He Zhenxuan remained calm, and continued to pretend to be crazy, "Ah Yao, what are you talking about? I can't understand a word!"

He Jingyao raised his hand and dropped the cup.

He Zhenxuan stood up abruptly, "What do you want to do?"

"Second Uncle, can you understand now?"


He Jingyao supported the edge of the desk with both hands, and leaned forward slightly, "Shen Zhiyi is just a pet to me. Even if she is kicked away by me now, it is something I, He Jingyao, have played with. You hurt her , just to provoke me, what do you think of Second Uncle?"

I don't know if it was because He Jingyao's aura was too strong, or because the windows were not closed and the cold wind was pouring in. He Zhenxuan coughed until the veins in his temples exploded, and it took him a while to recover.

"You...you don't really think that I did the things in Shen's villa, do you?"

"if not?"

"Ah Yao, you have been in business for so many years. You have offended no fewer people than my second uncle and me. It is not impossible for an enemy to seek revenge and find your ex-wife. Let's do it. deal!"

Xiaomei shook her head.

When He Qingyan wiped him and was about to leave, he heard He Jingyao ask, "Is Shen Zhiyi hidden by you now?"

The staff laughed.

He Jingyao tilted his head and told Ah Shen, "Go and check all the properties under He Qingyan's name!"

Dressed in fashion, wearing a black super, from the moment he entered the door, his face was full of disdain for this place, and he looked like two to five to eighty thousand people, as if the grade of this place was not worthy of her.

Shen Zhiyi had a standard business smile on his face, "Yes, one hotel has one system. If this lady thinks it's not suitable, she can think about it again! After all, one hundred thousand is not a decimal, right?"

"Ten...hundred thousand? Are you too dark? Linden Hotel is only charging [-], how dare you? Shen Zhiyi, I really underestimated you!" Shen Yichun's career in the entertainment industry has just started, and the salary It wasn't that high, and most of the money she got recently was used to pay off her debts. One hundred thousand was not a small sum for her.

"Now I can ask you to serve me, right?"

Forget it, this woman's temper is so strong and stubborn, it's impossible to stop her.


Unexpectedly, Shen Zhiyi suddenly grabbed one of her ankles and lifted it violently.

She wanted to watch Shen Zhiyi kneel on the ground to serve her today.

Marriott has a starlet today.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough..." He Zhenxuan was coughing and trembling with anger, pointing at He Jingyao, "You...you..."

"Second Uncle, you just dropped your things this time. If you touch Shen Zhiyi again, I can't guarantee that you won't kill your relatives next time!"

He Qingyan frowned, didn't stop him, and watched Shen Zhiyi drive away.

The two looked at each other, filled with smoke.

"Sister Zhiyi!" Xiaomei was worried, she was here to find fault, "this guest, how can you insult someone?"

He Jingyao slanted his lips into a smile, and swept the whole set of cups off the table with his arm, and instantly shattered into slag.

"Of course, it's an honor to serve you!" Shen Zhiyi responded with a nod of business.

At the gate, He Jingyao ran into He Qingyan who was rushing over.

After finishing his sentence, He Jingyan shook his head and left.

Shen Zhiyi refused to listen to He Qingyan's arrangement, and insisted on going to Marriott the next day.

Shen Zhiyi recognized her a long time ago, and didn't bother to talk to her, and continued to work without squinting.

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, "Of course, is there anything Miss Shen can do for me?"

Shen Zhiyi winked at Xiaomei, then slowly bent one knee.

He Zhenxuan was so angry that he almost fell on his back as he watched his darling shattered to the ground.

Shen Yichun scolded, "It's really Shen Zhiyi's dog, get out!"

"Ouch!" Shen Yichun couldn't stand firmly, and couldn't help but fell down and squatted.

Shen Yichun raised the toe of her shoe, and nodded with her chin, "When I came in, the high heels were stained by your carpet, you, clean it for me!"

"Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, Shen Zhiyi, you'll get it today!" Shen Yichun showed a calculated smile, endured the pain in her liver, and rushed for a VIP card.

Shen Yichun's chin was raised high, her face had been stabbed recently, her nose was straight like Gargamel's, her eyes were scary big, and those eyeballs seemed to fall out of their sockets in a second.

Shen Yichun, who was ignored, was completely irritated, and took off his sunglasses in a hurry, "What do you mean? I am a distinguished guest here. As the person in charge of the hotel, you should set an example and serve every guest warmly. I heard that your Marriott Hotel is still open. I made the list of the best hotels last year, that's all? Believe it or not, I will expose it to you tomorrow!"

He Jingyao raised his thick eyebrows, "Oh?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows indifferently, "If the other party is determined to deal with me, then it's useless for me to hide. I hide today and tomorrow, can I hide forever? Instead of this, it's better to fight hard. I'll wait at Marriott He came here, and now it is a society ruled by law, I don't believe he dares to mess around, and, I really want to know who he is? Why did I provoke him, and even took the Shen family's villa!"

"Miss Shen, in the current situation, you should put your own safety first. This time, the Shen family's villa caught fire. Aren't you afraid that the next target will be you?"

"If you hand over the chip to me, I will absolutely guarantee the safety of the people around you. Of course, if you still don't give it, this time it's the Shen family's villa that caught fire, and next time it might be life-threatening. What do you think?"

Shen Yichun was extremely proud, and was ready to take a picture of this wonderful scene with her mobile phone.

He Qingyan paused for a moment, then strode away.

Shen Yichun lost face, got up from the ground in anger, pointed at Shen Zhiyi and scolded, "Shen Zhiyi, did you do it on purpose? You are the only person in charge of a five-star hotel? Pooh! What kind of shit is the person in charge? , What nonsense five-star star, you Marriott is garbage among garbage, I'm going to the Commercial Management Bureau to complain about you!"

Shen Zhiyi stopped Xiaomei who was about to speak, and said the number, "One hundred thousand!"

Only then did Shen Zhiyi lazily give her a look, pretending to be puzzled, "Are you our distinguished guest? Why didn't I know? Is she on the VIP list?" She turned to ask Xiaomei.

"Cut! Who do you look down on? Isn't it just charging cards? I have seen a lot of unscrupulous stores like yours, and I like to trick customers into charging cards. Tell me, how much you charge can become a VIP here. I want to enjoy your service. !" Shen Yichun took out her phone while contemptuously.

Shen Zhiyi spread her arms and pretended to be innocent, "I'm wronged, why did I do it on purpose? What did I do just now?"

She turned back to the employee and asked, "Did anyone see what I just did?"

Everyone replied, "I didn't see anything!" Then they went about their business.

Shen Yichun squinted her eyes, and said with a sinister smile, "Hmph, do you think it's enough for everyone to pretend to be stupid? The camera can't be just a decoration, right?"

"Yo, coincidentally, the position you are standing in happens to be in the blind spot. Miss, you really know how to choose a position. Why don't you buy a lottery ticket today and try it out!"

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