"I won't talk to you anymore, my most important person is here!" Fang Huaizhou looked up to see Shen Zhiyi, greeted the female staff with a smile, and walked towards her.

Everyone booed behind him, "It turns out that Handsome Fang likes our manager Shen's model, but it's a pity, the famous flower has its own owner!"

Fang Huaizhou was half joking, and Tao Hua looked at Shen Zhiyi, "Really? Then I like challenges the most!"

Everyone wowed.

Shen Zhiyi grabbed his shirt collar, "Come in with me!"

Seeing the little woman locked the door behind her back, Fang Huaizhou teased her, "Are you in such a hurry? All right, if you want, I don't mind if you are someone else's wife!"

Shen Zhiyi poohed at him, "Can you be more serious?"

Fang Huaizhou spread his hands, "Am I not serious? Unless..."

He came over suddenly, held Shen Zhiyi's shoulders and pushed him against the wall, and a handsome Bibidong came to the scene.

He lowered his head slightly, staring at Shen Zhiyi's eyes, the peach blossom eyes that were always full of passion seemed affectionate at this moment.

"See, that's not serious!"

"Get up!" Shen Zhiyi suddenly bent her knees and pushed her hips.

Fang Huaizhou clamped his legs reflexively, his face turned red from the pain.

"Hey Shen Zhiyi, men can't touch this thing casually, you are responsible for breaking it?"

"Hmph! Next time you dare to touch me, I won't be polite!" Shen Zhiyi patted the non-existent dust on her body, and sat lazily on the sofa, "Speak, you find me what?"

Fang Huaizhou gasped, and sat next to her in an unnatural manner.

Shen Zhiyi stopped him with one foot, and tapped the opposite position with his chin.

Fang Huaizhou raised his forehead, he was a handsome man, but he was rejected by this woman?

This is completely unreasonable!

This frustration was something he had never felt before.

"I've seen all the things on the Internet, that Shen Yichun, at first sight, is trying to frame you, a friend of mine opened a private detective agency, as long as you say a word, I will immediately make that Shen Yichun notorious and pay the price! "

"The clean is clear by itself, there's no need for it!" Shen Zhiyi said firmly, shaking his toes leisurely.

"Then I will hire a lawyer for you. He is very good at this kind of case. Your current situation..."

"Thank you, Master Fang, I have been released on bail, and I believe the law will give me justice!"

Fang Huaizhou's last words stuck in his throat, as if he thought of something, he licked the back of his teeth with the tip of his tongue, and laughed at himself, "I forgot, your husband is the famous He Jingyao, there is nothing he can't do, Am I stupid? I still..."

"Master Fang, you don't have to do this. Anyway, I am honored to have your help. Of course, if you need help in the future, I, Shen Zhiyi, will do my best!"

Fang Huaizhou snapped his fingers, "Sure, just remember what you said!"

Shen Zhiyi sent him out, the man suddenly turned around, "Shen Zhiyi, actually I..."


"It's okay!" After finishing speaking, Fang Huaizhou strode away.

Shen Zhiyi let out a sigh of relief, and finally sent the Buddha away.

"Sister Zhiyi!"

Xiaomei suddenly jumped out from nowhere, causing Shen Zhiyi to shrink back in fright, "Xiaomei, are you trying to scare me to death to take over my position as Marriott's manager?"

Xiaomei smiled, and bumped her shoulder, "Sister Zhiyi, who was that handsome guy just now? He looks too good-looking, right? Can you push his WeChat account to me?"

Shen Zhiyi turned around, looked at Xiaomei from bottom to top, touched her chin and said, "It's strange, don't you have a boyfriend?"

Xiaomei nodded, and said confidently, "Yes, but this does not affect my meeting a new handsome guy. I should prepare first. If I feel that my current boyfriend is not suitable, I can connect seamlessly, so that I won't waste time. After all, I'm so busy with work, it's not suitable to find someone who is right for me, right, sister Zhiyi?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." What she said made sense, but she couldn't refute it.


"Mom, this set of jewelry is too plain, it doesn't even have any diamonds, it doesn't match my temperament at all!" Shen Yichun glanced at the set of jewelry recommended by the waiter, didn't even try it, and directly disliked it.

Liu Xiang looked around and thought it was not bad, but Shen Yichun raised his finger and pointed to the set at position C in the showcase.

"Take this out and let me see!"

Shen Yichun couldn't put it down just by looking at her.

"Miss, you really have a good eye. This set is the treasure of our store. We don't accept reservations. Customers are all lucky. Not to mention, with your temperament, this set of jewelry is tailor-made for you. Others really don't like it." I can't wear this feeling!"

The waiter praised Shen Yichun so much in a few words.

Liu Xiang also nodded in approval, "Sure enough, my daughter is still suitable for this kind of high-end goods, this is it, waiter, swipe the card!"

The waiter Pidianpidian pressed a few times on the calculator, "Hello, I will give you two discounts based on the membership price, a total of 170 yuan, but you need to charge 3000 million yuan to become a member, so the extra will be returned to you." It will be convenient for you to come and buy in the future, which is equivalent to pre-depositing, which is very cost-effective!"

As the waiter chattered, Liu Xiang and Shen Yichun's expressions changed.

More than 100 million, when they were in the Shen family, this figure was just their pocket money, but today is different, although they got some real estate and savings from the Shen family, but when they left the Shen family, Shen Zhiyi thought The identity of Shen Yuanshan's biological daughter applied to the bank to freeze all their credit cards related to the Shen family.

That is to say, every penny they spend now is their own capital, and their third mother has no other source of income, if they don't save money, they will just sit and eat.

"Miss? Miss, do you want to wear it and go, or do you need me to pack it?"

Liu Xiang winked at Shen Yichun, and the two got together and whispered.

"I think this jewelry is just like that. It's not worth more than 100 million at all. Let's go to another place to have a look!"

Shen Yichun desperately wanted to save face, "How can I do that? If I say no now, what will people think of us? Besides, I really like it too, mom, but it's only more than 100 million. When I marry brother Lin Yu, that is, Hangzhou The granddaughter-in-law of the president of the City Chamber of Commerce, at that time, I don’t know how much she will curry favor with us, just the red envelopes can make you soft, do you still care about the more than 100 million?”

"That kid Lin Yu is unreliable. I asked you to marry him. I was just trying to slow down the battle. Anyway, you are not allowed to buy this jewelry. Don't forget that you just bought a bag of more than 50 yuan two days ago, and our credit card has not yet been returned. Come on, if you really want to wear a diamond necklace, you can rent one and put on airs!"

"What? Let me rent it? I..."

"In these days, there are so many people who can't afford it and want to watch it! If you want me to say, it's better not to waste time shopping." A mocking voice came.

The mother and daughter turned their heads together, and saw a woman wearing a brand name carrying a satchel, standing in front of the showcase to choose jewelry.

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