Chapter 177 Drug Abortion
Shen Zhiyi was startled, then suddenly smiled, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of it suddenly!"

"But I already have Xiaobao, you don't know, that girl Xiaobao is very jealous, I was thinking, if one day I really get her a brother or sister, she can't play with them to death? So Ah, forget it!"

He Jingyao laughed and said nothing.

"Did the test result come out? Is there no problem? When can we leave?" Shen Zhiyi asked three times. She didn't like the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, and she didn't like the whitewashed feeling of the hospital. It was cold, like a mortuary , making people feel depressed.

He Jingyao motioned for her to lie down, and tucked her in the quilt thoughtfully, "The doctor said you are severely anemic, so I'll make it up for you for two days before we talk about it!"

Shen Zhiyi pursed her lips, "Nine out of ten women are anemic, there is no way, my aunt is just so awesome!"

She suddenly wrinkled her nose and sniffed the air, "I bet you smoked at least three cigarettes in a row, you're about to choke me to death, stay away from me!"

He Jingyao looked down and sniffed, "Then you rest, I'll ask Ah Shen to bring me a suit of clothes!"

In the afternoon, the nurse came in to deliver the medicine.

"I'm not sick, what medicine do I take? Have you made a mistake?" Shen Zhiyi smiled.

Just when He Jingyao came out of the bathroom, he and the nurse looked at each other.

"There must be a reason for the doctor to ask you to take medicine. You should be obedient and cooperate, so we can go back early, huh?"

After He Jingyao comforted him, he looked at the nurse again.

The little nurse quickly said, "That's right, that's right, only two medicines, all of which are anti-inflammatory!"

Shen Zhiyi picked up the pill and looked at it. Although she is proficient in medical skills, there is no limit to the sea of ​​medicine. She still has a lot to learn. Moreover, she is only talented in acupuncture, which does not mean that she is proficient in every field.

He Jingyao watched her take the medicine with his own eyes, and even gave her water thoughtfully.

In the afternoon, Shen Zhiyi felt her stomach hurt even worse. When He Jingyao came in and saw her curled up in pain, her forehead was cold, she went to her attending doctor with a dark face.

The doctor told him, "It's because the abortion has taken effect. It's normal for women to feel pain, and the pain will become more intense until all the necrotic embryonic tissue is eliminated."

He Jingyao's spine felt chills when he heard that, and he suddenly regretted that he was too impulsive.

But the matter has come to this point, and Shen Zhiyi must not let this matter come to an end.

The next day, Shen Zhiyi took another medicine, and she had no energy for the whole day. She curled up in the bed like a frost-beaten eggplant and didn't want to move. He Jingyao bought all kinds of food for her and she didn't have much appetite. .

It wasn't until a phone call came that she braced herself up and poked her head out of the bed.

"Zhizhi, when are you coming back?" Song Jiaojiao couldn't wait to ask after the call was made.

Shen Zhiyi turned around, "It will be soon, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, what's wrong with you? Have you been hunted down?"

"I... I don't see you for a day, like three autumns, I miss you!" Song Jiaojiao groaned, she was being chased and killed in her current situation.

Fang Huaizhou is like a ghost, coming to the company to block her all day long, why is he so free, doesn't he have to go to work?
Song Jiaojiao was so heartbroken that she simply asked for leave and went home to rest.

Ergenzi was quiet for two days, thinking that Mr. Fang was discouraged and quit the game of cat and mouse, so Song Jiaojiao had to go to the company humming a little tune.

But who knew that that bastard Fang Huaizhou was so good at reading her mind, that he was sitting on the sidelines in the company.

Song Jiaojiao couldn't escape what she said this time, "Fang Huaizhou, why are you pestering me like a dog's skin plaster? Let my company see the misunderstanding. My business has just started. What do you want to do?"

Fang Huaizhou looked at her amusedly, "I still want to ask you, what exactly do you want to do? Why are you avoiding me?"

"Who is avoiding you? What is your relationship with me and I need to hide? Stop being sentimental, get out of the way, I'm going to be late!"

Fang Huaizhou grabbed her arm and refused to let her go, "You can leave if you want, but you have to answer a few questions for me. Did we have sex after drinking that night?"

"Haha, haha... What nonsense are you talking about, you have sex after drinking, you have too much imagination, right? We went to the hotel that night, but you were drunk and fell asleep when you entered the room. After resting for a while, we left. Although we are lonely and widowed, what kind of man have I, Song Jiaojiao, never seen? It’s not enough to take advantage of you, so Mr. Fang, don’t think too much, it’s nothing at all!"

Fang Huaizhou narrowed his eyes, "What you said is true, did you lie to me?"

"Why should I lie to you? If there is something between us, I won't have time to cling to you, oh, that's all right, don't be suspicious, I still have work, go get busy first!" Song Jiaojiao patted him shoulders, straightened the rocker with the bag in hand and left.

When the elevator doors closed, her back slumped and her forehead was covered with sweat.

She is not good at lying, if she hadn't been strong-willed and her acting skills were online, she would have almost exposed her truth in front of Fang Huaizhou just now.

Her bright future, Song Jiaojiao, has just started. The rest of her life must be a career. What is a man?
After she becomes popular, what do you want? Fang Huaizhou can't be a stumbling block in her career development.

Shen Zhiyi listened for a long time, but didn't understand what Song Jiaojiao wanted to express. Anyway, she was very depressed, as if she was being entangled by a man.

He Jingyao was not there, so she lay uncomfortably on the bed, so she got down and left the ward.

In the utility room at the end of the corridor, she heard two nurses discussing something.

"If you ask me, men nowadays are really heartless. Let's talk about the female patient in the tenth bed. Her husband secretly aborted her. The fetus was only three weeks old, and he lied to her that she was taking anti-inflammatory drugs. That woman I just believed it so stupidly, I lay in bed in pain for two full days, and I couldn't bear to see it!"

"Really, is there such a thing? Then her husband is too cruel, maybe there are some bad thoughts hidden behind her back, this woman is really pitiful, why is she so stupid, hey! This is her life!"

Shen Zhiyi couldn't take it anymore, and went back to the ward with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and covered her head with the quilt.

All around her ears were the conversations of the two little nurses.

【...My husband actually secretly aborted her. The fetus was only three weeks old, and he lied to her that he was taking anti-inflammatory drugs. The woman believed it stupidly...】

Abortion pills, abortion pills...

her child...

Shen Zhiyi touched the position of her lower abdomen, as if a piece of flesh was being pulled out by life, dripping with blood.

She thought of the child who died at birth during the previous birth. Five years later, the nightmare reappeared, and another child died in her stomach.

She is a broom star, and she took two lives.

There were countless ropes wrapped around her heart, which became tighter and tighter, as if trying to rob her of all her breath.

As soon as you close your eyes, there will be two immature faces looking up at her, holding her clothes tightly with their immature hands, begging over and over again, "Mom, don't leave me, don't leave me... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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