Xiaomei blinked, and said falteringly, "That's right, Miss Song told me, and said that I'm fine to comfort you!"

Shen Zhiyi yelled inwardly, Song Jiaojiao, you bastard!
This cooperation negotiation ended in failure again.

I don't know if I ran into He Jingyao today and was stimulated by his indifferent eyes, or because I was irritated by the veto from the person in charge of Cathay Pacific. In short, Shen Zhiyi was depressed today and stayed in the office and didn't come out much.

She wanted to bury her head in her work, tried a few times, but the image of He Jingyao always appeared in her mind from time to time.

The indifference and alienation in his eyes, like a raging tide, overwhelmed her in an instant.

At this time Song Jiaojiao called and brought her back to reality.

"Zhizhi, I'm going to a dinner party tonight, and I'll send you my address. If I'm not discharged from the hospital in two hours, you remember to take it to save me, but you must come!"

Shen Zhiyi was confused, "What are you talking about? What can happen after a meal?"

"Oh, I can't explain a sentence or two to you, so I won't say it. I'll explain it to you later!"

"Song Jiaojiao, hello? Hello..." Before Shen Zhiyi finished speaking, Song Jiaojiao pinched her.

Song Jiaojiao broke free from him and ran to Boss Wang, "Let's go, Boss Wang, I still know a good restaurant, I'm sorry!"

"Fang Huaizhou, let me go, who are you, why do you want me to go with you, let go!"

Fang Huaizhou rolled up his sleeves and wanted to fight, Song Jiaojiao hurriedly stopped him, "Fang Huaizhou, are you crazy? I have a meal with the guests, and I have something to do with you? If you want to fight somewhere else, I beg you, okay?"

Song Jiaojiao endured her nausea and anger, and said with a smile, "Boss Wang, don't be like this, it's not good for others to see, I heard that the food here is good, you should eat more!"

Boss Wang crawled out of the trash can slowly, carrying a whole body of trash, endured the stench and yelled at Fang Huaizhou, "You have the guts, you have the ability..."

Song Jiaojiao panicked now, the weight of nearly 200 catties was on her body, and even if she wanted to resist, she would not be able to resist.

"Who asked you to save me? What have I done and I need you to save me? As long as it doesn't ruin my good deeds, you go, go quickly, don't let me see you again!"

Boss Wang staggered a few steps forward with his arms flapping like a duck jumping into the water, and fell headlong into the trash can.

Song Jiaojiao said heartily, she didn't know if the sympathy was overflowing or not, but she definitely had the desire to take advantage.

However, she was wrong, and the LSP kicked his nose to his face and started to use both hands.

Boss Wang, who is fat, knocked over a table of dishes, and finally fell to the ground.

"Song Jiaojiao, I think you are the one who is crazy, come with me!" Fang Huai twisted her wrist and pulled it away.

"Your grandpa is so capable!" Fang Huaizhou pretended to kick, and Boss Wang ran away in fright.

Song Jiaojiao's evening meal was booked at a Japanese restaurant.

Song Jiaojiao thought to herself, it's nothing but the waist, and besides, it's still covered by the material, so just bear with it.

But who knew that the other party was getting more and more over the top, and even wanted to climb up from under her skirt several times, but was held down by Song Jiaojiao.

Song Jiaojiao immediately felt saved.

"It's not as delicious as yours, Miss Song, what kind of perfume are you wearing? It smells just what I like. Come, let me smell it closer!"

Song Jiaojiao, who came back to her senses, groaned and pushed the door down, turned around and kicked the car door fiercely, "You ruined my career, this kick is considered light, let me tell you Fang Huaizhou, from now on, I, Song Jiaojiao and you are inseparable!"

By the way, I gave him a business card.

The sliding door was kicked open from the outside. Immediately afterwards, a man barged in coldly. Without saying a word, he grabbed Boss Wang by the neckline and threw him out.

Before he could finish his sentence, Fang Huaizhou grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up, "My young master will not change his name or surname while sitting down. Fang Huaizhou is waiting for you at any time!"

Without saying a word, Fang Huaizhou grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her into the car.

No matter, life and death are tonight, she must give it a go.

As Boss Wang said, his stinky mouth full of stubble pushed up against Song Jiaojiao's chest.

Sister Ella specifically told her to dress up beautifully, saying that when a man faces a beautiful woman, he can't bear to refuse when his sympathy overflows.

The stinking garbage was poured out on the ground.

"Okay, okay, drink as much as you say!"

The car kept speeding and overtaking on the wide road, Song Jiaojiao was so frightened that she screamed all the way.

Just at this moment, her mobile phone on the table vibrated, and the caller ID showed two large characters of "Zhizhi".

"Hmph, what's the matter? But seeing how sincere you are, Ms. Song, I don't care about this kid, but we can agree that you will have a drink with me later!"

Boss Wang came back to his senses and pointed at Fang Huaizhou, "You...what are you, how dare you..."

Fang Huaizhou poked his own chest with an expression of disbelief, "Song Jiaojiao, did you make a mistake? I saved you, but you actually drove me away?"

Song Jiaojiao could bear it at first, joking while trying to push Boss Wang's big face away, thinking that as long as she gave him some sweets, maybe the order could be settled.

The result was unexpected to her, the man was not the most wretched, only more wretched. During the whole meal, his hands were not honest, walking back and forth on Song Jiaojiao's waist.

"Fang Huaizhou, whoever let you in, let me out, it's none of your business!" Song Jiaojiao angrily pushed Fang Huaizhou out.

For a moment, red and green, hot and cold, sprinkled all over his body, looking funny and embarrassed.

After Song Jiaojiao finished speaking, she turned her face to care about Boss Wang, "Boss Wang, are you okay? I'm sorry, I have nothing to do with this lunatic, why don't we eat at another restaurant?"

The car stopped and her voice became hoarse.

"Hey, Boss Wang, Boss Wang, listen to me..." Song Jiaojiao wanted to cry, but she didn't have any tears. Such a good chance to turn around, just disappeared, what a crime!
Turning around, he slapped Fang Huaizhou fiercely, "Are you satisfied now, Young Master Fang? Is it so exciting to do bad things to others? Have you ever considered my feelings? I'm afraid I owe you in my previous life, right?"

I don't know which point aroused Fang Huaizhou, and suddenly a nameless anger rushed to his head, and he kicked Boss Wang's buttocks from behind.

Fang Huaizhou came around, pinched the back of Song Jiaojiao's neck, and made her face the car window.

"Crazy, what are you doing?"

"Let you see how flattering you are!"

Song Jiaojiao's body froze and her expression changed. She struggled to break away from Fang Huaizhou, "You're right, I'm flattery, and there's no limit to flattery. I don't know if I can coax Boss Wang into signing the contract, but what I know is , if I turn around and walk away, I will never have a bright future in the company!"

"Is fame that important to you?"

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