Chapter 239 If I Want To Pursue Her

He Jingyao sneered, "Really? Let's talk about something, I don't necessarily have much time, and I don't think I have anything in common with you!"

As he spoke, he poured out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it with one hand around the flame.

He Qingyan watched his blue-white smoke rise slowly, and within a few seconds, a sea of ​​clouds formed between them, like an insurmountable barrier.

"Let's talk about Miss Shen!" He said in a sharp tone.

He Jingyao paused, and glanced at him, eyes full of oppression, "What relationship do you have with her? What qualifications do you have to talk to me?"


"Oh! My friend... Do you think I will believe it?" He Jingyao flicked the cigarette ash with a sneer.

"I just want to explain this to you. If you are divorced because of this, then let me tell you, you don't have to!"

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows, "It's not your turn to comment on the matter between me and her!"

Ah Shen just remembered that since he met Shen Zhiyi in Cathay Pacific that day, his husband has been asking him to check the cooperation between Marriott and Cathay Pacific, "Marriott wants to sign a cooperation with Cathay Pacific, you know, although Cathay Pacific has not been established for a few years, But the development momentum is very strong. It can be said that it is a piece of fat in the industry. Ma'am... Ms. Shen took people there twice, and they were left on the bench. Also, with the current scale and strength of Marriott, Cathay Pacific naturally looks down on it. !"

Ah Shen stood aside, hesitating to speak.

Shen Zhiyi had already thought about it, if she couldn't wait for anyone before twelve o'clock, she would call the police.

He Jingyao's eyes flickered for an instant, and in the next second, he leaned back against the car door, and lit another cigarette, "Shen Zhiyi is my ex-wife, we just got divorced, and you hooked up, which made others What do you think of me? As I said, you like to pick up things that others don't want, so go ahead and pick them up, now, Shen Zhiyi, I don't want them anymore, you can do whatever you want!"

He Jingyao raised his gaze from his palm, and saw Ah Shen was slightly taken aback, "Why are you still here?"

It's no wonder that Shen Zhiyi couldn't recognize her. Song Jiaojiao's eyeliner was almost dizzy to her chin, her lipstick was also stained, and tears ran down her cheeks, forming obvious traces, and she couldn't bear to look directly at her whole face.

He Jingyao put out the cigarette, put his hands in his pockets and took a step forward, face to face, eye to eye, "You are not pursuing her, but harming her, understand?"

"I... You asked me to find out what you asked me to check. The second master did have a private transaction with Cheng Ye. After the last press conference, the second master sent nearly two hundred cargo ships to Cheng Ye in one go. The relationship between us and Cheng Ye There is an old enmity between them, I guess, if these two people are together, they will take action against the He Group!"

There was nothing fluttering on He Jingyao's face, he leaned back, his manicured fingertips tapped lightly on the armrest of the swivel chair, "Second Uncle just wanted to use Cheng Ye's power to hit me, he was suppressed for so many years, finally Showing ambition, the old man is old, so naturally he doesn't care about this matter, don't tell him yet!"

He Jingyao got up and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with his slender arms stretched out to support his neck. Standing here, it was like standing on top of the world, overlooking the whole city of Hangzhou.

He Jingyao grabbed his collar, "No? He Qingyan, don't think that I don't know what your purpose is. You like to snatch things from me since you were a child. I warn you, stay away from Shen Zhiyi!"

Shen Zhiyi hurriedly sent her into the apartment, and while asking what happened, she removed her makeup and washed her face. After all, facing her face, Shen Zhiyi was really a little panicked.

Song Jiaojiao was about to cry, "Zhizhi, I'm afraid I'm really going to die this time!"

Shen Zhiyi slept at Song Jiaojiao's house last night. She was worried that something would happen to Song Jiaojiao, a careless girl, so she drove to the grocery store, but she was late.

After hearing the whole process, Shen Zhiyi was also so angry that her chest hurt, and she was worried about Song Jiaojiao, so she stayed with her.


He Qingyan didn't blink his eyes, "No!"

After the words fell, the atmosphere froze.

Since you let me be free, then I will do as you wish, really free!
As soon as he entered the CEO's office, He Jingyao threw his cell phone on the table, took off his coat, pulled off his tie, and fell weightlessly on the executive chair, propping his forehead with one hand, wondering what he was thinking.

"Mr. Zhao will go to the exhibition tomorrow afternoon, and make an appointment with someone from Cathay Pacific!"

Early in the morning, before the two woke up, a magical ringing of the phone woke them up.

He Qingyan wiped his hands away, and calmly straightened the wrinkles on the clothes, "Don't you admit your feelings for Shen Zhiyi?"

Ash: "Yes!"

"Are you sure you let me do whatever you want and don't regret it?"

"What's the matter? The leader asked you for a crime?" Shen Zhiyi rubbed her eyes and asked worriedly.

"Okay, okay, I'm going now, I'm going here, you help me appease the big boss first!"

He Qingyan curled his lower lip and revealed a fact, "You probably forgot that you are already divorced!"

Besides, if my husband has fallen to this point, isn't it his own fault?

Shen Zhiyi poked her temple, "Qixi, I will still be there when the sky falls, I will accompany you!"

He Qingyan didn't give in this time, and his tone was more aggressive than his, "If I say I want to pursue her, am I qualified?"

"Sister Ella, listen to me, things are really not like that..."

She felt uneasy, she didn't answer the phone calls, she didn't reply to the text messages, and she drove all over the street looking for someone, but after finding nothing, she had to go to Song Jiaojiao's apartment and wait.

After a pause, He Jingyao asked again, "Where are Marriott and Cathay Pacific?"

"So what? So, don't try to play tricks on me, especially on her!"

The two confronted each other silently, and for a while, an undercurrent surged.

When Song Jiaojiao came back, Shen Zhiyi almost didn't recognize her, and let out a scream like a ghost.

"You continue to spread the word about the chip, I want to see how anxious Second Uncle can be!"

After this speech, Song Jiaojiao's tears seemed to have opened up, and she couldn't stop her tears.

He Jingyao paused as he left, but he bent down and got into the car without saying anything.

Song Jiaojiao was still sleepy, but when she heard the other party's voice, she sat up suddenly.


Emotional matters, it's really hard for him to intervene as an assistant.

Looking at the black Mercedes slowly leaving here, the emotions in He Qingyan's eyes became more complicated.

"No, I can handle it myself!" Song Jiaojiao took a deep breath, and suddenly her fighting spirit was high.

"Alright, then I'll wait for you outside the company. If they dare to bully you, you can call me!"

Song Jiaojiao was so moved that she hugged Shen Zhiyi, "Whoa, whoa, Zhizhi, you are the best for me!"

"Come on, stop being sensational, hurry up, remember to wipe your nose!" Shen Zhi pushed her away in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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