So that's where he got angry?
As for why she ran and hid, probably, maybe, maybe it was because she was afraid that he would not allow it.

Yeah, what is she running for?She did nothing wrong!
Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyi puffed out her chest, "Have I run away? I'm going home full of wine and food!"

Suddenly there was a muffled sound from the direction of the hall.

"Sir!" A Shen trotted over with a solemn expression, and said something in He Jingyao's ear, only to see the latter's eyes suddenly darken.

"You send your wife back first!"

Ah Shen worried about him, "Sir!"

"You don't listen to my orders?" He Jingyao shot him coldly.

Only then did Ashin take back his steps.

"Ah Shen, what's the matter?" Shen Zhiyi asked, with muffled ringing in his ears one after another.

"Mr. will tell you when I get back, madam, come with me!"

Shen Zhiyi was escorted by Ah Shen to leave. When she passed the hall, she saw He Jingyao and several of his subordinates fighting against a group of unknown people.

The frightened guests ran around like headless chickens, leaving a mess on the ground.

At this time, another five or six unknown people broke in from outside, and the people who fought against He Jingyao belonged to the same group.

The scene was very chaotic, and it was hard to tell who was injured, only to see a series of blood marks on the ground, which was shocking.

At this moment, Shen Zhiyi didn't know what kind of mentality he had, and suddenly broke free from Ah Shen, and ran towards He Jingyao.

She didn't think about whether she would be injured. In short, she couldn't see the scene of He Jingyao being surrounded by people.


"Who told you to come back, go, go quickly!" He Jingyao's low growl shocked Shen Zhiyi's progress.

"Ah Shen, take her away, immediately, immediately, don't come back to see me if you can't do it!" He Jingyao turned to Ah Shen and ordered.

The crystal lamp above the head suddenly went out, and the scene fell into darkness for a while, only relying on sporadic wall lamps for illumination.

Shen Zhiyi was dragged by Ah Shen to walk out of the hotel, she turned her head three times a step, in the swaying light and shadow, He Jingyao's side face was as sharp as a knife.

He was agile and ruthless, with a few strands of disheveled hair hanging down his forehead, adding a messy and wild look to him.

He is like a beast fighting against his opponent in the wilderness, with a bloodthirsty rage overwhelming the sky.

Shen Zhiyi and Ah Shen had just gotten into the car, and in the rearview mirror, they could clearly see two cars coming out from one side, approaching them in a menacing manner.

"Ma'am, sit still!" Ashen's face tightened, he kicked the accelerator, and the car jumped up.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know who was following behind, but he could feel that they were chasing after him.

Fortunately, Ah Shen was very skilled at driving, and after driving Shen Zhiyi around for a few streets, he got rid of them.

As soon as she was sent to He's mansion, Ah Shen was in a hurry to leave.

"A Shen!" Shen Zhiyi called to stop him, "Mr. He..."

Ah Shen nodded, "Madam, don't worry, the incident happened suddenly tonight, and our people have already gone to meet Mr.!"

Even so, Shen Zhiyi still felt like a stone was pressing on her heart, which was so heavy that she couldn't get through it.

The children were all asleep, and she was the only one walking back and forth restlessly in the living room.

I don't know what happened to He Jingyao, whether he was injured or not, since Ah Shen said so, I believe he will be fine.

After waiting until midnight, there was finally movement outside.

Shen Zhiyi leaned on the sofa for a nap, and opened her eyes suddenly when she heard the sound.

I saw He Jingyao coming in with one foot deep and one shallow foot supported by Ah Shen. His face looked almost transparent, and even his lips were bloodless.

"Are you injured?" Shen Zhiyi went up to meet him, and took He Jingyao from Ah Shen's hand.

He Jingyao twitched his lips, "Small injuries are inevitable, no problem!"

"Sir, I'd better take you to the hospital, this injury..." Before Ah Shen finished speaking, He Jingyao gave him a stare.

"It's none of your business, remember to block the news!"

Ash: "Yes!"

"What's wrong with you, let me see!" As soon as Ah Shen left, Shen Zhiyi went to lift He Jingyao's clothes.

But he held it down with one hand, "I'm tired, help me up to rest!"

Shen Zhiyi never knew that this man was so heavy.

She could feel that he tried not to tilt his weight on her, but he still couldn't control it.

Every step is very difficult for Shen Zhiyi.

As long as she adjusted her posture a little, He Jingyao gasped in her ears.

After helping him to the bed in the bedroom, both of them were sweating profusely.

Shen Zhiyi wanted to lift his clothes for the second time.

He Jingyao frowned, "I told you, it's nothing serious!"

"Since there's nothing serious, show me!"

Shen Zhiyi ignored it, gritted his teeth, and tore a long gash along the hem of the man's clothes.

A shocking picture flashed into her eyes.

The wound was in the hollow of his waist, and according to Shen Zhiyi's judgment, it should have been pierced in with a glass container such as a half wine bottle.

Glass shards were still embedded in the bloody wound, no wonder he was in so much pain.

For some reason, Shen Zhiyi's eyes turned red.

"Is this what you said it's okay? He Jingyao, is the life of the grandson of He's parents so worthless?"

"My heart hurts? Hiss..." He Jingyao just wanted to raise his hand, when the wound he was pulling was throbbing with pain.

He closed his eyes slowly, his eyelashes trembling.

Shen Zhiyi chuckled, "Mr. He can cry if it hurts, don't worry, I won't tell others!"

The little woman actually laughed at him?

Watch how he fights back!

"Actually, there is a way to relieve the pain immediately!"


"Men and women blend!"

Shen Zhiyi came to understand slowly, her face and neck flushed red, wishing she could punch this man unconscious.

His life is almost gone, and his head is still full of yellow waste, the dog man is really brave enough.

In this kind of matter, he dares to be the second, and no one dares to be the second.

Seeing Shen Zhiyi's shy and angry look, He Jingyao smiled in a victorious manner.

It hurts to laugh, and it hurts to laugh.

Shen Zhiyi thought to himself, why not just hurt you to death?

She dug out the medicine box from home. In addition to daily medicines, as a person with medical skills, fortunately, she also stocked up on hemostatic powder and anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines.

This is where it comes in handy.

"Huh? Why is it gone?" Shen Zhiyi almost pulled the medicine box upside down.

He Jingyao asked her, "What are you flipping through?"

"I remember that there were some analgesic drugs before, why are they gone?"

"Then no need!"

Shen Zhiyi turned her head and looked at him for a few seconds, "Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Is there no other way now?"

In order to prevent him from biting his tongue when he was in extreme pain, Shen Zhiyi found a towel for him to bite on.

"Tell me if you can't hold on?"

He Jingyao closed his lower eyelashes, indicating that he knew.

Shen Zhiyi adjusted the angle of the fishing lamp head, facing He Jingyao's wound.

She put on disposable gloves, held tweezers in one hand, and began to clean up the glass shards mixed in the wound.

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