Shen Zhiyi broke away, raised her chin, and looked at him provocatively, "If I remember correctly, the last time Mr. He saw me, he didn't seem to say hello, that's right, we don't know each other well, so why pretend! "

He Jingyao gritted his teeth, unable to speak a word, he almost forgot Mrs. He's eloquence.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the man stared at Shen Zhiyi's eyes, "Why did Lin Yu appear here?"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and asked, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"If you don't answer well, I'll ask that kid tomorrow!"

"You..." Shen Zhiyi glared at him angrily, she almost forgot that this man's usual method is to threaten and intimidate.

"My light is broken, he came to help me fix it!" Shen Zhiyi replied reluctantly.

"Why were the lights turned off in the villa just now?"

Shen Zhiyi laughed and took the opportunity to sarcastically say, "Brother, I'm afraid you haven't repaired electrical appliances, right? Shouldn't the power be cut off before repairing?"

He Jingyao: "..."

"Little treasure, I'll tell you later, let's go to another place to live for two days!"


Simply ignore.

She looked at the people outside through the video and couldn't help frowning.

Master Cheng calmly drank the steel-soaked Biluochun, and said leisurely, "If you want me to say, the chip is on that Shen Zhiyi. Didn't your people see He Jingyao take the chip to meet her at that time?"

"I'm not going anywhere, this is my home, Shen Zhiyi, please let them let me go, uncle, give orders!"

"Shen Zhiyi, how lacking are you in men? You just divorced me and you couldn't wait to find a man. Little Xianrou couldn't satisfy you, so you started a blind date? Still want to turn around? Why didn't I find you so casual before! And , In the middle of the night, it’s okay for you to be crazy outside, but you even brought a man home, do you know what it’s called? Luring a wolf into the house, if he has bad intentions for you, I’ll see what you will do!”

He Zhenxuan was so angry that he smashed his glass, "Trash, a bunch of trash, I haven't found anything after searching for so long, what use is it for me to support you? Get out, get out!"

Shen Zhiyi was astonished, He Jingyao even knew this?
She even wondered if this guy had installed surveillance on himself.

Although she and He Qingyan were not enemies, they were not friends either. Although he had saved her and Xiaobao, he had also deceived her.

He Qingyan forcibly looked away, waved his hand, and the little girl was stuffed into the back seat, with Shen Zhiyi.

"Who are you? Let me go quickly. My father is He Jingyao. Do you know He Jingyao? He can make you breathless with one finger!"

How is he?

"That's what I said, but my nephew has already divorced her. He is just an abandoned wife who no one wants. It is impossible for A Yao to give her such an important thing!"

He Qingyan's amber eyes couldn't help but sink a bit, his gaze passed over her shoulder, and he glanced inside, "Pick up your things quickly, take Xiaobao and follow me!"

Before the apron was taken off, the phone rang again, an unknown number.

He Jingyao refused, and pressed the door with his palm to prevent her from opening, "I haven't finished talking, you can't leave!"

Okay, she'll see what he's going to do.

After being reminded by Master Cheng, He Zhenxuan seemed to be enlightened, "You are right, I will send someone to look for it immediately!"

This person hides deeply, it is better to have less contact with him.

Thinking back to He Jingyao's words just now, Shen Zhiyi let out a sigh, a bitch, the divorce still makes her feel uneasy!

Shen Zhiyi was pushed back a step by him. In the night, she watched in a daze as the man quickly got into the car, and then Juechen left.

"Whether I'm looking for a man, whether I'm looking for a little fresh meat or an uncle, whether or not I bring a man home, these are all my own business, Mr. He? Who are you? Why do you care about me?"

Sure enough, it was the He family, and their threatening tone was exactly the same.

When He Jingyao was questioned, he stared at her without speaking.

"What do you want to do?" Shen Zhiyi collapsed.

Shen Zhiyi had just made breakfast when the electronic doorbell rang suddenly.

"Mr. He is busy with business, so don't meddle in other people's business, it's easy to get old!" Shen Zhiyi walked around him after finishing speaking.

He Jingyao woke up suddenly, and laughed disdainfully, "Regret? I, He Jingyao, seem to be the kind of person who would do such a thing? It's just that you found a man just after we got divorced. If it spreads out, it won't affect me well. So, during this time, you You better restrain yourself, if the media catches you cheating on me, I won't spare you!"

"Second Master, the chip was not found!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

After a while, Xiaobao was carried out by He Qingyan's men.

Shen Zhiyi was confused, "What are you talking about? Why should I go with you?"

"Miss Shen, even if you don't open the door, as long as I want to enter, you can't stop me!"

"My father's people will come over soon. Even if you are okay, I have to take care of Xiaobao. I don't have time to explain to you. Hurry up!"

"Mr. Y... Oh no, I should also call you Young Master Qingyan now, what do you want me to do?"

"It's you, uncle, did you come to my house as a guest?" Xiaobao looked at Shen Zhiyi again with questioning eyes, "Shen Zhiyi, what's going on? Where are they taking me?"

He Qingyan tilted his head, and two subordinates jumped out from behind him, without saying a word, they squeezed in to help Shen Zhiyi pack his things.

Master Cheng shook his head, "Don't underestimate your nephew, he was able to overcome obstacles all the way to the position of He's president, there is always something special about him, maybe it's a trick to confuse you!"

The car made seven turns and eight turns, and an hour later, it stopped in front of a small single-family building with few people.

Shen Zhiyi continued to fight back, "Should I remind you that we have divorced Mr. He, and from now on, we will not violate the river water. I have no right to control how you find a woman, and you can't control how I am crazy with men, so you do this What? Regret it? Jealous?"

Shen Zhiyi coughed lightly in embarrassment, how could this girl recognize her father indiscriminately.

Outside the door, He Qingyan withdrew his steps.

The small building is brand new, with all the facilities inside. It looks like no one has ever lived in it. It takes more than ten minutes to drive from here to the main road. If you don’t find it specially, it’s hard to find that there is something special here.

"You live here temporarily. If my father can't find you, he will naturally give up. He is far more ruthless than you think!"

He Qingyan handed over the key to the small building to Shen Zhiyi, "During this period, I will send people to deliver daily necessities and food, and I will also send people here to protect you. If you need anything else, you can call me at any time. I'm not in the habit of turning off my phone!"

He speaks neither too fast nor too fast, and his tone is neither salty nor weak, as if he doesn't care about anything, but what he can do seems to care about everything.

He seems to be more difficult to figure out than He Jingyao, he is said to be enthusiastic, but he always has a face of widowhood, and he is said to be widowed, but also seems to be very enthusiastic, which is a contradiction.

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