Just at the door of the fellow's house, several bodyguards were standing tall, as if they had been waiting for Shen Zhiyi to appear for a long time.

They all bowed to Shen Zhiyi, "Madam, we are following the instructions of Mr., please... oh ma'am..."

Shen Zhiyi pulled Xiao Bao around and ran away.

The bodyguard chased after him half a beat, shouting while chasing, "Madam, please wait a moment!"

Wait?Waiting to die?Shen Zhiyi is not stupid, not only does not wait, but runs faster.

But this group of bodyguards is like dog skin plaster, and they can't be shaken off.

Shen Zhiyi was not familiar with the road conditions here, and finally, she and Xiaobao were forced to a dead end.

How is it so unlucky?

She didn't dare to imagine the scene of herself and Xiaobao being dumped in the wilderness. In the end, there was not even a body collector, not even a tombstone.

In desperation, she picked up a shard of glass from the ground and pressed it against the main artery in her neck, "You are not allowed to come over, if you take another step forward, I will tie it down!"

After speaking, Shen Zhiyi felt that she was very stupid. They were going to kill people to silence them. Wouldn't she save them time and effort by doing it herself?

However, these bodyguards immediately became nervous, "Don't be impulsive, ma'am, you put the things down first, we have something to talk about!"

"Stop fooling me, let us go today, or let you take my body away, then it will be difficult for you to clean up!"

Several bodyguards were frightened by Shen Zhiyi's broken attitude, they got together to discuss it, and then made a call. Although Shen Zhiyi couldn't hear clearly, she knew that the call must be for He Jingyao.

After circling on both sides for a while, a silver Bentley stopped at the entrance of the alley, and a slender and arrogant man got down from the back seat.

The man was wearing white clothes and black trousers, and he, who had always paid great attention to his appearance, allowed many folds to appear on the shirt and trousers, and the hem on one side of the shirt ran out from the belt.

I don't know if he didn't sleep well, but his face looked a little tired, and his chin was covered with green stubble.

Even so, it did not affect his flourishing beauty in the slightest, on the contrary he looked rough and unruly sexy.

The man walked towards Shen Zhiyi step by step, every step seemed to be stepping on her heart, the pressure was extremely strong.

In the end, he stopped three steps away from Shen Zhiyi. Shen Zhiyi clutched the shards of glass tightly, staring at him with sharp eyes.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, and the atmosphere gradually became solemn.

When He Jingyao still wanted to take a step forward, Shen Zhiyi issued a warning, "Stop, don't come over!"

He Jingyao paused, his eyes were straight, and his face was expressionless, "Mrs. He, you made a fuss, ran away, and disturbed so many people, should you go home now?"

Shen Zhiyi seemed to have heard something ridiculous, and snorted, "Home? Are you kidding me, that's He Jingyao's home, not mine. You never regarded me as your family from the beginning to the end, and now you keep asking me to come back Man, don't you think it's hypocritical to say this? He Jingyao, I've seen through your plot, and the show is over, so what's the point of you acting like this alone?"

He Jingyao lowered his eyebrows, and the cold air on his body was thicker than before, "Even if the show is over, your identity is still Mrs. He. Before we divorced, the He mansion was your home. You can't go anywhere. Come, come back with me! "

"Don't touch me!" Just as He Jingyao was about to stretch out his hand, Shen Zhiyi yelled in a strong reaction, and when he exerted force with his hand, the glass shards pressed a blood mark on his neck.

He Jingyao's cheeks moved, as if he was suppressing some emotion, "Shen Zhiyi, what exactly do you want?"

"Hehe, how am I? I want to ask you, He Jingyao, I really misunderstood you. If the business fails, there is still righteousness. What are you doing? If you can't make it as a husband and wife, you want to kill me. Why, I'm afraid Shall I reveal the many things that you and Fang Yao returned to behind my back?"

He Jingyao frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"Forget it, I know you won't admit it!" Shen Zhiyi knew that no matter what this time, it was impossible for her to escape from He Jingyao's nose.

It can only be outsmarted, not forced.

"Get me a car and some cash!"

He Jingyao let out a chuckle, as if watching an ant struggling needlessly, "Do you think you can escape like this?"

"How will you know if you don't try!"

Xiaobao quietly tugged on Shen Zhiyi's clothes, and tiptoed to remind in a low voice, "Shen Zhiyi, why don't we admit it, there are so many of them, we can't escape, there are green hills left, we are not afraid of running out of firewood burn!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

She doesn't know if there will be any firewood in the future, but this time, He Jingyao must either divorce her, or not be allowed to lock her up, if neither can be done, then she must escape, the farther the better.

He Jingyao agreed, and immediately prepared a car for Shen Zhiyi, and a sum of 50 in cash.

Shen Zhiyi kicked the gas pedal and drove Xiaobao out of their sight.

He Jingyao opened the rear door and ordered, "Catch up!"

The bodyguards took orders, "Yes!"

Just like that, wherever Shen Zhiyi drove, He Jingyao's car followed, like a tail, inseparable.

They didn't stop or force them, they just followed so slowly, their teasing attitude made Shen Zhiyi collapse.


With one foot on the brake, Shen Zhiyi stopped the car on the side of the road.

"What's the matter, Shen Zhiyi?" Xiaobao looked confused.

Shen Zhiyi closed his eyes, and said, "I think you are right, if you keep the green hills, don't be afraid that there will be no firewood, maybe in a few days, I will be a good man again!"

One big and one small got out of the car one after the other.

He Jingyao also got out of the car behind.

Shen Zhiyi glared at his eyes and spit fire, "He Jingyao, what exactly do you want?"

He Jingyao tilted his head, held the flame with one hand and lit the cigarette, took a puff, and then slowly said, "I've said it all, I'll take you home!"

"What if I say no?"

"Then you can't be the master!"

He Jingyao said these words casually, but between the lines there was his usual determination and determination.

The eyes of the two met, one was burning with anger, and the other was leisurely and lazy.

Shen Zhiyi refused to compromise, and He Jingyao would not give in, so the two of them were deadlocked.

Suddenly, He Jingyao let go, "Well, don't you want to get a divorce? It's not impossible, but I have a condition. When grandma's [-]th birthday is over, I will tell her about it in person. How old is grandma? It's not like you don't know that you like you, and you don't want grandma's birthday to be unhappy, do you?"

Although this condition was a bit far-fetched, Shen Zhiyi couldn't refuse it.

She and Xiaobao looked at each other, and the latter nodded.

Shen Zhiyi took a deep breath, and finally compromised, "Okay, it's a deal, and I ask Mr. He to keep his promise when the time comes!"

Just like that, Shen Zhiyi took Xiaobao back to He Mansion.

She felt a little ashamed, how chic and handsome she was when she left, and how miserable and useless she was when she came back.

It was as if He Jingyao had tied a long rope around her ankle, allowing her to fly freely in the sky. When she flew far away and was about to disappear, he retracted the rope little by little, trapping her again in his own around.

Well done, He Jingyao!
In the evening, after finishing his work, the man went upstairs to his bedroom, and when he opened the door, he found that it was locked inside.

Damn it, this little woman is on guard against him. Do you really think he can't do anything like this?

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