesh on the little girl's face, and replied patiently, "Trust me, it will be soon!"

The doctor told him that chemotherapy can only prolong life, and bone marrow transplantation can be done once and for all.

As long as the right bone marrow is in place, the big tree can be saved.

Thinking of this, He Jingyao turned his gaze to Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi was staring at the various fancy clear stews on the table and frowned, "Sister-in-law Wang, is anyone in our family going to confinement recently? How do you make so many clear stews?"

It's stewed ribs again, and it's stewed Cordyceps pigeon soup, in short, it doesn't repeat the same every day.

Mrs. Wang glanced at He Jingyao cautiously, "Madam, this is..."

"I arranged it!" He Jingyao took the initiative to serve Shen Zhiyi with a bowl of pigeon soup, "This is an order from grandma. The old man said that he didn't come back to see you, so he thought I abused you and didn't let you eat enough. That's why you saw that you had no flesh, and ordered me to make you gain ten catties within a month, otherwise you won't be able to spare me!"

After Shen Zhiyi listened, she laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

He Jingyao was not afraid of anything, only afraid of what the old lady would say.

The way he was not convinced but did not dare to defy really made Shen Zhiyi very addicted.

It's a nutritious soup and a food supplement. Her old man has really worked hard.

Shen Zhiyi had to drink even if she had to bite the bullet.

I don't know if she ate too much at noon, the soup was greasy in her mouth just now, she knocked off the chair, ran to the bathroom and vomited it out into the toilet.

He Jingyao immediately got up and followed.

"I just tasted it, and it's not so bad, right? How are you?" He handed Shen Zhiyi a glass of water, and then patted her on the back.

Shen Zhiyi rinsed her mouth and drank another glass of water, finally feeling better, "No, I just feel a little sick."

He Jingyao was taken aback suddenly, "Disgusting?
When Mrs. Wang heard this word, her eyes widened in shock, "My God, madam, don't you..."

"No, no! I know my own body, how could it be, Mrs. Wang, don't make a fuss, I really don't have one!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital now!" He Jingyao said that the wind is the rain, wrapped her coat around her, and dragged her outside.

"No, I don't have anything. I really ate too much at noon. He Jingyao, can you stop wasting medical resources?"

He Jingyao turned a deaf ear at all, kicked the accelerator and rushed to the hospital.

Blood drawing, B-ultrasound, after a lot of trouble, the doctor gave the result.

"No problem, it's just ordinary indigestion. I prescribed some medicine for strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach. Just go back and take it for two days!"

He Jingyao: "..."

After taking the medicine, Shen Zhiyi spread her hands, "Look, I just told you that there's nothing wrong, but you just want to come to the hospital, it seems that I'm so hypocritical!"

Seeing that He Jingyao closed his eyes and didn't speak, he was already out of mood, and now it was even more difficult to figure out what he was thinking.

Shen Zhiyi tilted her head, wondering if it was her illusion, just now when the doctor said the result, she inadvertently caught a trace of disappointment in his eyes, like a fleeting meteor, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, He Jingyao, what's wrong with you? You don't look very happy!"

He Jingyao suddenly knocked on her hand bone, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and he couldn't see the end, "Have you ever thought about having a child with me and you?"

"Ah?" Shen Zhiyi was taken aback for a moment, unable to react.

She didn't think about it, never thought about it.

"But, you already have a big tree, I already have a little treasure, we..."

"That's different. We don't have one that belongs to the two of us. I don't think it's too little for one child, and I don't think it's too much for three children. You and my children have different meanings!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Facing those deep eyes without a gleam of light, there were countless threads in her mind that were tangled crazily and became a mess in an instant.

She seemed to see some kind of anticipation and entanglement in his eyes.

He is He Jingyao, why are you looking forward to it?Why bother?What the hell is he thinking?
Shen Zhiyi, like most women, would instinctively blush and shy when it comes to giving birth to a man.

"I'm going to find someone else to give birth to you, and I still have to keep fit!"

She broke free from the man's hand, bit her lip, and walked quickly outside. She just kept her head depressed and didn't look at the road. She just heard a bang and slammed her head into the glass door.

Passers-by held back their laughter and looked at her with the eyes of a fool.

Depend on!
Shen Zhi wanted to die!
It doesn't matter to be ashamed in front of passers-by, the key is in front of He Jingyao, does she want to lose face?How can I be proud in front of him in the future?

A series of low magnetic laughter overflowed from He Jingyao's throat, and Shen Zhiyi glared at him fiercely.

Laughing, shit, you didn't do it?

The man strode over and held her hand, "Let's go, your husband has to step in!"

Shen Zhiyi looked disdainful on the surface, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

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