Chapter 21 What is Vinegar

The voice seemed to have a kind of magical power, which instantly calmed down the excited little woman.

A curve overflowed from the corner of He Jingyao's mouth, and then he became very careful in his movements, for fear of breaking the little woman.

As the collar of the shirt gradually opened, a piece of white collarbone suddenly appeared.

A certain person's eyes darkened a little bit, and his Adam's apple rolled several times involuntarily.

He stopped his movements, tilted his head and took several deep breaths, before he severely curbed that evil thought.

what happened to him?
Why did he have the urge to want her at every turn?

The hot water in the tub was already full, so He Jingyao put on his clothes and hugged her to soak in together...

Half an hour later, Dr. Ron rushed over.

I saw that the person on the big bed was wrapped up with only one head left, and his long hair was spread like a waterfall on a piece of snow-white.

The expression was stunned.

It is rumored that Mr. He is not close to women. He has only disclosed one girlfriend so far, but there is... a woman in the room?

What kind of breaking news is this?
Ron came closer and put his hand on Shen Zhiyi's forehead. When he was about to lift the quilt, he was held down by a big hand in time.

He Jingyao reminded with a displeased face, "Take the forehead temperature!"

Shen Zhiyi is naked now, except for him, no man can look at it, not even his back.

"The forehead thermometer is not as accurate as the mercury thermometer!" Dr. Ron explained professionally.

He Jingyao didn't care about these things, "Just use the forehead thermometer!"

alright!He is the master, he has the final say!Ron did.

At this time, Shen Zhi turned his head inadvertently, and Ron saw her face, his expression cracked in shock.

This... Isn't this Ms. Shen who is in charge of giving Mr. He his legs?

No wonder I was so upright and confident before, it turns out I have nothing to fear!

what!He was openly provoking before, and he was destroying himself!

Thinking of this, Ron wiped off the cold with lingering fear.

The medicine was prescribed, the injection was given, and Ron left.

He Jingyao fed medicine to Shen Zhiyi. The little woman was even more difficult to deal with when she was unconscious than when she was awake, and she didn't open her mouth for life or death.

"Shen Zhiyi, don't rely on me, you forced this..."


The sun was dazzling, Shen Zhiyi's eyelids moved and slowly opened.

"Madam, you finally woke up!" Mrs. Wang exclaimed, seeing that she wanted to sit up, she hurried to help her up.

Shen Zhiyi supported her heavy head, her voice was weak, "Have I slept for a long time?"

"No, one day and one night, it frightened us. This time, it's thanks to Mr., it's him..."

"Sister-in-law Wang!" A voice interrupted Mrs. Wang's words at the right time.

Mrs. Wang stood up and saluted He Jingyao who came in, "Sir!"

Ah Shen has already informed the whole villa that they are not allowed to tell his wife the fact that Mr. He has a good leg.

As for the reason, others may not know, but Mrs. Wang, who has been there, can see it clearly.

I didn't realize that the normally pure and ascetic gentleman actually had such a fun side.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang hurriedly left a space for the two of them.

"I'm going to prepare lunch right now, sir, please supervise your wife to drink ginger soup!"

As soon as the door was closed, the air suddenly froze.

Shen Zhi crawled through his messy hair uncomfortably, and was the first to say, "Did you rescue me?"

"you guess?"

"I guess not! It's Ah Shen, right?"

He Jingyao: "..." Ah Shen, explain it clearly to me.

Shen Zhiyi did not need to explain it to Shen, "Mr. He, your legs are not in good shape, and you have problems with your own actions. How can you save me? No, I have to treat Ah Shen to dinner some other day." What, express my deep gratitude!"

He Jingyao's brows were furrowed, and he felt powerless as if he was lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

Shen Zhiyi was still chattering, when He Jingyao suddenly dumped a photo.

"Won't you explain it?"

Shen Zhiyi pinched and looked at it, and suddenly smiled, "The angle is good, Lin Yu is so handsome!"

"This kid looks quite white!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded in approval, as if someone had praised his child's superiority, "No, he has been white since he was a child, even whiter than me!"

"Character looks good!"

"That's right! He's notoriously gentle and reserved, okay? When he was in college, he was in love with many girls..." The smile on Shen Zhiyi's face disappeared, and he raised his head suddenly, "He Jingyao, you are telling me something ?”

He Jingyao: "You let my pigeons go because of this kid?"

"I..." Only then did Shen Zhiyi realize He Jingyao's anger.

I thought it was just talk, could it be that he was really waiting for her for lunch?

Shen Zhiyi licked his lips guiltyly, "Lin Yu is my good friend, I'll have dinner with him and talk about something! Wait... He Jingyao, are you jealous?"

He Jingyao snorted, "What is vinegar?"

Shen Zhiyi was at a loss for words, so noble, why didn't he become a fairy?I don't believe you don't chase women in this life!
The man tapped the armrest with his fingers and brought her back to her thoughts, "Instead of daydreaming, why don't you think about who you have offended, and don't wait to be tricked by someone next time, you won't even have time to cry!"

Shen Zhiyi bared her teeth at the back of the man leaving, bastard, can you speak?
Xiaobao and Dashu slipped in to see her.

After Shen Zhiyi communicated with Dashu, he found that his words became more and more clear.

Xiaobao is like a little teacher, with a stern face, correcting this and reminding that.

Dashu is not at all timid and introverted as before, but acts coquettishly and cutely towards Xiaobao.

That little expression really made Shen Zhiyi laugh.

A phone breaks in, breaking the warmth of the moment.

As soon as the connection was made, Xiaomei's irritable voice came, "It's not good, sister Zhiyi, our hotel lobby was smashed!"

Shen Zhiyi's mind buzzed.

When I went out, I bumped into A Shen, "A Shen, please take me somewhere!"


"Sister Zhiyi, you are here!" When Xiaomei saw Shen Zhiyi, it was like seeing a savior, and she almost cried out of excitement.

"Where's Shen Yichun?"

Xiaomei faltered, "The deputy manager...she is arguing with those people!"

Shen Zhiyi laughed, this is indeed Shen Yichun's style.

She listened to the whole process on the way here, and at this moment she had a plan in mind, "Notify the security to close the hotel door and suspend business. Without my permission, no one is allowed to come in now. In addition, guests who have already stayed Apologies for the three 24-hour room coupons!"

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

After arranging everything, Shen Zhiyi stepped on her high heels and walked towards the troublemaker in an orderly manner.

"Hello everyone, if you have anything to tell me, I am the manager here!"

The man who was fighting with Shen Yichun saw the manager coming, turned his target, and grabbed Shen Zhiyi's collar, "You still have the face? My wife got food poisoning because she ate the breakfast at your hotel. I don't know what to do today." Give us an explanation, and we will continue to smash, and no one can get better!"

The man was wearing old Chinese fir, with big floral pants underneath, and a pair of flip flops on his feet. His mouth was filled with the smell of bad water, which made Shen Zhiyi dizzy.

Shen Zhiyi endured the nausea and glanced at him, the surroundings were already in a mess, his wife was lying on the stretcher on the ground, clutching her stomach and yelling.

"It's hard to say if you want compensation? Put your hands away!"

The man's eyes lit up when he heard the joke, and he compared the amount with his hands, "Lost wages, medical expenses, and mental damage expenses. No matter what, it will cost 20 yuan, not a penny less!"

(End of this chapter)

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