Chapter 193 Five Zero Two Guests

When He Jingyao came out of the bathroom, he saw her nervous look.

Shen Zhi put away the phone calmly, "It's okay, just Song Jiaojiao invited me to drink, can I go to a place like a nightclub with her? I'm a good young woman!"

He Jingyao laughed, "You're smart!"

After finishing speaking, I didn't know where to conjure up a box, "I bought it casually, it should be very suitable for your wedding dress!"

Shen Zhiyi opened it, and there was a set of shiny jewelry lying inside.

A necklace, and a pair of earrings.

The style is simple and the workmanship is exquisite. You don't need to try it on, but you know that it is a perfect match for her wedding dress.

Do not!
To be precise, you can match your own taste with any wedding dress.

To be honest, at that moment, Shen Zhiyi's heart was slightly bumped.

He Jingyao rarely gave her things, but she knew that he was not a casual person.

Those who can get into his eyes must be unique.

As soon as He Jingyao left, Shen Zhiyi immediately took photos with the mobile phone shopping app and searched.

Within three seconds, she was dumbfounded.

This set of jewelry comes from a well-known jewelry designer in Australia. It was designed as a marriage proposal for my lover. Unfortunately, my lover passed away in an accident.

In order to express his longing for his lover, the designer donated this set of jewelry to the local museum for all lovers to witness its beauty.

Logically speaking, this set of jewelry is only for exhibition and not for sale, so how did He Jingyao buy it?

I'm afraid it took a lot of money, right?
Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyi felt sweet in his heart, not because of any so-called touching, but because it cost real money.

She caresses her mind, and has developed since then!
The next day.

Six o'clock in the evening.

Aus International Hotel.

Appearing together with Shen Zhiyi was Song Jiaojiao.

That's right, after notifying the [-] guests, she called Song Jiaojiao over.

A reception without a familiar face is like shopping alone, silly.

The moment Song Jiaojiao saw Shen Zhiyi, she petrified in place.

"Zhizhi, you... you just wear this?" She pointed her finger up and down on Shen Zhiyi's body.

Shen Zhiyi put his hands in his pockets and turned around, "Can't you? Who stipulates that you can't wear casual clothes to the reception!"

Song Jiaojiao looked disgusted, "Is that your casual dress? It's clearly home clothes!"

After she finished speaking, she clicked her tongue twice, "Sure enough, she is a famous person, and she doesn't want any image at all. Look at me, what is taste? What is elegance? It's obvious that we don't get along well when we stand together?"

Shen Zhiyi is wearing a gray hooded sweater with zipper and the same wide-leg sweater underneath.

Casual and at home, this is not for a reception, it is clearly for a dance, and after the dance, go back to sleep.

But Song Jiaojiao was not much better.

Only then did Shen Zhiyi take a serious look at her, rubbed her eyes and said, "Do you want me to be honest? You have hot eyes!"

"What are you talking about? This is the most popular daughter's makeup that I asked a stylist to create this year. Do you understand fashion? Look again, have I soared to the sky in a flash?" Song Jiaojiao blinked vigorously. Blink those big Kaziran eyes.

Shen Zhi smiled intentionally, "I don't know if you have soared to the sky, but your blush...are you going to compete with the monkey's ass?"

"Damn! Is it true or not?" Song Jiaojiao hurriedly took out the mirror from her handbag and took a look, which surprised herself.

Shen Zhiyi shook his head helplessly, "Okay, let's go in quickly, we're here to make up the numbers, not for a beauty pageant, huh? Be careful when you walk, don't spread your legs so big, and skirt so high, be careful not to lose everything!" "

Song Jiaojiao finished her makeup and closed the mirror, "You don't understand, do you? This is called scheming, and men like it!"

As she spoke, she swung her slender waist and walked in with wobbly steps, making Shen Zhiyi's goosebumps fall all over the floor.

"Song Jiaojiao, can you be normal for me?"

Most of the guests invited to this reception are some outstanding local entrepreneurs, or people with high prestige, or are low-key rising stars.

Shen Zhi thought that the [-] guests should belong to the last category.

Song Jiaojiao's style is very popular. She looks like a small family girl, and she has an outgoing and lively personality. As soon as she appeared, she hooked up with several handsome guys.

On the other hand, Shen Zhiyi, because she dressed in an unusual way, she kept casting complicated and strange eyes on her.

It doesn't matter, anyway, she's just here to make up the numbers, whatever she likes.

However, the cake at the reception was really delicious, and Shen Zhiyi bought several desserts for herself.

"The Black Forest made here is also good, you can try it!"

Suddenly, a soft voice came from behind, Shen Zhiyi shuddered and turned around.

" can't come, can you?"

He Qingyan took a piece of Black Forest cake and put it on Shen Zhiyi's plate, "It was supposed to be something, but it was canceled!"

"That's just right, if you come, I can leave, bye!"

"Your friend seems to have had a great time, so he just left. Wouldn't it be a bit regretful?"

With a word from the other party, he successfully grabbed Shen Zhiyi's footsteps to leave.

Her gaze passed through the guests in the hall, and landed on Song Jiaojiao who was talking and laughing with them.

what is this guy doing
She actually sent her business card to all the young masters?Expand your business?

Shen Zhiyi raised his forehead!
"Cough! Well, since you're here, it doesn't seem very polite to leave halfway, so let's wait until it's over!"

The corner of He Qingyan's mouth curled into a curve that only he could notice, and it disappeared in a flash.

On the half-moon-shaped low stage, a foreigner in a tuxedo played the saxophone.

The charming and charming melody is like a general hook, which evokes the strings of love in the hearts of countless people.

"Can I invite Miss Shen to dance?"

Gentleman He Jingyao stretched out a hand to Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi refused nonchalantly, "Sorry, I can't dance, it would be bad to make you look ugly!"

"It's okay, I won't either, let's learn and sell now!"

"No need, I... huh? I told you I can't dance!"

Why is this person like this?

He clearly refused, but still dragged him to the dance floor.

How could this domineering energy be the same as someone else's?
"Miss Shen, everyone is watching. If you leave me at this time, wouldn't we become the topic of tonight?"

The man suddenly tilted his head to her ear, his tone was not as indifferent as usual, but a hint of joking.

Shen Zhiyi frowned and stared at him, "Are you still threatening me?"

"Miss Shen misunderstood, I just want to dance, I promise, once the song is over, I will never pester you!" Man, your amber eyes looked directly at Shen Zhiyi, looking extremely sincere.

Shen Zhiyi opened his mouth.

Forget it, who told her to owe him before!
Shen Zhiyi can waltz naturally, but she just can't dance well, and deliberately stepped on He Qingyan's feet several times.

The man is not angry either, and his expression is always calm.

He seems to like black very much. Even for such a formal occasion, a black shirt is worn under the black suit, without bow tie or tie around the neck.

His casual dressing style complements Shen Zhiyi.

During the dance together, the two attracted many people's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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