Chapter 179
After Shen Zhiyi went back, she fell asleep for a day and a night.

After the miscarriage, her body has not yet recovered, and she will feel dizzy occasionally.

I don't know if it was He Jingyao's intentional arrangement, or Mrs. Wang's own idea. For Shen Zhiyi's three meals a day, he prepared blood-enriching and Qi-enriching soup.

Shen Zhiyi calculated that He Jingyao was about to return to China, so he found an excuse to stay in the hotel.

At night, lying in the staff lounge, she looked at the endless blackness outside the window, and couldn't help thinking about her miscarriage.

In fact, even if He Jingyao accepted the child, she would not stay.

The marriage between her and He Jingyao started with a deal, and until now, they are fulfilling the agreement with each other.

The agreement will expire soon. At that time, what will the child do?
It will only become a burden that involves both parties.

Xiaobao has never received a father's love since she was a child, and she doesn't want her next child to also lack a father's love.

Like now, given time to divorce He Jingyao, she can have no scruples and break up at once.

However, it's one thing for her not to accept it, it's another for He Jingyao to kill the child himself.

From this, she was more sure of his attitude towards her.

He didn't love her, and naturally he wouldn't love the child in her womb, he could even be cruel enough to abort him himself.

Thinking of this, two lines of tears fell from the corners of Shen Zhiyi's eyes...

Early in the morning, Xiaomei came to Shen Zhiyi to say hello to the handsome Amway guy.

"Sister Zhiyi, sister Zhiyi, let me tell you, there is a super handsome guy living in room [-]. He is so tall, and he is dressed in black, cool and cold. Although I can't see his face clearly at all, my first Six senses tell me that he is absolutely divine!"

Shen Zhiyi yawned lazily, "Look at everyone's looks, haven't you broken up with your boyfriend yet?"

Xiaomei covered her mouth and smiled, "Although my boyfriend is not a top-notch handsome guy, he treats me very well. I just want you to use it first. When he provokes me one day, I will kick him immediately!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"The handsome man who came to the hotel to look for you last time was the male and female one. Although he was good-looking, he was obviously not as masculine as this one. If I had to choose between them, I...I wish I could take the order. Take it all, hahaha!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Manager Shen!" Xiao Li, who was in charge of cleaning the room on the fifth floor, knocked on the door of the manager's room. "My younger brother was injured in a fall at school, and my parents won't be able to make it for a while. The school told me to go there now, but there are still half of the rooms that haven't been cleaned up. Look..."

"Leave the room to me, your brother is important, hurry over there!"

"Hey! Thank you, Manager Shen!"

"Fifth floor, my God, isn't that the floor where the handsome guy lives? Sister Zhiyi, sister Zhiyi, anyway, I have nothing to do at this meeting, why don't you leave it to me!"

Xiaomei rubbed her palms, excitedly recommending herself.

If you accidentally meet that handsome guy, wouldn't it be wonderful?

As soon as the words were finished, the hotel manager came over to find Xiaomei, "Why are you here? Hurry up and make a report on the current occupancy situation. There will be a group of foreign groups staying the day after tomorrow, so don't make any mistakes!"

In addition to receiving individual tourists, the Marriott Hotel mainly accepts tourist groups, especially after June every year, because the weather and temperature in Hangzhou are suitable, so many foreign and domestic groups will choose this place as a tourist destination at this time of year.

Xiaomei had a sad expression on her face, she almost beat her chest and stomped her feet, and before she left, she asked Shen Zhiyi that if she met a guest in Room [-], she must take a photo for her to see.

For the check-in of the overseas group the day after tomorrow, all the Marriott employees are in a state of preparation, and they are busy in their respective positions.

Xiao Li was in charge of cleaning the floor, and Shen Zhiyi personally went to clean it up for her.

Influenced by Xiaomei, when Shen Zhiyi swiped her card and stepped into Room [-], her curiosity drove her to scan the room.

As expected, the guest was not there, the feather quilt was folded like a block of tofu, there was no wrinkle on the bed sheet, the water glass stayed in its original place neatly, and the ashtray was spotless.

Obviously there are people living here, but they act meticulously like no one has ever appeared before, which shows how self-disciplined this guest is.

The only thing that can prove his trace is the smell of tobacco floating in the air.

Shen Zhiyi suddenly thought of He Jingyao. Although he also smokes, when he likes to smoke, the windows are wide open. Every time he finishes smoking, the smell of tobacco will not remain in the room.

It can be seen that this guest has a heavy smoking habit, and his attitude towards life is both strict and casual.

Shen Zhiyi cleaned the floor and tabletop first, and then went to the bathroom to clean it.

The bathroom was as clean as new, not even a single hair appeared.

Under the grooming mirror are the guests' razors, their own toothbrush and toothpaste, and simple facial care products.

By coincidence, Shen Zhiyi picked it up and took a look. It wasn't a big brand, but more like an exclusive customization.

She curled her lips, what does a big man pay attention to.

She didn't hold it tight, and the glass bottle fell straight from the palm of her hand, and fell to the ground and shattered.

Shen Zhiyi was dumbfounded.

Know that damaging things to guests is a no-no for room service.

Just at this moment, no matter how good your service was before, you will be blacklisted by customers from now on.

It's over!

The door is swiped open and the guest returns.

Shen Zhiyi suddenly raised her heart to her throat.

Didn't Xiaomei say that this guest leaves early and returns late?Why did you come back at noon!

How to do?
Due to a guilty conscience, Shen Zhiyi went back and forth in the bathroom a few times trying to find a solution.

Finally, she mustered up her courage, pulled open the bathroom door and rushed out. Just as she was about to open her mouth, the moment she raised her head, her pupils dilated.

I saw the guest changing clothes with his back to her shirtless.

As Xiaomei said, he is tall, at least 1.9 meters, with an inverted triangle figure, wide and straight shoulders and neckline, and strong muscles in his arms.

But what shocked Shen Zhiyi the most was the scar on his back, which slanted across the entire back, not like a knife scar, but more like... the trace of a bullet.

Shen Zhiyi narrowed her eyes, and felt that this person was even more mysterious.

Seeing that the man was about to turn around, Shen Zhiyi almost reflexively ran away and went back to the bathroom.

She leaned against the wall, one hand on her chest to hold down her beating heart.

Eh?Strange, what is she hiding?She came in to work normally, why did she act like a thief?
Just as I was thinking, I heard the footsteps of a man walking towards here.

Shen Zhi thought, it would be fine if she came out to say hello just now, but if a guest hits her and hides here, she can't explain even if she opens her mouth ten times.

Wouldn't this discredit the hotel?
No, nothing she says can be discovered by the guests!
There are thousands of ways to save himself, and Shen Zhiyi's brain got hot, and he chose the stupidest one.

This one is a diamond suite, with a large bathroom, a dressing room and a wardrobe. Shen Zhi didn't even think about it, and hid in the wardrobe before the guests came in.

After a while, the sound of running water echoed in the huge bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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