Song Jiaojiao raised her head and saw that it was Shen Zhiyi who came, so she told her what happened just now like a cannonball, "These two bumped into each other without telling me, and they wanted to blackmail me, Zhizhi, I remember you told me , if someone respects you a foot, you have to give him back a foot, and you can't be ridden on your neck to pee!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." When did I say these words, why can't I remember?
Maybe it was because there were so many spectators around, and the young girl was upset that she lost face, she took out her mobile phone with a strange yell, "You wait for me, no one can leave today!"

"Yes, you are dead this time!" The girl beside him echoed.

Shen Zhiyi dragged over two chairs and sat down with Song Jiaojiao, "Okay, we'll wait!"

"Hey, honey, someone is troubling me, come quickly!" After the phone call, the girl raised her lips triumphantly at Song Jiaojiao, as if to say, a good show is coming soon!

After a while, the young girl's accomplice really came.

The girl transformed into Lin Daiyu in seconds, crying and throwing herself into the arms of her accomplice, "Honey, I was bullied, you have to uphold justice for her!"

Unexpectedly, she was ruthlessly disgusted by her accomplice, the man turned sideways to hide, the girl was thrown into the air, and almost stumbled.

At this time, Shen Zhiyi and Song Jiaojiao had involuntarily stood up from their chairs.

When Fang Huaizhou's eyes fell on them, he was also taken aback.

Song Jiaojiao's tone was very aggressive, "No need, go back and coax your darling, if we break up because of this, wouldn't we be sinners?"

"Really? Then you will reimburse me?"

"Leave us alone, you are me, I am me, I invite you to dinner today to save face for Uncle Zhou, not for you, do you understand?"

Sending the homeless people back, Shen Zhiyi drove the big G back home at the speed of a tortoise.

Song Jiaojiao patted the dust off her body, "Don't worry, I'm so brave, if she dares to touch me, I'll beat her ten times!"

"She won't scold you, let alone bump into you without apologizing!"

The girl Xixi bit her lip tightly, tears rolled in her eyes, she endured the humiliation and injury, "I know, but this woman..."

I don't know who was so rude and parked the car in front of her house, just blocking half of the road.

"Okay, okay, it's finally resolved, sister Jiao, how are you doing?" the male publicist asked concerned.

Song Jiaojiao immediately shrank back and cried poorly, "I'm a jobless vagrant now. If I want money, I will die!"

As soon as the person left, Shen Zhiyi pursed his lips and complained, "Listen, how expensive are these eight words? How long do I have to work hard with my butt pouted to make so much money?"

Several female customers who were waiting for a taxi by the side of the road couldn't help screaming nympho, and it was no surprise that they were obsessed with Fang Huaizhou's appearance.

This picture fell into Fang Huaizhou's eyes, which made him extremely unhappy, especially when he saw one of the male publicists put his arm on Song Jiaojiao's shoulder, and his behavior was a bit intimate, he wished he could rush up and throw the male publicist out far away.

No matter how beautiful she is, standing next to these two little fresh meats, she has a sense of sight as if she is a rich woman supporting a pretty face.

There is one thing to say, this guy has a very good-looking skin, he is even more amazing than He Jingyao's appearance, and there is an unrivaled beauty in every gesture.

If he hadn't been playful and dissolute, Song Jiaojiao might have thought about it.

ah?Also confused were Song Jiaojiao and Shen Zhiyi.

"Wait a minute!" Fang Huaizhou followed.

The girl Lin Daiyu, who was completely unaware, hugged Fang Huaizhou affectionately, and pointed at Song Jiaojiao bitterly, "It's her, who broke the heel of my shoe, and even scolded me without even saying an apology!"

The next second, she coughed lightly, pretending to be old-fashioned, "Second Young Master Fang, thank you for saving us from the siege just now, and treat you to dinner another day. If there is nothing else, then we will leave!"

Lin Daiyu's girl's friend shook his arm, "Master Fang, Xixi is crying, go and coax him!"

Shen Zhiyi said goodbye to Fang Huaizhou, and walked out of the restaurant with Song Jiaojiao and two handsome guys.

"You tell me clearly, who scolded you? How did you know that you heard it?"

But what she didn't expect was that she was still photographed after trying to hide.

Shen Zhiyi looked back at him, "Second Young Master Fang, is there anything else?"

In contrast to Song Jiaojiao who didn't blush, Shen Zhiyi subconsciously pulled his collar to cover his face, as much as he could.

Song Jiaojiao is even ready to have a falling out with Fang Huaizhou, and even prepare for a big fight. Who knows that the plot will be reversed.

"and many more!"

I saw Fang Huaizhou pull out his arm expressionlessly, without even looking at the girl named Xixi, "Xixi, how many times have I told you, don't call me casually, do you take me for nothing?"

"Ah?" The girl Xixi was confused.

Fang Huaizhou laughed, "What does this have to do with me?"

Shen Zhiyi looked at her, then at Fang Huaizhou, and quietly raised the corners of her lips knowingly.

At this time, the friend who was born with a girl cooperated, "I, I heard, she is just swearing, and her attitude is extremely arrogant, Young Master Fang, Xixi has suffered such a big grievance, you have to take it out on her behalf!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Thank you sister!"

If it wasn't for Shen Zhiyi's pull, she really doubted that Song Jiaojiao would rush up and beat that girl up.

Fang Huaizhou glanced at Song Jiaojiao, and opened his mouth, "It's okay!"

The face of the girl named Xixi turned crimson purple, as if swallowing a dozen flies, "Fang, Master Fang, but we..."

Outside the restaurant, Shen Zhiyi and Song Jiaojiao appeared at the gate with two handsome guys.

"Explain to me what? We have nothing to do with each other!" Song Jiaojiao looked away, her expression nonchalant.

The handsome guys were beaming with joy.

The two male PRs were amused by her carefree look.

"My sister is the most beautiful!"

Song Jiaojiao hung an arm on her shoulder, "Don't you feel younger again after being called sister by a handsome younger brother? Money can't buy me happiness, it's worth the money!"

When the car gradually darkened, he became emotional and kicked the trash can next to him irritably, making passers-by startled.

"I've explained it just now. I have nothing to do with her. I can't refuse the elder's entrustment!"

The two sides, the three of them, looked at each other for several seconds.

Shen Zhiyi sent the two handsome guys back to the club first, but Song Jiaojiao couldn't help but winked at her all the time, so she gave the two handsome guys tips.

"Where are you going? Shall I drive you?" Fang Huaizhou shook the car keys in his hand.

Shen Zhiyi stopped the car and got out.

The other party also got out of the car.

Probably because he was too tall, even if Shen Zhiyi didn't see his face clearly, he recognized him immediately.

"It's you?"

He Qingyan stood there, blocking all the light, let alone seeing his expression at the moment, but needless to think, Shen Zhiyi also knew that his face was expressionless.

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