Shen Yichun didn't have any thoughts about this meeting, her whole heart flew to the next table.

He Qingyan made an appointment with a friend today, even though he was sitting, he still looked upright and straight, with the same long neck as He Jingyao, and a sexy Adam's apple, sitting there quietly, without saying a word, with a stern demeanor, as if One frame premium poster.

She really wants to strike up a conversation and wants a contact information, what should I do?
Shen Yichun lost his mind a few times, but Liu Xiang reminded him by kicking under the table.

At this moment, a group of people rushed in from outside...

Shen's villa.

In the huge house, only Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao lived.

Although it was empty, they were very satisfied. After all, the Shen family was their home. With a home, they would have a harbor and a sense of security.

The dinner for the two of them was very simple. Shen Zhiyi prepared eight-treasure porridge and pan-fried buns, which were completely prepared according to the online teaching. It was an unexpected success and was well received by Xiaobao.

After eating, the two watched TV together rarely in harmony, and Shen Zhiyi kept looking at the phone.

All day, there was really no movement.

He Qingyan is probably the most stingy man she has ever met. If she hadn't heard him speak before, she would have thought he was dumb.

"Miss Shen, if you're sleepy, go to sleep, I'm fine!"

"The young master is seriously injured. Miss Shen, please stay and observe for a while. Don't worry, I have arranged for someone to come over to Ling Qianjin. Someone will cook and someone will play with you!"

She always felt that there were two eyes staring at her, subconsciously raised her head, He Qingyan was still concentrating on reading.

"Shen Zhiyi, are you here to catch us again? Let's run away?" Xiaobao has already had a conditioned reflex.

Shen Zhiyi stepped forward and carefully removed the gauze on He Qingyan's arm to observe the situation.

Shen Zhiyi put down his vigilance, and said with a smile, "Human life is at stake, you should send him to the hospital. I only know superficially in medical skills. If the treatment of your young master is delayed, I will not escape!"

Shen Zhiyi looked at the other party seriously, and suddenly said, "Oh, you are by Mr. Y's side..."

Shen Zhiyi is simply hehe, this is not a pleading attitude, it is clearly to drive ducks to the shelves, if you don't keep it, you have to keep it.

Strange, is it her illusion?
Maybe Shen Zhiyi didn't know, but He Qingyan's attention was on her throughout the night.

The other party saluted politely, "Miss Shen, have you forgotten? Our young master just met you yesterday!"

She picked up a vase and walked out of the main house.

The way she frowns because she scalds her mouth when drinking water, the way she beams with joy after clearing the game, and the cute way she yawns with her mouth open when she dozes off, all of them are branded in He Qingyan's heart.

This is obviously the result she wants, but why can't she be happy?Instead, there is a sense of loss in my heart, as if some kind of hope has been shattered.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." After bringing this matter up, what else can she say?
Arriving at He Qingyan's apartment, the assistant pushed open the bedroom door, "Master, I invited Miss Shen over!"

"Exactly, it's like this. Our young master has a high fever after the wound is infected. I heard that you know medical skills, and our husband trusts you very much. Can you go over and show our young master?"


Shen Zhiyi thought of the words he said again, "I'm so lonely..."

And He Qingyan's performance also exceeded Shen Zhiyi's expectations, as if he was being tickled, with a calm face the whole time, Shen Zhiyi was too embarrassed to do anything.

It seems that He Jingyao did what he said this time and really stopped pestering her.

The electronic doorbell rang.

Shen Zhiyi squeezed the flesh on her face, "We are not fugitives, why are we arrested? You stay here and don't move, I'll go and see!"

Come out to mess around, there is always time to pay back!
In fact, just this morning, when He Qingyan was waiting for an important friend in the restaurant, he was besieged by a group of people who broke in suddenly.

He touched his forehead again, it was hot.

"No, I believe Ms. Shen can do it. Besides, our young master risked his life to save Ling Qianjin. Ms. Shen will not forget this favor so quickly, right?"

The assistant stopped her, "I'm sorry Miss Shen, you can't leave now!"

There is no other reason. He has several private docks in Yangcheng. Because of personal grievances, he refused to ship goods from other companies, which led to this armed dispute.

At some point, Shen Zhiyi seemed to have seen this scene, who is it?
I remembered, it was He Jingyao!
It was the same way when he was injured and had a high fever.

The mother and son looked at each other warily.

Because of what happened last time, they were particularly sensitive to evening visitors.

Shen Zhiyi yawned again, "Okay, then I won't be reserved, tomorrow..."

After a series of arrangements, Shen Zhiyi washed her hands and was ready to leave.

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, which was more or less the same, "Oh, that's right!"

He had never talked about a girlfriend, nor had he approached a woman much, but he felt that the woman in front of him seemed a little different.

Shen Zhi respected him as a man!
After the bandage was over, Shen Zhiyi was sweating nervously.

Based on her experience, she concluded that it was a knife wound. The wound was deep, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as bruised and bruised. The edge of the wound was red and swollen, and it was already infected.

This process was the same as the treatment of He Jingyao's wound last time, no anesthesia was used, and he did it abruptly.

He Qingyan was half leaning on the head of the bed, his injured arm was exposed, and it was sloppily wrapped in gauze, but it was still soaked in blood. The bright red color formed a strong visual contrast with his pale face due to excessive blood loss. shock.

"Is there a medicine box?" She asked He Qingyan's subordinates.

But in the end it was He Qingyan who saved Xiaobao, Shen Zhiyi couldn't justify this feeling.

At that time, he brought one of his subordinates. If he hadn't called the police as expected, and the police arrived in time, his injury would not be as simple as an arm.

The latter can be infected by the coldness brought by He Qingyan's light-colored pupils every time.

When the door opened, Shen Zhiyi poked out only half of his head, "Who are you looking for?"

Shen Zhiyi put on a mask and disposable medical gloves, and began to clean the wound for He Qingyan.

Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, so she should be doing good deeds. Thinking of this, she stayed at ease.

Shen Zhixin said, did you invite me here?You are clearly coercing me to come here!
He Qingyan seemed a little surprised, but he didn't say anything. When he looked at Shen Zhiyi, Shen Zhiyi happened to look over too.

Shen Zhiyi didn't ask where the wound came from, but she concluded from her feeling that in He Qingyan's capacity, this should be normal.

The men immediately brought the medicine box to her.

In the bedroom, Shen Zhiyi was afraid that the atmosphere would be too embarrassing, so he buried his head and swiped his phone, playing games such as Xiaoxiaole, Tetris, Doudizhu, etc. to pass the time.

"Take anti-inflammatory drugs orally according to the instructions. During this period, the wound should not touch water, and the diet should be light, and avoid smoking and alcohol!"

"Tomorrow, I'll send you back home!"

After taking two steps, she suddenly turned around again, "Tell your assistant, please pay attention to the way people handle things in the future, don't always be as stern as you, making it seem like I owe him money and haven't paid it back!"

He Qingyan stroked his face, "Am I serious?"

Shen Zhi nodded seriously, "You must look prettier when you smile!"

When they left, He Qingyan raised his phone and grinned stiffly at the screen.

Does it look good?
I don't know if he saw his unnatural face, or thought of what Shen Zhiyi said just now, He Qingyan burst out laughing.

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