Chapter 159 Wedding
Shen Yichun was completely enraged by his ignorance, her chest heaved vigorously a few times, and on impulse, she pressed the lid of the notebook with both hands.

"If you don't tell me clearly, don't even think about working!"

"You... this is the result of my whole afternoon's work, Shen Yichun, can you stop being so childish?"

"I'm naive? Hmph! I'm afraid in your opinion, only Shen Zhiyi is the most pleasing to the eye. Don't forget that she is someone else's wife now, and she has been slept enough by others. Is it possible that you still want to wear her?" These broken shoes?"

"Enough!" Lin Yu sternly said, his fire-breathing eyes seemed to eat people, Shen Yichun moved his mouth, but he didn't dare to say anything.

At this juncture, she doesn't want to make Lin Yu angry. She wants to marry him gracefully and occupy the man Shen Zhiyi loves, so that she will feel more fulfilled.

"Shen Yichun, let me ask you, did you leak the matter of Zhizhi being taken away by the police to the media?"

Shen Yichun smiled gloatingly, "If you want to blame it, you can only blame her for doing all the bad things, she deserves it!"

"I just asked if you did it?" Lin Yu forcefully clamped her wrist and asked.

"Ah, Brother Lin Yu, you hurt me, I want to marry you smoothly, how could I ruin my way out, it's really not me!"

Lin Yu threw her away, "It's better if you say so, otherwise I will take back what I said earlier!"

"No! Brother Lin Yu, I have lost all my children because of you, and I won't even have the chance to be a mother in the future. You can't be so cruel to me, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

Shen Yichun hugged his waist tightly, sometimes sadly, sometimes fiercely.

Lin Yu turned his face and thought for a moment, "If you want to prove your innocence, you can do it. I will accompany you to the police station to explain tomorrow!"

"What? You asked me to retract my confession? Brother Lin Yu, how could you abandon me for the sake of other women? I am responsible for this. Shen Zhiyi, what is she? Why should I let her go? ?”

"You don't need to worry about the retraction of the confession, I will arrange it, as long as you can clean up the wedding, I will not let you down!"

Lin Yu can't wait any longer, he doesn't know the consequences of cyber violence, he just wants to do something for the girl he likes.

Shen Yichun never expected that Lin Yu would trade his marriage for Shen Zhiyi's innocence, and the tide of jealousy was overwhelming.

How can he do this?
The more Lin Yu defended Shen Zhiyi, the stronger Shen Yichun's jealousy towards Shen Zhiyi became.

But there is no way, she must get this man.

Shen Yichun's mind was spinning rapidly, "How about this, brother Lin Yu, the day of our wedding is the day when I will cleanse Shen Zhiyi, I am willing to let her go for you, what do you think?"

"Okay, it's a deal!" Lin Yu hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Shen Yichun even wanted to hold him tenderly for a while, to cultivate feelings, but who knew that just as she stretched out her arms, Lin Yu avoided him in disgust.

"The document just now was damaged by you, I'm going to be busy, you go out first!"

Shen Yichun was ruthlessly driven out, looking at the closed door of the room behind her feet, she snorted self-deprecatingly.

Is she, Shen Yichun, just so unwelcoming?What is worse than her Shen Zhiyi?


In the blink of an eye, it was the wedding day of Lin Yu and Shen Yichun.

From the wedding celebration to the wedding dress, to every detail of the wedding, Shen Yichun personally selected it.

For lawn weddings, white and pink are the main colors, and the romantic and happy taste of love is everywhere.

Liu Xiang was wearing a haute couture suit and stood at the entrance with blinding jewelry to greet the guests, smiling from start to finish.

After huddling in the small apartment for a while, the family of three can finally feel proud.

"Xiaojie, do you think my lipstick color is a bit too light, and it doesn't match my aura? Do you want me...Huh? Xiaojie?"

Liu Xiang turned around to look for someone, and saw at a glance that his son was hooking up with a girl who came to the wedding.

She was so angry that she went up and twisted Shen Shujie over, "On such an important day, you still have the heart to pick up girls for me, so that people will laugh out loud when they see it, so go to the front to welcome my guests. You are really going to piss me off!"

Ever since Shen Shujie faded away from the aura of the young master of the Shen family, he still behaved badly all day long and did not do his job properly. The key point was that this did not affect his daily revelry at nightclubs, where he spent money like water.

"Wait!" Liu Xiangxu tapped the lipstick marks on Shen Shujie's neckline, his temples twitched.

But on this occasion, no matter how angry you are, you have to hold back.

Shen Shujie realized it later, and wiped it foolishly, "Mom, don't get excited, this only proves that your son is very attractive and I have a lot of love!"

Liu Xiang almost passed out with black eyes.

Here, Shen Zhiyi brought Xiaobao and Song Jiaojiao to the wedding.

Song Jiaojiao complained all the way, and she didn't want to come here at all, but she was worried that if Shen Zhiyi and Liu Xiang would suffer from a fight, she would still come.

For this reason, Shen Zhiyi also teased her and asked her to bring a few people over, but it really didn't work, and directly ruined Liu Xiang and the others' place.

"Shen Zhiyi? What are you doing here? You are not welcome here, get out!"

Shen Shujie just wanted to say hello, but he hid behind Liu Xiang.

Ever since he suffered from Shen Zhiyi's losses in these few fights, meeting her is like a mouse meeting a cat.

Song Jiaojiao laughed a few times, "Shen Shujie, look at you, you are so cowardly, you have the ability to stand up and speak, what kind of man is hiding behind your mother, I despise you the most, you are as useless as a woman !"

"Who said I hid? I just disgust you, can't you?" Shen Shujie poked his head out from behind Liu Xiang and yelled. He wanted to say something, but Liu Xiang pushed him back.

"Zhizhi, don't blame Xiaojie. It's not like you don't know that he has been like this since he was a child, but he still regards you as his sister in his heart. Today, Yichun is getting married. I'm really happy that you can come, and it's not in vain. We used to be a family!"

After that, he lowered his voice by tidying Shen Zhiyi's hair, and gritted his teeth to warn, "I tell you Shen Zhiyi, if you dare to make trouble today, I will kill you two, if you don't believe me, let's go Look!"

Then he changed his face in a second, "Zhizhi, don't stand there, go in and sit down, if the reception is not good today, Aunt Xiang will compensate you someday!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and said nothing, she was not surprised by Liu Xiang's face.

No, the guests at the side saw this and praised Liu Xiang, the former stepmother.

"Huh? What did Liu Xiang tell you just now?" Song Jiaojiao couldn't help gossiping as soon as she entered the hall.

Shen Zhiyi: "She said she would kill me!"

"Damn! This old woman dares to say anything, wait, I'll call a few people over and smash this place, and it won't be too late to make her cry!"

Xiaobao jumped up and snatched her mobile phone, "Aunt Jiaojiao, can't you live in peace? Today is my Uncle Lin's wedding day, if you hit the old witch's place, just hit my Uncle Lin in the face, he will be very ugly !"

(End of this chapter)

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